Craniodental Morphology And Phylogeny Of Marsupials
Beck, Robin M. D.
School of Science, Engineering and Environment University of Salford, U. K. & School of Biological, Earth & Environmental Sciences University of New South Wales, Australia & Division of Vertebrate Zoology (Mammalogy) American Museum of Natural History
Voss, Robert S.
Division of Vertebrate Zoology (Mammalogy) American Museum of Natural History
Jansa, Sharon A.
Bell Museum and Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior University of Minnesota
Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History
journal article
Szalay, 1982
, and
STEM AGE: 55.1 Mya (95% HPD: 54.6–56.6 Mya).
CROWN AGE: 48.0 Mya (95% HPD: 44.3–50.9 Mya).
COMMENTS: Recent phylogenetic analyses based on molecular data (e.g.,
Phillips et al., 2001
Amrine-Madsen et al., 2003b
Nilsson et al., 2004
Phillips et al., 2006
Beck, 2008a
Meredith et al., 2008b
, 2011;
Nilsson et al., 2010
Mitchell et al., 2014
Gallus et al., 2015a
Duchêne et al., 2018
Álvarez-Carretero et al., 2021
) and others based on total-evidence datasets (e.g.,
Asher et al., 2004
Beck et al., 2008
, 2014,
Horovitz et al., 2009
Beck, 2012
Maga and Beck, 2017
) have consistently recovered monophyly of Australidelphia, and australidelphian monophyly has also been found in most (e.g.,
Horovitz and Sánchez-Villagra, 2003
Sánchez-Villagra et al., 2007
Horovitz et al., 2008
Lorente et al., 2016
Carneiro and Oliveira, 2017a
Carneiro et al., 2018
Carneiro, 2019
) but not all (e.g.,
Ladevèze and Muizon, 2010
Wilson et al., 2016
) recent morphological analyses. This overall pattern is confirmed here: our morphological analyses did not recover australidelphian monophyly (figs. 30, 31), whereas it was strongly supported in all our molecular (figs. 27–29) and total evidence (figs. 32,
) analyses. Given that
Szalay (1982a)
first proposed monophyly of Australidelphia based primarily on shared derived features of the tarsus (specifically the presence of a continuous lower ankle joint, and a tripartite calcaneocuboid facet; see also
Szalay, 1994
Beck, 2012
), the addition of postcranial characters to our craniodental matrix may ultimately result in morphological support for Australidelphia (as in Horovitz and SánchezVillagra, 2003).
No craniodental feature optimizes as an unambiguous synapomorphy of Australidelphia in our dated total-evidence analysis, but three optimize as synapomorphies under Accelerated Transformation—extracranial course of mandibular nerve fully enclosed by medial outgrowths of the auditory bulla (char. 52: 0→1; ci = 0.231); posterior limb of ectotympanic in contact with, but suturally distinct from, pars canalicularis of the petrosal and/or posttympanic process of the squamosal (char. 60: 0→1; ci = 0.333); and prootic canal foramen on tympanic face of petrosal absent (char. 69: 0→1; ci = 0.083)—but all three traits show high levels of homoplasy and undergo subsequent reversals within Australidelphia (see file S
3 in
the online supplement). Our failure to identify compelling craniodental synapomorphies for Australidelphia likely reflects the fact that the ancestral australidelphian probably had a relatively generalized cranium and dentition that was little different from the plesiomorphic marsupial condition (see
Szalay, 1994: 346
) and that different lineages within Australidelphia subsequently evolved very disparate apomorphies of the dentition, cranium, or both (see also comments by
Archer, 1984c: 782
Our estimate for the first split within Australidelphia is in the early to middle Eocene. This is younger than the early or middle Paleocene †
Khasia cordillerensis
, a taxon that was originally described as a microbiotherian (
Marshall and Muizon, 1988
; see also
Muizon, 1991
Goin et al., 2006
Muizon et al., 2018
Muizon and Ladevèze, 2020
) and hence a crown-clade australidelphian. However, as noted above, several subsequent authors have argued that †
is more likely a “pediomyoid” (
Oliveira and Goin, 2006
Goin et al., 2016
), a hypothesis supported by the morphological phylogenetic analysis of
Carneiro et al. (2018)
. †
has not been included here because it is represented only by dental specimens (
Marshall and Muizon, 1988
Muizon, 1991
If †
is discounted, the oldest known australidelphian is probably †
Djarthia murgonensis
from the Tingamarra fossil site in eastern
, which has been radiometrically dated as earliest Eocene (~54.6 Mya; (
Godthelp et al., 1992
Godthelp et al., 1999
Beck et al., 2008a
). We have not included †
here due to its incompleteness (the only craniodental remains are incomplete dental specimens and isolated petrosals;
Godthelp et al., 1999
Beck et al., 2008a
), but isolated tarsals referred to this taxon exhibit characteristic australidelphian synapomorphies (
Beck et al., 2008a
). However, †
falls outside crown-clade Australidelphia in most published analyses (with the notable exception of
Maga and Beck, 2017
: fig. 38, in which it is sister to
), and its position is unresolved with respect to the crown clade in others (
Beck et al., 2008
, 2014,
Beck, 2012
Lorente et al., 2016
Maga and Beck, 2017
The next-oldest definitive australidelphian remains are isolated tarsals from the La Barda locality in
, which has been radiometrically dated as middle Eocene (between ~48 and 43 Mya;
Tejedor et al., 2009
Lorente et al., 2016
). The La Barda australidelphian tarsals fell within
(members of which are otherwise known only from
, New
, and adjacent islands) in the phylogenetic analysis of
Lorente et al. (2016)
, but we consider that this biogeographically anomalous relationship warrants further testing.
The woodburnodontid microbiotherian †
Woodburnodon casei
from the Cucullaea I Allomember of the La Meseta Formation on Seymour Island, off the Antarctic Penninsula, is a more compelling candidate for the oldest definitive crown-clade australidelphian because it preserves distinctive dental features that are characteristic of microbiotherians (
Goin et al., 2007c
), and it has been recovered within
in several phylogenetic analyses (
Carneiro and Oliveira, 2017b
Carneiro et al., 2018
Carneiro, 2019
). The age of the Cucullaea I Allomember has proved controversial (
Crame et al., 2014
Kemp et al., 2014
Gelfo et al., 2017
Goin et al., 2020
), but it now appears to be about 40 Mya (
Douglas et al., 2014
Amenábar et al., 2019
Mörs et al., 2020
). This postdates our estimate for the first divergence within Australidelphia (see above) and also for the split between
(median = 45.6 Mya; 95% HPD: 41.4–48.8 Mya).
Older putative microbiotherians have been reported from the early Eocene (probably 51.4– 56.0 Mya;
Clyde et al., 2014
Woodburne et al., 2014
, 2014b;
Krause et al., 2017
) Las
Local Fauna of southern
Goin, 2003
Zimicz, 2012
Woodburne et al., 2014a
Goin et al., 2016
), which is incongruent with our estimate for the time of the Microbiotheria-Diprotodontia split, but these potentially important fossils have yet to be described.