Two new species and two new records for cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) from French Guiana, with an updated faunal list of French Guiana and the first synoptic list for Guyana
Sanborn, Allen F.
journal article
Fidicinoides ininiensis
n. sp.
Fig. 2
Type material.
. “
: /
ü l /
/ SEAG leg.” male (
data as holotype,
two females
ü l
Automatic Light trap
light /
Soc. Ent. Antilles-Guyane
five males
25 females
ü l
Automatic Light trap
light /
Soc. Ent. Antilles-Guyane
six males
10 females
ü l
Automatic Light trap
light /
Soc. Ent. Antilles-Guyane
15 males
seven females
ü l
29- IX-2015
Automatic Light trap
light /
Soc. Ent. Antilles-Guyane
two males
14 females
ü l
Automatic Light trap
, Blue light /
Soc. Ent. Antilles-Guyane
two males
three females
The pile forming a stripe on the lateral mesonotum in
Fidicinoides ininiensis
n. sp.
is similar to several species of the genus but the new species has distinct genitalia from all these species. The new species is a brownish ochraceous (ochraceous green in some specimens especially on head and pronotal collar) species marked with castaneous and fuscous. Related species are often green when live.
The name is a combination of
- (
, former territory of
French Guiana
) and -
(L., suffix denoting place, locality) in reference to the past name for the inland region of
French Guiana
where the species was collected.
Ground color of head and thorax brownish ochraceous marked with piceous and castaneous, abdomen brownish ochraceous marked with piceous and castaneous. The head and thorax may be green in some
but the chemicals in the light traps have altered most specimens to the brownish ochraceous coloration. Specimens from Pointe-de-Vue often have crystalline residue on the surface from the fluid in the light traps.
Head wider than mesonotum and lateral angle of pronotal collar, ground color with incomplete transverse piceous fascia surrounding all ocelli, frons, extending laterally almost to middle of lateral vertex and to anterior cranial depression, mark extends anteriorly on frons to frontoclypeal suture to posteromedial corner and medial margin of supra-antennal plate, piceous posterior to eye, extending medially to posterior cranial depression in some
, lateral vertex margin piceous along eye. Head with short silvery pile dorsally, densest on frons, longer and very dense posterior to eye. Ocelli reddish, ochraceous or greenish in some
, eyes dark castaneous. Ventral head ground color with short transverse piceous mark on mediolateral gena, piceous margin to eye, and picous posteromedial lorum, dense long and short white pile on ventral head. Postclypeus centrally sulcate ground color, with piceous in posteroventral sulcus, all but posteroventral pair of lateral transverse grooves with lateral picous mark connected laterally around end of transverse ridges, long white pile laterally. Anteclypeus ground color covered with dense, long silvery pile. Mentum ochraceous, labium ground color at base becoming piceous distally, rostrum almost reaching posterior of basisternum 3. Scape ground color, remaining antennal segments piceous.
Dorsal thorax ground color marked with piceous. Prothorax ground color with piceous mark in anterior ambient fissure extending posteriorly into anterior paramedian fissure, anterior lateral fissures and anterolateral ambient fissure and laterally forming a spot on anteromedial pronotal collar, piceous pile within fissures and on lateral and lateral angle of pronotal collar, density varies in
. Pronotal collar ground color, very green in
one paratype
, curved indentation on posterior margin dorsal midline margined with piceous, pronotal collar lateral angle smoothly curved. Mesothorax ground color, piceous fascia along parapsidal suture not reach posterior suture, expanding anteromedially in submedian sigilla fusing at anterior midline, piceous extends from parapsidal suture laterally to anterolateral lateral sigilla then continues posteriorly as fascia along lateral margin of lateral sigilla to level of piceous scutal depression, short piceous pile on anterior and lateral margins, across disk between scutal depressions, between anterior arms and lateral cruciform elevation and posterior wing groove, silvery pile on anterior parapsidal suture, long, dense silvery pile along wing groove forming lateral fascia and between lateral arms of cruciform elevation. Wing groove ground color with piceous mark on anterior terminus radiating long, dense golden pile. Metanotum dark castaneous with ground color posteromedial margin, with long, dense golden pile. Ventral thoracic segments ground color except piceous interior of basisternum 2 and trochantin 2, castaneous medial katepisternum 2 and anteromedial katepimeron 2. Thoracic sternites covered with dense long white pile.
