Revision of Australian jumping spider genus Servaea Simon 1887 (Aranaea: Salticidae) including use of DNA sequence data and predicted distributions Author Richardson, Barry J. Author Gunter, Nicole L. text Zootaxa 2012 3350 1 33 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.212467 a23093e0-d8a3-423a-8222-73ebe53836a8 1175-5326 212467 Servaea narraweena n. sp. Figs 31–37 Etymology. An arbitrary combination of letters. Remarks . On the basis of the structure of its genitalia and its size, the syntype of S. vestita from Peak Downs is an example of this species. Type material. Holotype : 1F, Narraweena , NSW , 149.22°E , 35.5°S , 20 Feb , 1990, EP Small, (AM, KS 30889A, BJR 760) Paratypes : 1M, Pickwick Farm, S of Gunning, 149.27°E , 34.78°S , 1 Dec , 1999, M Zabka & M Gray, (AM KS 65912A BJR 787.1); 2F, 4 imm, Narraweena , NSW , 149.22°E , 35.5°S , 20 Feb , 1990, EP Small, (AM, KS 30889, BJR 760) 1F, 13 imm, Narraweena , NSW , 149.22°E , 35.5°S , 20 Feb , 1990, EP Small, (AM, KS 30890, BJR 739) Other material examined. QUEENSLAND: 1F, Peak Downs, 148.08°E , 22.93°S , ( ZMH , BJR 1183: formerly a syntype of S. vestita ); 1M, 10 km NE Kaimkillenbun NE Dalby, Qld, 151.50°E , 27.00°S , 6 Nov , 1990, (QM, S 73121, BJR 930); 1F, Lake Broadwater, Qld, 151.10°E , 27.35°S , Aug, 1986, E. Zillman, (QM, S 73095 , BJR 904); 2M, 7F, 8 imm, Lake Broadwater, Qld, 151.10°E , 27.35°S , 28 Jul , 1982, M. Bennie, (QM, S 61147 , BJR 917); 2F, Lake Broadwater, Qld, 151.10°E , 27.35°S , 28 Jul , 1982, M. Bennie, (QM, S 61147 , BJR 917.2). NEW SOUTH WALES : 1M, 2 imm, Agnes Banks, 150.68°E , 33.62°S , 19 Sep , 1965, RE Mascord, (AM, KS 18940, BJR 690); 1M, Frazer Res Wahroonga, 151.13°E , 33.72°S , 8 Oct , 1996, J Noble, (AM, KS 56507, BJR 773);. AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY: 1F Ginninderra Experimental Orchard, ACT , 149.03°S , 35.22°E , 30 Jan , 1965, ( ANIC , 42 0 0 0 290, BJR 427); 1F, Westwood, Canberra, ACT , 149.13°E , 35.30°S , 5 Mar , 1972, E. MacCallan, (QM, S 73093 , BJR 928). VICTORIA: 1F, Bundoora, La Trobe University, Acacia, 145.07°E , 37.70°S , 19 Sep , 1981, (QM, S 61146 , BJR 919); 1M, Clayton, Monash University, Vic, Peridomestic, 145.13°E , 37.92°S , 19 Oct , 1980, M.S. Harvey, ( WAM , T66950, BJR 493). SOUTH AUSTRALIA : 2F, Maculta, nr Angaston, SA, On tree trunk, 139.05°E , 34.5°S , 9 Jul , 1979, D.I. Lang, ( SAM , NN 223678, BJR 529); 1M, 5F, Para Hills, SA, on flowering plants, 138.65°E , 34.80°S , 11 Sep , 1975, G. Crook, ( SAM , NN 223317, BJR 514); 1F, Uraidla, SA, 138.75°E , 34.95°S , 21 Dec , 1994, J.M. Waldock, ( WAM , T66945, BJR 495); 1F, Belair National Park, SA, 138.65°E , 35.03°S , 9 Feb , 1936, H. Womersley, ( SAM , NN 22351, BJR 527); 1M, Aldinga Scrub Cons. Park, SA, 138.48°E , 35.28°S , 16 Jun , 1987, E.G. Matthews, J.A. Forrest, ( SAM , NN 22340, BJR 543); 1F, Nappyalla, SE Longhorn Creek, SA, 139.12°E , 35.33°S , Dec, 1992, J. Eckert, ( SAM , NN 22359, BJR 546), 1F, 3 imm, Hindmarsh Is, Goolwa, SA, under bark, 138.87°E , 35.52°S , 7 Sep , 1975, A.F. Lees, Hilton, ( SAM , NN 22358, BJR 547). FIGURES 31–38. Servaea narraweena n. sp. 31–32 dorsal view (31 female, 32 male); 33–34 female genitalia (33 dorsal view of cleared specimen, 34 ventral view of external characteristics); 35–37 male palp (35 ventral view, 36 anterior lateral view, 37 posterior lateral view); 38 known and predicted distribution. Scale: total body 1 mm; remainder 0.2 mm. Diagnosis. It can be differentiated from S. incana , S. villosa and S. zabkai as fertilization duct is large and long and is visible externally as a deep red mass in the centre of the fossa and by the presence of a median gap between right and left insemination ducts. It can be differentiated from S. melaina and S. spinibarbis as the insemination duct approaches the anterior edge of the epigynum and enters the spermatheca towards the