A systematic revision of Operclipygus Marseul (Coleoptera, Histeridae, Exosternini) Author Caterino, Michael S. Author Tishechkin, Alexey K. text ZooKeys 2013 271 1 401 http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.271.4062 journal article http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.271.4062 1313-2970-271-1 Operclipygus peregrinus sp. n. Figs 94 C-D , F, H95 A-BMap 32 Type locality. PANAMA: Colon : San Lorenzo National Park, Achiote [ 9°12'N , 79°58'W ]. Type material. Holotype male: "PANAMA: Prov. Colon , Achiote - P. N. San Lorenzo N 09°12', W 79°58' Cafetal A Dist. 100m Tr. Intercepcion , A. Mercado 26.VI-10.VII.2007" / "Operclipygus sp. # 9 San Lorenzo Inventory A.K. Tishechkin det. 2010" / "Caterino/Tishechkin Exosternini Voucher EXO-00257" (FMNH). Paratypes (11) PANAMA: Colon : 1: Parque Nac. San Lorenzo, Achiote, Cafetal B, 9°12'N , 79°59'W , 50m, 8-22.v.2007, FIT, A. Mercado (GBFM); 1: San Lorenzo Forest, STRI crane site, 9°17'N , 79°58'W , 21-24.v.2004, FIT, A.K. Tishechkin (GBFM). COSTA RICA: Alajuela: 1: Penas Blancas, 875m, 19.v.1989, FIT, J. Ashe, R. Brooks, R. Leschen (SEMC), 1: 800m, 19.v.1989, FIT, J. Ashe, R. Brooks, R. Leschen (CHSM); Limon : 1: Area Cons. Tortuguero, Sector Cerro Cocori, Fca. de E. Rojas, iv.1992, E. Rojas, (INBIO), 1: vi.1991, E. Rojas, (MSCC); 1: Res. Biol. Hitoy Cerere, A.C.L.A.C. Send. Espavel, 300m, 16.ix-3.x.2000, FIT, W. Arana (AKTC); Puntarenas: 1: Rancho Quemado, Peninsula de Osa, 200m, ix.1992, F. Quesada, (INBIO), 1: 12-24.v.1993, A. Gutierrez, (INBIO); 1: Reserva Forestal Golfo Dulce, Est. Agujas, Golfito , Sendero Zamia, 250-250m, 11-15.xi.1999, FIT, A. Azofeifa (INBIO); 1: Est. Agujas, Sendero Zamia, 300m, 20-24.vi.1996, FIT, A. Azofeifa, (INBIO). Other material. ECUADOR: Orellana: 1: Yasuni Res. Stn., mid.Rio Tiputini, 0°40.5'S , 76°24'W , 5-14.vii.1999, FIT, A.K. Tishechkin (LSAM), 1: 17-23.vi.1999, FIT, C.E. Carlton & A.K. Tishechkin (LSAM), 1: 18-25.vii.1999, FIT, A.K. Tishechkin (AKTC), 1: 25-30.vii.1999, FIT, A.K. Tishechkin (LSAM), 1: 26.vii-4.viii.1999, FIT, A.K. Tishechkin (MSCC). FRENCH GUIANA: 1: Montagne des Chevaux, 4°43'N , 52°24'W , 22.xii.2008, FIT, SEAG (CHND); 1: Belvedere de Sauel , point de vue, 3°1'22'N, 53°12'34"W , 13.v.2011, polytrap, SEAG (CHND). PERU: Madre de Dios: 1: Manu National Park, Cocha Salvador, 12°0'13"S , 71°31'36"W , 310m, 20-21.x.2000, FIT, R. Brooks (CMNC); 1: Manu National Park, Rio Alto Madre de Dios, Pantiacolla Lodge, 12°39.3'S , 71°13.9'W , 14-19.xi.2007, FIT, D. Brzoska (SEMC); 1: Tambopata, Reserva Cuzco Amazonico, 15km NE Pto. Maldonado, 12°33'S , 69°03'W , 200m, 24.vi.1989, FIT, J. Ashe, R. A. Leschen, D. Silva (CHSM), 1: 26.vi.1989, FIT, D. Silva, R.A. Leschen (SEMC), 1: 13.vii.1989, FIT, J. Ashe & R. Leschen (SEMC). SURINAME: Sipaliwini: 1: CI-RAP Surv. Camp 1: on Kutari River, 2°10.521'N , 56°47.244'W , 228m, 19-24.viii.2010, FIT, T. Larsen & A.E.Z. Short (SEMC). Diagnostic description. Length: 2.15-2.40 mm, width: 1.75-1.90 mm; body piceous, elongate oval, widest at humeri; head with frons depressed at middle, sides of frontal stria weakly diverging between eyes, complete across front, subangulate at middle; supraorbital represented by a few fragments, disconnected from frontal stria; labrum short, shallowly emarginate apically; left mandible with very weak tooth, right with more prominent basal tooth; pronotal disk with small, irregular, but distinct prescutellar fovea; ground punctation of pronotal disk fine, inconspicuous, with ~15 coarse punctures toward sides, especially anterolaterally; marginal stria more or less complete across front, tending to be fragmented at middle; central portion of anterior margin projecting