Hemiptera Heteroptera of Guam Author Usinger, Robert L. text 1946 1946-12-20 Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Bulletin 189 Honolulu, Hawaii Insects of Guam II 11 103 book chapter http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5173934 e7ce9dca-1d2b-4aad-8471-7ea2c177da53 5173934 5. Coleotichus (Epicoleotichus) marianensis , new species . Moderately robust, predominantly fulvous with blue-green punctures. Lateral margins of head and pronotum nearly straight. Impunctate lateral margins of pronotum narrow but distinct. Connexival angles scarcely produced, almost right angles. Head one fifth broader than long, 93: 78; eyes one fourth as broad as interocular space, 15: 60; sides of juga moderately sinuate, narrowly impunctate; disk of head very sparsely, shallowly punctate in ill-defined rows, densely and more coarsely punctate just within lateral margins; tylus shallowly punctate and feebly rugose just behind the apex; apex smooth, impunctate, and feebly elevated. Proportion of antenna! segments one to five as 21: 21: 40: 46: 50. Rostrum reaching to base of third abdominal segment; third segment slightly longer than fourth, 56: 53. Pronotum strongly, evenly convex at least posteriorly, gradually and continuously sloping onto head anteriorly; less than twice as broad across humeral angles as long, 207: 126; lateral margins nearly rectilinear, the expanded impunctate area narrowing anteriorly; humeri nearly right angles, rounded at apices; disk rather evenly, shallowly punctate in sinuate, often broken lines, the punctures about one puncture width apart in the lines and two or more puncture widths apart between the lines; punctures much coarser and denser sublaterally; callosities surrounded by a row of punctures and with an irregular row transversely at middle; longitudinal impunctate line distinct except posteriorly. Scutellum almost three fourths as broad as long, 153: 210; sides rounded just at base, then subparallel to slightly beyond middle beyond which they converge to broad, subtruncate apex; disk closely, rather evenly punctate, the punctures less than one puncture width apart except along extreme base between sublateral impunctate elevations and along illdefined midline. Hemelytra moderately exposed, the costal margin smooth and impunctate, with a broad row of deep, confluent punctures sublaterally; membrane exceeding tip of scutellum. Connexivum moderately exposed, the postero-lateral angles scarcely produced, but little more than right angles except on last segment. Male genital capsule a little more than half again as broad as long, 55: 35, not extending beyond the edge of scutellum or membrane and roundly emarginate posteriorly; parameres each with a short, inner, snbapical protuberance, the apex evenly hooked. Female genital plates distinctive, the median ventral plates subtriangular, broad mesad, acute laterally and subacute apically; posterior or tergal plates more strongly rounded apically with a broad, deep notch at middle. Color rather uniformly fulvous brown tinged with bluish green in the punctures, with paler ochraceous lateral pronotal margins, sublateral elevated spots at base of scutellum, connexivum except on postero-lateral angles, and entire under surface including legs and antennae. Claws, setal bundle of rostrum, sublateral pronotal fasciae, spot at inner edge of each callosity, spot at inner edge of each sublateral scutellar elevation, two sublateral and one median fasciae on scutellar disk, and connexival angles black. Size: male, length 17 mm ., width 9.25 mm .; female, length 19.5 mm .; width 10.5 mm . Holotype female, Piti, at light, Aug. 20, Swezey; allotype male, same data, Oct. 6; paratypes , three males , six females , Piti, at light, Augu,st to October, Swezey, one female , Piti, at light, June 18, Usinger. C. marianensis is perhaps closest to the Philippine schultzei Taeuber, a species which is much broader and more robust with broader glabrous areas along lateral margins of pronotum, more arcuate lateral pronotal margins, brown-colored punctures, broader male genital capsule which exceeds the limits of scutellum and membrane, and more uniformly broad median ventral female genital plates with broadly rounded apices.