A new species of Diastatotropis Lacordaire (Coleoptera: Anthribidae) from Montagne d’Ambre National Park, northern Madagascar Author Trýzna, Miloš Author Baňař, Petr text Zootaxa 2017 4221 5 537 544 journal article 37276 10.11646/zootaxa.4221.5.3 9c752d20-d5c2-41e6-b08d-eb7459353539 1175-5326 253514 106DFA28-7960-4A5A-8443-327119F75EF2 Diastatotropis perrinae Trýzna & Baňař sp. nov. ( Figs. 1, 3 , 5, 7 , 9–11 ) Type locality. North Madagascar , Antsiranana province , Montagne d´Ambre Nat. Park. Type material. Holotype (male): N MADAGASCAR , ANTSIRANANA PROVINCE: ‘N MADAGASCAR , 7.- 16.i.2015 , / Mt. d´ AMBRE N. P., 1042 m ., / upper camp near Ambohitra, / S 12°30´50.7´´ ; E 049°10´37.8´´, / Loc. No. 1B/2015, M. Trýzna leg.’ [p] (BSNPC). Allotype (female): the same data as holotype ( MTDC ) . Paratypes : 7 males , 4 females : the same data as holotype ( MTDC , 1 pair in MMBC ) ; 62 males , 60 females : ‘N MADAGASCAR , 10.-21.i.2016 , / Mt. d´ AMBRE N. P., 1040 m ., / upper camp near Ambohitra, / S 12°31´37.831´´ ; E 049°10´15.893´´, / M. Trýzna leg.’ [p] (MTDC, 2 pairs in BMNH, 5 pairs in MMBC, 2 pairs in NMPC, 4 pairs in ZSMC); 1 male , 1 female : Madagascar bor. / Jofferville ( Sic !) [= Joffreville (= Ambohitra )] / 3.i.2007 , lgt. J. Vybíral’ [p] ( MTCD ) ; 1 female : ‘N Madagascar , Ambohitra env. / MontagneAmbre N.P. / S 12°28´34,7´´ E 049°13´07,5´´ / F. Pavel leg., 1.- 3.1.2007 ’ [p] ( MTCD ) ; 2 males , 1 female : Diego Suarez [= Antsiranana ] [h] // Karl Jordan Coll. / B.M. 1940-109 [p]’ ( BMNH ) ; 1 male : Madagas. [h] // Karl Jordan Coll. / B.M. 1940-109 [p]’ ( BMNH ) ; 2 males , 2 females : Madagascar / Diego-Suarez / Ch. Alluaud 1893 [p, yellow label] // Museum Paris / Coll . Ch . Alluaud [p, blue label]’ ( MNHN , 1 pair in MTCD ) ; 2 males , 2 females : Mt. D ´ Ambre / Madagascar [p, white label] // Muséum Paris / 1934 / Drouhard [p, blue label]’ ( MNHN , 1 pair in MTCD ) ; 1 female : Nord Madagascar / ( Antakares ) / Isokitraá Diego Suarez / Mai à Octobre 1891 / E. & B. Perrot [p, white label] // Muséum Paris / ex. Coll. / R. Oberthür / 1952 [p, blue label]’ ( MNHN ) ; 2 females : Mt.Ambre / Madagascar . // Dr. Sicard [p, white label] // Muséum Paris / Madagascar / Coll. Sicard 1930 [p, blue label]’ ( MNHN ) ; 1 female : Diastatotropis / tigrinus v. / Mont. D ´amber ( Sic !) / Janvier man [h, white label] // Muséum Paris / Madagascar / Coll. Sicard 1930 [p, blue label]’ ( MNHN ) ; 23 males , 17 females : ‘[without locality data] Muséum Paris / Madagascar / Coll. Sicard 1930 [p, blue label]’ ( MNHN ) . Note. Although locality data are not given for the latter reported series of paratypes, they originate from the collection of Albert Sicard ( 1864–1930 ) deposited in MNHN. Albert Sicard, a doctor in the French Army and a specialist in world Coccinellidae , undertook collecting expeditions especially in Tunisia, Morocco and Madagascar. In Madagascar he accumulated a large number of Coleoptera only from Montagne d'Ambre where he did research for several years ( Cambefort 2006 ). It can thus be inferred with some confidence that his material without data also comes from Montagne d'Ambre. The newly described species D. perrinae Trýzna & Baňař sp. nov. is very similar to D. tigrinus Lacordaire, 1866 , and the two species were often confused in collections. The authors revised all available material of D. tigrinus in private and museum collections, where they found specimens of the newly described species. These specimens also come solely from Montagne d'Ambre (Diego Suarez). In addition, the authors do not know of any records of D. tigrinus from Montagne d'Ambre, and it appears that the distribution of this species does not extend so far north. Description. Male holotype (female allotype ). Measurements (in mm): Total body length—11.49 (11.68). Head: total length—2.69 (2.78); length of rostrum—1.58 (1.69); maximum width of rostrum—1.60 (1.98); length of eye—1.04 (1.11); maximum width across eyes—1.89 (2.07); minimum distance between eyes—0.67 (0.87). Antenna: length of segments: II—0.49 (0.43), III—0.87 (0.73), IV—0.62 (0.48), V—0.60 (0.33), VI—0.58 (0.27), VII—0.56 (0.27), VIII—0.53 (0.22), IX—0.71 (0.62), X—0.27 (0.24), XI—0.47 (0.37). Pronotum: maximum length—3.00 (2.78); width at carina—3.10 (3.35); minimum width—1.75 (2.08). Elytra: maximum length—5.82 (5.18); maximum width—3.76 (3.92). Colouration of the cuticle of entire body black, only tibiae, tarsomeres and funicle dark brown in both sexes. Vestiture. Head predominantly with yellowish appressed setae along central longitudinal carina. Lateral sides of head and rostrum bare, without setae, this part only with coarse sculpture. Pronotum with two large distinct longitudinal spots of black setae on disc, surrounded by light, narrow but distinct margin composed of yellowish setae. Rest of pronotum covered by brown appressed setae. Each elytron with six large distinct spots; one elongate in basal part, one larger emarginate in median part (from elytral intervals I to V), one small in preapical part (from elytral intervals I to IV), and with three smaller spots on lateral side of elytron: one in posthumeral part (from elytral intervals V to VIII) and two subsequent spots on elytral intervals VII to IX. Each spot covered with black setae with distinct light yellow margin, rest of elytra covered with brown appressed setae. Scutellum with brown setae. Antennae with indistinct black pubescence, only with very short, soft, sparse setae in both sexes. All legs covered with dense, fine setae, all femora with indistinct light setae on the distal quarter. Tibiae nearly unicolorous, covered by dense indistinct yellowish setae appressed in proximal part and subdecumbent in distal part. All tarsomeres with yellowish setae. Lateral parts of venter of thorax and abdominal sternites with dense pubescence with yellow and brown setae. Pygidium covered with brown appressed short setae. Structure. Head relatively long (shorter in females), rostrum extended apically, not depressed in middle, with one fine longitudinal carina extended in distal part of rostrum and reaching behind eyes, and two lateral carinae in both sexes. Ratio of rostrum length to maximum width 0.99 in male, 0.85 in female. Eyes spherical, not emarginate, dorsal ocular index 1.10 in male, 1.45 in female. Ratio of maximum width across eyes to maximum width of rostrum 1.18 in male, 1.05 in female. Antennae extended beyond posterior margin of pronotum in male; female antennae shorter, not reaching to posterior margin of pronotum. Pedicel not robust, funicle thin, club adequately widened, antennomere IX three-times longer than wide in male, as long as wide in female. Pronotum slightly transverse, ratio of length to width at carina 0.97 in male, 0.83 in female, gradually extended anteriorly to quarter of length, here widest, then narrowed to distal part. Dorsal transverse carina bisinuate with indistinct arch in middle. Lateral carina of pronotum well-developed, reaching to half of pronotum, in contact with dorsal transverse carina rounded. Elytra suboval, ratio of maximum length to maximum width of elytra 1.55 in male, 1.32 in female. Male genitalia. Aedeagus smaller, pedon and tectum wide, apodemes moderately curved. Apex of pedon completely straight, apex of tectum narrowly rounded ( Fig. 5 ). Tegmen relatively robust, tegminal plate wide, its sides bent, apex of tegmen with distinct setae ( Fig. 7 ). FIGURES 1–4. 1,3, Diastatotropis perrinae sp. nov. , male holotype; 2, 4, Diastatotropis tigrinus Lacordaire , male, Andasibe- Mantadia National Park, Analamazaotra forest; 1–2, dorsal habitus; 3–4, head, dorsal view. Scale bars in mm. FIGURES 5–8. 