Convoluted maxillary stylets among Australian Thysanoptera Phlaeothripinae associated mainly with Casuarinaceae trees Author Mound, Laurence A. Australian National Insect Collection CSIRO, PO Box 1700, Canberra, ACT 2601 Author Tree, Desley J. c / o Queensland Primary Industries Insect Collection (QDPC), Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Queensland, Ecosciences Precinct, GPO Box 267, Brisbane, Qld, 4001 Author Wells, Alice Australian National Insect Collection CSIRO, PO Box 1700, Canberra, ACT 2601 text Zootaxa 2022 2022-09-29 5190 3 301 332 journal article 156944 10.11646/zootaxa.5190.3.1 778903a5-ed35-4f28-a645-a768b11e3cd9 1175-5326 7138093 26F27376-45AB-4F13-ADCB-705CB3EB6E77 Adrothrips aureus Moulton ( Figs 2 , 12 , 22 , 33 ) Adrothrips aureus Moulton, 1942: 5 Although based originally on three females taken 16.v.1931 at Ivanhoe in central New South Wales , and reported by Mound (1970) from Moree , this species has now been seen widely across Australia . In females, the tenth abdominal segment is strongly sculptured with the basal half broad and the distal half sharply narrower ( Fig. 33 ), whereas in males it is a typical tube although reticulate in basal half. Antennal segment V has the apex strongly asymmetric in both sexes ( Fig. 2 ), but although the mesopresternum of females is fully transverse in males it is variably eroded. The fore tarsus has a stout tooth in both sexes, and females have a prominent papilla on the inner apical margin of the fore tibia although this is smaller in males. One of the host plants of this thrips, Casuarina obesa , has a strongly discontinuous distribution, being common in Western Australia and also in eastern South Australia plus western Victoria . Specimens studied . This species has been found in all five of the Australian mainland States. Victoria , Mildura 50km west, 2 males from C. pauper , 25.iv.1995 . South Australia , near Renmark , 2 females in intercept traps, iii–v.1995 ; Iron Baron near Whyalla , 1 female from C. pauper , . Western Australia , Murchison River Crossing, from C. obesa , 5 females , 2 males , 25.iv.1997 , 1 female , 12.x.2003 ; Northampton 60km east, 2 males from C. obesa , 25.iv.1997 ; Gingin 60km north of Perth , 1 female from grass, 29.ix.1995 . New South Wales , Balranald 20–40km west, 2 females , 1 male from Casuarina obesa , 14.iv.2022 ; Moree 40km North , 3 females from C. cristata , 20.v.2022 . Queensland , Dalby , Lake Broadwater , from C. cristata foliage: 4 females , 2 males 8.iii.2006 , 1 female 1 male , 7.ix.2009 ; same locality, 1 female , 1 male from Acacia harpophylla , 19.vii.1995 ; Moonie 10km East , 1 female from C. cristata , 16.v.2022 ; Moonie , 20km East , 1 male from C. cristata , 20.v.2022 ; Moonie 10km South , 1 female from C. cristata , 20.v.2022 ; Charters Towers, 1 female that is unusually small and lacks the fore tibial papilla-like tubercle that is typical of aureus .