Moss inhabiting flea beetles of the West Indies III: Erinaceialtica, a new genus from Hispaniola (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Galerucinae, Alticini) Author Konstantinov, Alexander S. Systematic Entomology Laboratory, USDA, c / o Smithsonian Institution, P. O. Box 37012, National Museum of Natural History, Washington, DC 20013 - 7012, USA Author Linzmeier, Adelita M. Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul, Rua Edmundo Gaievski, 1000, P. O. Box 253, 85.770 - 000, Realeza, PR, Brazil text ZooKeys 2020 955 113 145 journal article 1313-2970-955-113 A1F7219FA232450B88A29E63237BB4F9 403AF19A6F345ECEAF984A2B9C170133 Erinaceialtica rileyi sp. nov. Figs 46-47 , 48-51 , Map 1 Description. Body length 2.10-2.54 mm, width 1.18-1.40 mm. Vertex and part of head below vertex including frons and antennal calli black with dark greenish to blueish tint. Antennomere 11 slightly lighter than 9. Base of pronotum dark yellow, slightly lighter in color than apex. Antebasal pronotal impression absent. Elytral disc black to dark brown with dark greenish to blueish tint. Some spots on elytron appear black in part because elytral surface darker, in part because it is covered with dark setae. In dorsal view dark spots are: one spot lateral to scutellum, two spots down posteriorly near suture, and two more on posterior slope; one spot on humeral callus, two spots behind each other on lateral slope near middle, and another spot directly below it towards posterior. Elytra laterally and towards apex also appear darker. Ventral side of body dark brown, except last abdominal segment being lighter in color. Pro- and mesofemora and pro- and mesotibiae brown, with slightly lighter area on tibiae. Metafemora dark, with bronzy shine. Metatibia uniformly brown to dark amber in color. Setae on orbit and vertex whitish, denser and more vivid on orbit, directed ventrally. Setae on middle of vertex short, directed towards middle, not forming a small "mohawk" . Pronotal setae more erect, directed laterally and posteriorly. Second row on punctures on elytral slope not impressed with setae directed laterally and ventrally from it. Median lobe of aedeagus narrows gradually from middle to apex in ventral view with wide apex. Figures 46, 47. Adult Erinaceialtica rileyi sp. nov. 46 habitus, dorsal view, male 47 habitus, dorsal view, female. Diagnosis. Erinaceialtica rileyi has unique color and can be easily identified using the key at the end of the paper. Figures 48-51. Adult Erinaceialtica rileyi 48 habitus, three quarter view, male 49 median lobe of aedeagus, ventral and lateral views 50 habitus, frontal view, male 51 habitus, frontal view, female. Habitat. Unknown. Etymology. The species epithet, rileyi , is a patronym in honor of Ed Riley, who contributed greatly to our knowledge of diversity and taxonomy of Chrysomelidae in the United States and the New World in general. Type material examined. Holotype, male: 1) Dom. Rep.: LaVega 19 km E El Rio Aug 3, 1979, C.W. O'Brien (USNM). Paratype, female, with the same labels as holotype (ERPC). Paratype, male: Dominican Republic, La Vega, Estacion Cabanito 20 July 1996, R. Turnbow; 2) Reserva Cientifica Ebano Verde (ERPC).