Twenty six new species of Leioproctus (Colletellus): Australian Neopasiphaeinae, all but one with two submarginal cells (Hymenoptera, Colletidae, Leioproctus) Author Leijs, Remko Author Dorey, James Author Hogendoorn, Katja text ZooKeys 2018 811 109 168 journal article 1313-2970-811-109 B49DF845B5D94EBB917DA975C221A4F5 B49DF845B5D94EBB917DA975C221A4F5 Leioproctus (Colletellus) constrictus Leijs sp. n. Figure 18 A-M Specimens examined. (12♂, 29♀): Holotype female, 16 km WNW of Merredin ( 31.6169S ; 118.3486E ), 29 Oct. 1978, Houston, T.F., on Grevillea paradoxa , WAM 12343; Allotype male, WAM 12345, same locality data as holotype; Paratypes: 6 females, 3 males, 16 km WNW of Merredin ( 31.6169S ; 118.3486E ), 29 Oct. 1978, Houston, T.F., on Grevillea paradoxa , WAM 12339 -42,44,46- 49; 5 females, 3.5 km W of Yellowdine ( 31.3286S ; 119.6503E ), 27 Oct. 1978, Houston, T.F., on Grevillea paradoxa , WAM 12350-4; female, 18 km SSW of Mulline ( 29.8686S ; 120.3506E ), 23 Sep. 1982, Houston, T.F. & Hanich, B.P., on Eremophila pantoni , WAM 12355; male, 1 km S of Evanston ( 29.7477S ; 119.4814E ), 23 Sep. 1982, Houston, T.F. & Hanich, B.P., on Grevillea paradoxa , WAM 19116; 2 females, 3 males, Dowerin ( 31.1925S ; 117.0367E ), 21 Oct. 1984, McMillan, R.P., on Grevillea , WAM 19828-32; 14 females, 3 males, 29 km NE of Eneabba ( 29.5911S ; 115.4397E ), 26 Oct. 2000, Houston, T.F. & Mueller, O., on Grevillea petrophiloides , WAM 31884-900; 1 male, Lochada, Omega track 1.5 km N of Mungada Rd, WA, ( 29.18332S ; 116.45798E ), 18 Sep. 2009, R. Leijs, on Ecdeiocolea monostachya . SAMA 32-033499. Diagnosis. Ocellocular area, clypeus, scutum, metapostnotum and terga shiny with open to sparse punctures, post-gradular areas depressed, female BTP rounded, inner hind tibial spur ciliate, male S7 ventral apical lobes with long branched setae. Description. Female holotype: body length: 5.9 mm; head width: 1.9 mm. Relative head measurements: HW 50, ASD 2.6, AOD 7.9, HL 38, IAD 9.4, LFW 28, OAD 16, OOD 8.4, OW 17, UFW 32, HW/HL 1.3, LFW/UFW 0.9. Relative wing measurements: MSR 1.52, FSR 1.08, SFR 0.93. Structure: terga anteriorly strongly depressed; BTP rounded; BTP/tibial length ratio 0.18; inner hind tibial spur ciliate with 5-10 slender teeth. Sculpture: scutum smooth with sparse punctures; metapostnotum smooth, shiny, shallow pit-reticulate; T1 lineo-reticulate, T2-3 transverse lineo-reticulate; clypeus smooth with open to sparse punctures; supraclypeal area smooth, sparsely punctate; ocellocular area smooth, shiny, sparsely punctate; frons smooth openly punctate; vertex roughened with punctures. Coloration : terga anteriorly brown-black, posterior margins transparent orange; scopa light brown; labrum brown; mandibles brown with darker tip; flagellum F9-11 orange/brown below. Pubescence: scutum: dispersed, medium length, branched; scutellum: long, sparse, light brown; metanotum: medium length, branched, dense on posterior margin; sterna 1-4 with fringes of long simple hairs, S5 with fringe of dense branched white hairs; scape smooth, few punctures and a few short hairs. Description. Male allotype: body length: 4.2 mm; head width: 1.52 mm. Relative head measurements: HW 50, ASD 3.4, AOD 6.6, HL 38, IAD 10.3, LFW 26, OAD 16, OOD 8.9, OW 18, UFW 33, HW/HL 1.3, LFW/UFW 0.8. Relative wing measurements: MSR 1.61, FSR 1.00, SFR 1.00. Structure: terga anteriorly strongly depressed; BTP rounded, slightly elongated. S7: dorsal apical lobe absent, ventral apical lobe medium large, branched setae present on entire ventral apical lobe. Sculpture: scutum smooth, sparsely punctate; metapostnotum smooth with shallow microsculpture; T1 lineo-reticulate, T2-3 transverse lineo-reticulate; clypeus smooth, openly to closely punctate, ventral margin width about 1/3 ocellar diameter; supraclypeal area smooth with open to sparse punctures; ocellocular area smooth, almost no punctures; frons smooth openly to closely punctate; scape minutely roughened. Coloration: terga anteriorly brown, posterior margins transparent orange; labrum black; mandibles brown with red-brown tip; flagellum brown, lighter towards the tip; scape black. Pubescence: scutum: long sparse whitish; scutellum: long sparse whitish; metanotum medium length branched dense on posterior margin. Flower records. Eremophila pantone ( Scrophulariaceae ), Grevillea paradoxa ( Proteaceae ), Grevillea petrophiloides ( Proteaceae ), Grevillea sp. ( Proteaceae ), Ecdeiocolea monostachya ( Ecdeiocoleaceae ). Distribution. Figure 18F. Figure 18. Leioproctus (Colletellus) constrictus Leijs, sp. n. ♀ holotype and ♂ allotype. Scale bar: 0.1 mm (K, L, M). Etymology. The specific epithet refers to strongly depressed post gradular areas of T2-3 in both sexes.