A New Genus And New Species Of Dyakiid Snail (Pulmonata: Dyakiidae) From The Phu Phan Range, Northeastern Thailand Author Tumpeesuwan, Chanidaporn Author Naggs, Fred Author Panha, Somsak text Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 2007 2007-08-31 55 2 363 369 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.4508115 2345-7600 4508115 Phuphania globosa , new species ( Figs. 2–5 ) Material examined. – Holotype : CUMZ 001760 ; type locality: Ban Dong Kham Pho ( 17º25'N 103°27'E ), Waritchaphum District , Sakon Nakhon Province , northeastern Thailand . Paratypes : nine paratypes : CUMZ 001761 ; one paratype : BMNH 20060750 and one paratype in the ZRC . Additional paratypes were collected from both the eastern and southern parts of the Phu Phan range through three provinces: Nakhon Phanom (east), Mukdaharn (south) and Kalasin (south). NHMSU : 0001 ( 3 specimens , 16º25'N 103°20'E ); CUMZ : 001707 ( 3 specimens , 16º45'N 104°30'E ) . Etymology. – From the Latin ‘ globosa ’ meaning ‘spherical’ with reference to the shape of the shell. Fig. 1. Map of Thailand showing type locality of Phuphania globosa , new species , Ban Dong Kham Pho, Waritchaphum District, Sakon Nakhon Province. The location is on the east of Udon Thani Province. Diagnosis. – Diagnosis of species as described for genus above. Description of key features of species. – Shell: medium size for Dyakiidae , dextral, semiglobose, and thin with 5-6 slightly convex whorls. Aperture large ovate and distinctly oblique, lip neither expanded nor reflected. Reproductive anatomy: the amatorial organ is a thick-walled stoutly cylindrical sac, distally fused with a gland consisting of an internal cluster of numerous small ducts, closely connected apically to form a large cap covering the amatorial organ. Penis cylindrical almost the same size and length as free oviduct. Epiphallus short, equal to penis length, straight. Vas deferens small, one and half times penial length, entering from free oviduct and passing close to distal end of epiphallus. Gametolytic sac inflated, gametolytic duct enters near proximal part of amatorial organ ( Fig. 4 ). Description of holotype . – Shell height from apex to aperture 34.08 mm , diameter 28.70 mm , with 5¾ convex whorls, dextral, semiglobose, thin, body whorl large consisting of almost ¾ of the shell width, rounded, not deflected or distinctly angulated at periphery, fulvous above, embryonic whorls smooth, subsequent whorls with fine radial growth lines. Aperture large ovate, distinctly oblique, lip neither expanded nor reflected. Umbilicus narrow ( Fig. 2 ). Ground colour of body grey, marked with black spots. Foot fringe distinct, about 5 mm wide, foot sole undivided, caudal gland without overhanging lobe ( Fig. 3 ). Genital system. – Vas deferens marginally longer than penis and free oviduct, entering epiphallus subapically. Epiphallus almost equal in length to that of penis and to free oviduct, curved at junction with penis. Penis somewhat clavate, proximally wider than epiphallus, distal quarter narrows to width of epiphallus. Penial retractor muscle inserts near proximal end of epiphallus. Amatorial organ a stoutly cylindrical sac, inner surface of its prepuce with circular folds, muscular papilla of amatorial organ terminates in a minute pore, without thorn. The amatorial organ gland forms an ovate cap on the amatorial organ and consists of numerous ducts, leading from secretory cells lining the distal walls, the papilla forms a distal cap. Free oviduct rather long; a short wide duct proximal to the base of the amotorial organ prepuce expands into a large, elongate gametolytic sac, which possesses an apical ligament that attaches to the prostate gland ( Fig. 4 ). Radula. – Central tooth indistinct tricuspid, narrow and elongate, the first and the second admedians tricuspid, narrow and elongate. Lateral teeth bicuspid with tiny ectocone, narrow and elongate. Marginal teeth narrow and elongate without lateral cusps ( Fig. 5 ).