weakly; lateral submarginal stria complete, curving inward at front, ending freely behind eye; anterior submarginal stria transverse, with ends barely recurved; median pronotal gland openings laterad ends of anterior submarginal stria, about 8 puncture widths from anterior margin; elytron with one complete epipleural stria, outer subhumeral stria present in apical half and with small isolated fragment in basal half, inner subhumeral weak to absent, striae 1-3 complete, 4th stria present in apical half, 5th stria present in apical third, sutural stria present in apical two-thirds; elytral disk with few small punctures subserially arranged along apical margin; prosternal keel broad, shallowly emarginate at base, carinal striae converging strongly to front, joined in narrow anterior arch, free basally; prosternal lobe rather wide, with marginal stria present only near apex; mesoventrite with anterior margin sinuate, weakly projecting at middle, with marginal stria complete or very narrowly interrupted; mesometaventral stria arched forward to basal third of mesoventral disk, continuous with lateral metaventral stria which extends posterolaterally toward middle of metacoxa; central part of metaventral disk impunctate; 1st abdominal ventrite with complete inner lateral stria, abbreviated outer; propygidium with ground punctation fine and sparse, with slightly elongate shallow punctures interspersed, separated by about their diameters; pygidium with fine, very dense ground punctation only, without any coarser punctures; marginal pygidial stria fine, present in about apical half, obsolete on each side to base. Male genitalia (Figs 94 C-D , F, H): accessory sclerites present; T8 with sides weakly convergent in basal two-thirds, angled inward to narrow apex, faintly desclerotized at angle, apical emargination narrow, basal emargination broadly angulate, with basal membrane attachment line distad emargination by about one-sixth its depth, ventrolateral apodemes most strongly developed at middle, not meeting beneath; S8 parallel-sided in basal three-fourths, then somewhat abruptly widened to apex, guides well developed only at apex, ventrally separate from base, diverging gradually to near apex, then truncate; T9 with apices subacute, converging, opposed; T10 with halves separate; S9 with stem narrowest one-third from apex, base broad, truncate to weakly emarginate, apex with very small median emargination, apical flanges small and separate, stem markedly desclerotized at base; tegmen with sides broadly rounded, apex subacute, with narrow 'U' -shaped medioventral process projecting weakly beneath, about one-fourth from base; basal piece about one-half tegmen length; median lobe about one-third tegmen length, with proximal apodemes separate. Remarks. The finely, evenly punctate pygidium (Fig. 95B) with a fine, abbreviated marginal sulcus, produced anterior pronotal margin, few apical marginal elytral punctures, and slightly shortened carinal prosternal striae together will diagnose this species. Specimens from South American localities generally have the inner subhumeral stria impressed for a short distance behind the middle, but are otherwise consistent in all characters. We restrict the type series to those specimens from Central America. Figure 95. Various Operclipygus species. A Dorsal habitus of Operclipygus peregrinus B Pygidia of Operclipygus peregrinus C Dorsal habitus of Operclipygus brooksi D Dorsal habitus of Operclipygus profundipygus E Pygidia of Operclipygus profundipygus F Dorsal habitus of Operclipygus punctatissimus G Pygidia of Operclipygus punctatissimus . Etymology. This species' name hints at its wide distribution, from Costa Rica to French Guiana and Peru.