posterior edge. Description. Male: Cephalothorax dark orange with scattered pennate grey hairs over dorsal surface and lateral surfaces. Integument surrounding ALE, PME and PLE, black with scattered grey hairs. Clypeus narrow, with long sparse fringe of grey hairs. Chelicerae geniculate, tan. No toothlike protuberance projecting forwards, four large fused promarginal teeth and one large straight fissident retromarginal tooth. Endites light brown grading to yellow with a slight protuberance on the distal edge. Labium brown and sternum orange. Abdomen with a central anterior cleft, cream with two dark brown parallel mid line stripes and associated patterning, striped pattern on the margins. Ventral abdomen same colour as dorsal surface of the abdomen on the sides with a darker median area. Spinnerets same colour as abdomen. L1 and L2 darker brown and more robust than L3 and L4, tibia and metatarsus sparsely fringed. L3 and L4 femora with three transverse darker stripes. Palp : brown, tibia with single slender apophysis. Tegulum relatively broad with anterior lateral lobe and a proximal lobe, origin of the embolus distal, forming a tapering single anticlockwise spiral around the bulb. Dimensions CL 2.52±0.05 (7) 2.35–2.66, EFL 1.00±0.03 (7) 0.87–1.11, CW 1.95±0.04 (7) 1.80–2.04, AEW 1.77±0.02 (7) 1.67–1.86, AMEW 1.00±0.01 (7) 0.93–1.05, PEW 1.72±0.03 (7) 1.61–1.80, P1+T1 2.49±0.08 (7) 2.17–2.72. Female ( Holotype ): Cephalothorax dark orange, its lower margin grading to dark brown. Integument surrounding ALE, PME and PLE, black, covered with light grey hairs, scattered on the upper surface, thicker behind the PLE and on the rear surfaces. Clypeus narrow with light grey fringe of scattered hairs. Chelicerae geniculate, tan, with three promarginal teeth on a single base and a single, large, fissident, retromarginal tooth. Endites and labium mid brown grading to yellow. Sternum yellow. Dorsal abdomen yellow with variable brown pattern. Spinnerets mid brown. Ventral abdomen same colour as dorsal surface with dark brown median patch. Palps yellow grading distally to mid brown. L1, L2 and L3 similar sizes and finely built. L4 similar but longer. Legs yellow grading distally to mid brown, femur with three dark brown transverse dark bands, patella with a single transverse band, tibia with two transverse dark bands and metatarsus with two transverse bands and tarsus with a single transverse band. Epigynum : consisting of two large fossae and a lightly sclerotised margin. Rarely, a faint brown patch varying in shape is found in the middle of each fossa. Guides and copulatory openings indistinct. Accessory gland either terminally or in the distal third, on the dorsal surface of the insemination duct. Insemination duct passes laterally across the middle of the fossa to the mid line and then moves posteriorly until entering the spermatheca on the posterior mid line. Spermatheca small, rounded and within the margin of the fossa but at the posterior edge. Right and left spermatheca and insemination ducts often in contact. The fertilization duct is large, dark reddishbrown, arising from the ventral anterior edge of the spermatheca and curving in an incomplete circle below the ventral surface of the insemination duct before moving dorsally, clearly distinguishable externally. Dimensions: CL 2.58±0.07 (9) 2.33–2.97, EFL 1.07±0.02 (9) 0.93–1.18, CW 2.08±0.0.05 (9) 1.86–2.35, AEW 1.82±0.0.03 (9) 1.67–1.98, AMEW 1.05±0.02 (9) 0.99–1.11, PEW 1.89±0.04 (9) 1.67–2.04, P1+T1 1.90±0.05 (9) 1.67–2.20. Distribution and biology. Found in temperate regions of eastern Australia from central Queensland to Adelaide; not in Tasmania ( Fig. 38 ). Found on the coastal side of the Great Dividing Range of SE Australia , but not in the inland districts as predicted. Nocturnal, found under bark in eucalypt forest and woodlands. Likely IUCN Red List Category LC.