5, 7, Diastatotropis perrinae sp. nov. ; 6, 8, Diastatotropis tigrinus Lacordaire, 1866 ; 5–6, aedeagus, dorsal view; 7–8, tegmen, ventral view; aa—apodemes of aedeagus, ap—apex of pedon, at—apodeme of tegmen, atc—apex of tectum, atg—apex of tegmen, ba—bridge of aedeagus, bp—basal piece, tp—tegminal plate. In situ. Scale bars in mm. Sexual dimorphism. Males : body comparatively more slender than in females, rostrum longer and more slender, legs slightly longer. Abdominal ventrites I–III slightly depressed in middle. Antennae reaching to posterior margin of pronotum. Antennomere IX three-times longer than wide. Females : abdominal ventrites not depressed. Antennae not reaching to posterior margin of pronotum. Antennomere IX as long as wide. Etymology. Patronym, dedicated to Dr. Hélène Perrin (Muséum national d´Histoire naturelle, Paris). Collecting circumstances. The holotype , allotype and part of paratypes were collected by the authors in tropical moist forest at an elevation of 1042 metres by sweeping the lower side of the lying trunk of an unidentified species of deciduous tree with diameter ca 40 cm . The trunk was located inside the forest and was completely overshadowed by the surrounding vegetation. Beetles were found only on the underside of the trunk, which can be explained by the colder, rainy and windy weather. During the monitoring we found no other beetles from the family Anthribidae there. Microhabitat of the type locality is shown in Fig. 9 . More paratypes were captured one year later, on a dead lying tree. It was located on the edge of the forest in sunlight (at 1040 m a.s.l.). In this case, the beetles were found everywhere, both on the trunk and on the branches, and also on its upper side. Together with this new species we found on this single tree about 20 other species of the family Anthribidae during 7 days. In both cases, the trunks were covered with predominantly intact bark. Microhabitat of this locality is shown in Fig. 10 . For details of collecting methods used see Trýzna & Baňař (2012) . Distribution. All specimens were collected in north Madagascar , Antsiranana province , Montagne d´Ambre National Park. Differential diagnosis. Diastatotropis perrinae Trýzna & Baňař sp. nov. is similar to D. tigrinus Lacordaire, 1866 from which it can be distinguished by characters given in the following key: FIGURES 9–10. 9, lying trunk inside forest in Montagne d´Ambre Nat. Park, type locality, microhabitat of Diastatotropis perrinae sp. nov. ; 10, dead tree on margin of forest in Montagne d´Ambre Nat. Park., habitat of Diastatotropis perrinae sp. nov. and next ca. 20 species of anthribids. (1) Dorsal part of body with pale brown or brown (rarely dark brown) colouration in both sexes. Black spots on pronotum and elytra with distinct pale yellowish margins. Elytral spots in basal part elongate. Dorsum of rostrum and tibiae with brownish pubescence. Lateral sides of rostrum with coarse sculpture. Pygidium unicolorous with brown setae in both sexes. Apex of pedon straight and slender, apex of tectum narrowly rounded, tegminal plate wide ( Figs. 5, 7 )................................................................................................ D. perrinae Trýzna & Baňař sp. nov. (2) Dorsal part of body with yellow colouration in both sexes. Black spots on pronotum and elytra without pale margins. Elytral spots in basal parts nearly rounded. Dorsum of rostrum and tibiae with bright yellow pubescence. Lateral sides of rostrum with fine sculpture. Pygidium with two yellow spots in both sexes. Apex of pedon straight and wider, apex of tectum broadly rounded, tegminal plate very slender ( Figs. 6, 8 )....................................... D. tigrinus Lacordaire, 1866