New Synonymy, Combinations And Country Records In Carabidae Latreille, 1802 (Coleoptera) Author Anichtchenko, Alexander text Acta Biologica Universitatis Daugavpiliensis 2019 19 1 9 12 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.10602034 1407-8953 10602034 Lebia (s.str.) balteata Heyden, 1886 = Lebia ( Lebia ) lalehzarensis Azadbakhsh & Kirschenhofer, 2018a: 2 syn. nov. Species L. lalehzarensis was described by Azadbakhsh & Kirschenhofer (2018a) from Kerman ( Iran ). Description was published in journal Calodema, after been declined by reviewers from two serious Journals, there was commented to Authors about this synonymy. L. balteata was previously known from Kirgizstan, Tadzhikistan and Uzbekistan . Here is recorded for Iran for the first time.