Lentireduvius, a new genus of Peiratinae from Brazil, with a key to the New World genera (Hemiptera: Reduviidae)
Cai, Wanzhi
Taylor, Steven J.
journal article
Lentireduvius brasiliensis
Cai & Taylor
new species
Figs. 1–25
. Color. Brown, slightly shiny. Antenna, most of corium, apical half of clavus dark yellow; eyes, and markings around ocelli black; spot under ventral margin of eye blackish brown; spot on corium next to clavus, anterior margin of distal half of corium, and most of membrane dark brown; head above, most of rostrum, legs, most of margins of membrane of hemelytron, and abdomen (except second sternite) grayish brown.
Structure. Head, pronotum (
Figs. 2, 3
), posterior 4/5 of scutellum, abdominal sterna, parameres with thick, scattered setae of varying lengths; antenna, except first segment, densely covered with short semierect setae, first antennal segment with scattered long, oblique, thick setae (
Figs. 4–5
), second segment with a few trichobothria (
Figs. 7, 8
), third (
Fig. 9
) and fourth (
Fig. 10
) segments with scattered, oblique, somewhat longer setae; basal 1/5 of scutellum, meso- and metathoracic pleura and sterna densely covered with short bent setae; femora and mid tibia with long, suberect or erect, thick setae ventrally. Head relatively short and thick, 1.3 times as long as wide, 0.6 times as high as long; anteocular portion about 3 times as long as postocular portion; first antennal segment thickest; first rostral segment thickest, second segment slightly shorter than combined length of the remaining segments and extending beyond posterior margin of eye; ocelli relatively large, distance between ocelli subequal to distance between eye and ipsilateral ocellus (
Fig. 2
). Collar process distinctly tuberculate and with a thick seta distally (
Fig. 2
). Anterior pronotal lobe convex but with longitudinal median depression, lateral pronotal angle round, posterior margin of pronotum distinctly convex posteriorly; stridulitrum consisting of about 190 transverse ridges; fore coxae long and thick, fore femora thickest (
Fig. 11
), mid femora (
Fig. 12
) slightly thicker than hind femora (
Fig. 13
), mid and hind tibiae compressed; hemelytron extending slightly beyond abdominal tip. Abdomen slightly dilated laterally (
Fig. 1
). Eighth abdominal sternite as shown in
Fig. 14
. Parameres subtriangular, left paramere slightly longer than right, apical portion of left paramere more slender than that of right, medial surface of apex of paramere with a process (
Figs. 18–21
); median pygophore process strongly curved, apex sharp (
Figs. 15–17
). Phallus in resting position (
Figs. 22, 23
) with basal plate short, basal plate bridge longer than basal plate; pedicel slightly longer than basal plate bridge in length (
Figs. 22, 23
). Dorsal phallothecal sclerite moderately sclerotized, middle portion longitudinally depressed (
Figs. 23, 24
); struts slightly longer than half length of phallosoma in resting position (
Fig. 24
). Conjunctiva with two ventral lobes, basal one semicircular, apical one nearly rectangular (
Fig. 25
). Basal portion of vesica densely covered with small processes and with a sacshaped process dorsally; apical portion with a long tubular process with many rows of smaller processes (
Fig. 25
Lentireduvius brasiliensis
Cai & Taylor
sp. nov.
, ♂. Habitus, dorsal view. Scale bar = 2 mm.
Lentireduvius brasiliensis
Cai & Taylor
sp. nov.
, ♂. 2, Head, pronotum and scutellum; 3, head and pronotum (part); 4–6, first antennal segment; 7–8, second antennal segment; 9, third antennal segment; 10, fourth antennal segment; 2, 4, dorsal view; 3, 6, 8, lateral view; 5, 7, 9, 10, ventral view. Scale bar of 2, 3 = 1 mm; of 4–10 = 0.50 mm.
FIGURES 11–17.
Lentireduvius brasiliensis
Cai & Taylor
sp. nov.
, ♂. 11, Fore leg; 12, mid leg; 13, hind leg; 14, eighth abdominal sternum; 15, 16, pygophore; 17, distal portion of pygophore; 11–13, 16, lateral view; 14, 15, 17, ventral view. Scale bar of 11–16 = 2 mm; of 17 = 1 mm.
FIGURES 18–25.
Lentireduvius brasiliensis
Cai & Taylor
sp. nov.
, ♂. 18, left paramere; 19–21, right paramere; 22, 23, phallus; 24, 25, phallosoma; 18, 20, outer ventrolateral view; 21, inner ventrolateral view; 19, inner lateral view; 24, dorsal view; 22, 25, left lateral view; 23, right lateral view. Scale bar = 1 mm.
Measurements. ɗ, Body length 15.15, maximal width of abdomen 4.93. Head length 2.40; length of anteocular portion 1.33; length of postocular portion 0.40; length of synthlipsis 0.87; distance between ocelli 0.27; length of antennal segments I–IV = 1.66, 2.67, 3.94, 3.33, length of rostral segments I–III = 0.87, 1.44, 0.60. Length of anterior lobe of pronotum 1.93; length of posterior lobe of pronotum 1.47; maximal width of thorax 4.20; length of scutellum 1.87; length of hemelytron 10.29.
, ɗ;
, Mato Grosso, Sinop,
October 1976
, M. Alvarenga. The right antenna and right mid leg are missing. Genitalia in vial with glycerin pined under the specimen.
. Mato Grosso,
. Name alludes to the country where the
specimen was collected.