Taxonomic changes within Imatidiini and Hybosispini (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cassidinae) Author Sekerka, Lukáš text Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 2017 Acta. Ent. Mus. Natl. Pragae 2017-12-31 57 2 351 380 journal article 10.1515/aemnp-2017-0081 0374-1036 5316262 29090109-53D4-48D3-B926-6DE5D3F79ADE Hybosispa delectabilis ( Staines, 1996 ) comb. nov. ( Fig. 20 ) Cephaloleia delectabilis Staines, 1996: 26 (original description incl. black-and-white photograph). Type locality. Mexico , Chiapas , Parque educativo Laguna Belgica , 16 km NW of Ocozocoautla. Type material examined. HOLOTYPE : glued, ‘ MEXICO , Chiapas , | Pq. Laguna Belgica , | 16kmNW Ocozocoautla | 14.VI.1989 . H.Howden [w, p, cb] || Flight intercept | trap [w, p, cb] || HOLOTYPE | Cephaloleia [hw] | delectabilis [hw] | Staines 1994 [hw] | Des. C. L. Staines [hw] [r, p, bc] || [data matrix code] | Canadian Museum of | Musée canadien de la | NATURE | CMNEN 00012091 [w, p, cb, bf]’ ( CMNC ) . Remarks. STAINES (1996) described C. delectabilis based on single specimen and placed it in the genus Cephaloleia without further comment. Studying the black-and-white photograph, which accompanied the original description I doubted that the species belongs to the genus Hybosispa but essential characters were not visible or mentioned in the original description. I loaned the holotype and found that it has no seta on anterior margin of pronotum and the inner margins of eyes are produced, therefore I hereby transfer the C. delectabilis to Hybosispa . The species is so far known only from the holotype . Distribution. Mexico : Chiapas ( STAINES 1996 ).