Fore wings and hindwings hyaline, radial and radiomedial crossveins very slightly infuscated (only visible with magnification). Venation ground color at base becoming piceous distally, piceous along anteromedial basal cell, radius + subcostal vein castaneous to node with piceous fascia along margin with costal vein, subcostal vein piceous beyond node, radius anterior castaneous becoming piceous distally, proximal half of anal vein 2 + 3 piceous posteriorly. Basal cell ochraceous with hyaline border along base of cubitus anterior, pterostigma extending almost to radial crossvein, basal membrane of fore wing grayish, posterior darker, piceous fascia along posterior base of clavus, piceous infuscation in proximal clavus. Hindwing venation ground color proximally becoming piceous distally. Proximal venation surrounded by gray speckled with reddish-orange, extending in anal cell 3 and anal cell 2 along anal veins 2 and 3, anal cell 1 along anal vein 2, infuscation along distal margin of grayish in all cells.
Fidicinoides ininiensis
n. sp.
: A, Holotype male and paratype female habitus; B, holotype male dorsum; C, holotype male timbal; D, holotype male operculum; E, paratype female operculum; F, holotype male lateral view of genitalia; G, holotype male posterior view of genitalia; H, paratype female lateral view of genitalia; I, paratype female ventral view of genitalia. Scale bar: A, 2 cm; B, 5 mm; C–E, 2 mm; F–G, 1 mm; H–I, 2 mm.
Legs with two part tarsi, ground color except distal pretarsal claws which have piceous tips margined with castaneous proximally. Fore femora with proximal spine angled, secondary spine almost upright slightly longer and more triangular than primary spine, tertiary spine very small, about half the length of the secondary spine, slightly angled, all spines ground color. Tibial spurs and tibial combs castaneous with piceous tips. Legs with short white pile on coxae and trochanters with radiating long white pile on all segments. Meracanthus pointed, angled posteromediad with terminus curving mediad, ground color with piceous base, reaching slightly beyond posterior opercular margin. Female meracanthus as in male except reaching further beyond posterior opercular margin to middle of sternite II.
Male operculum ground color with piceous spot on anterolateral base, covered with long white pile, very dense at base, and short silvery pile on margin, lateral margin angled posteromedially, slightly curved near posterior corner forming an approximate right angle with posterior margin, posterior margin slightly curved laterally then straight before curving to rounded medial margin, not meeting medially, reaching to anterior of sternite II, barely covering tympanal cavity medially and posteriorly. Female operculum similarly shaped and colored except more pronounce posterolateral margin curve, reaching to medial meracanthus medially and posterolateral extension almost reaching posterior of sternite II.
Abdominal tergites 1–6 ground color with piceous anterior margin not reaching lateral tergites except in tergites 1 and 2, tergites 7 and 8 ground color, tergites covered with piceous pile, denser dorsolaterally and on lateral tergites 1 and 2, long silvery pile on medial tergites 2 and 3, very dense on lateral tergites 2–5, expanding over dorsal tergites in posterior segments, radiating shorter silvery pile on dorsoposterior tergite margins. Timbal cover ground color, all margins except lateral margin piceous, ventrolateral margin angled dorsally to semicircular apex, dorsolateral margin straight smoothly curving to sinuate posterior timbal cavity margin, incomplete exposing timbal dorsally. Timbal white and castaneous partially visible through opening in timbal cover. Male sternites ground color, sternite VII with light castaneous anterior margin, sternites III–VII translucent, sternite VIII an open U-shape when viewed from the posterior, sternites covered with short white pile and radiating long white pile, long piceous pile radiating from posterior sternite VIII, epipleurites ground color covered with short and long white pile, spiracles covered by white pubescence. Female tergites colored and covered with pile similar to male. Female sternite VII ground color with castaneous spot on each side of sternite with single open V-shaped notch, posterior margin transverse from notch about a quarter distance to lateral tergite where posterior margin extends posteriorly as a semicircle with straight lateral margin angled anterolaterally from curve. Female abdominal segment 9 ground color with elongated piceous region on anterior dorsolateral surface, posteroventral margin castaneous, covered with short silvery pile and radiating long golden pile. Dorsal beak slightly curved dorsally, about twice as long as ground color anal styles, dorsal anal style with dorsal piceous spot. Posterior margin of abdominal segment 9 smoothly curved.
Male pygofer ground color with elongated piceous mark on anterior dorsolateral surface, base of mark extends onto edge of basal pygofer lobe, basal pygofer lobes greenish, lighter than lateral and dorsal pygofer. Distal shoulder forming an approximate rectangle with rounded corners, dorsal beak absent. Pygofer basal lobe flattened, extended more than half the pygofer length, triangular tip angled mediad. Pygofer radiating long golden pile. Anal styles castaneous with ground color margins. Anal tube ground color. Uncus ground color with piceous anterodorsal margin. Dorsal crest of uncus recurved with rounded terminus. Median uncus lobes extending as a straight tube with a slightly ventral bend at terminus surrounding dorsal and lateral aedeagus with a dorsal notch and semicircular lateral terminus. Lateral branch of uncus angled about 45
from median uncus lobe, curving to a point ventral to the median uncus lobe and meeting as a V-shaped notch. Uncus radiating long and short golden pile. Aedeagus dark castaneous, thin, recurving dark castaneous terminal extension with a tawny membrane.
Female gonocoxite IX ground color. Gonapophysis IX and X piceous. Ovipositor sheath extends just past anal styles, not reaching end of dorsal beak. Long golden pile radiating from ovipositor sheath, ovipositor sheath and anal styles with short golden pile.
Measurements (mm).
N =
10 males
10 females
, mean (range). Length of body: males 34.75 (31.20–37.00), females 32.62 (31.00–34.10); length of fore wing: males 42.90 (40.75–44.00), females 42.82 (41.75–44.85); width of fore wing: males 13.21 (12.15–13.85), females 13.36 (12.80–14.40); length of head: males 5.59 (5.30–5.80), females 5.52 (5.15–5.80); width of head including eyes: males 14.70 (14.40–14.95), females 14.64 (13.90–15.15); width of pronotum including suprahumeral plates: males 14.20 (13.50–14.50), females 14.19 (13.35–14.60); width of mesonotum: males 12.47 (11.95–13.35), females 12.64 (11.50–13.35).
Fidicinoides ininiensis
n. sp.
is one of a group of species including
F. determinata
Walker, 1858b
F. ferruginosa
Sanborn & Heath, 2014
F. lacteipennis
Distant, 1905b
F. picea
Walker, 1850
F. pronoe
Walker, 1850
F. ptychodiropeda
Sanborn, 2020a
F. roberti
Distant, 1905b
F. vinula
Stål, 1854
characterized by the appearance of a stripe on the lateral mesonotum produced by pile but the genitalia of the new species is significantly different from all these species.
Fidicinoides roberti
can be distinguished quickly by the infuscation on the fore wing radial and radiomedial crossveins, the ambient vein and marginal area of both fore wings and hindwings. The new species can be distinguished quickly from
F. ferruginosa
F. vinula
by the ferruginous body coloration of these species. In addition, the ratio or fore wing length to fore wing width is diagnostic to separate most species. The ratio in the new species is about 3.25 but about
2.92 in
2.94 in
F. lacteipennis
3.01 in
F. ferruginosa
F. vinula
3.02 in
F. picea
, and
3.05 in
F. determinata
. Only
F. pronoe
has a similar fore wing length to width ratio at about 3.23 but
F. pronoe
lacks the piceous lateral mesonotal fascia, the submedian sigillae are almost entirely piceous, the timbal cover is inflated instead of flat, the posterior margin of the timbal cavity is straight on the posterolateral margin instead of sinusoidal, the postclypeus extends anteriorly from the supra-antennal plates instead of forming a smooth curve along the front of the head, the frons is close to perpendicular to the dorsal head, fore wing apical cell 2 expands distally forming a more conical shape, the radiomedial crossvein intersects median vein 1 at about half distance instead of one-third distance from origin, the fore wing medial crossvein is straight instead of wavy, the uncus dorsal crest is upright instead of recurved, the median uncus lobes are lacking, the lateral branch of the uncus is strongly recurved, and the posterior largin of female sternite VII is smoothly curved lateral to the medial notch without the transverse portion of the margin found between the notch and the lateral posterior curve in the new species. The remaining species of the genus lack the lateral mesonotum stripe and have significant infuscation on the fore wing venation.
The species is only known from the
series collected in Sa ü l Commune,
French Guiana