A taxonomic review of the pericaline ground-beetles in Taiwan, with descriptions of new species (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Lebiini)
Hunting, Wesley
Yang, Man-Miao
journal article
Serrimargo schenklingi (Dupuis)
Figs 107, 108
, 109, 110B
(Peripristus) schenklingi
Dupuis, 1912: 288.
Peripristus ater
) Dupuis:
Csiki 1932
: 1356;
: 370.
Peripristus ater schenklingi
Lorenz 2005
: 463.
Types and other material examined.
Holotype (male) labeled "Kosempo/Formosa/Sauter VII 09";
[rectangular, red paper]; "DUPUIS DET."; "
/Dupuis"[handwritten]; "DEI Muncheberg/Col-03827"; " NCHU#/ 00507". One paratype and 44 other specimens of
S. schenklingi
: 28 males and 19 females. For further details see EH Strickland Virtual Entomology Museum Database.
Type locality.
= Chia-hsien, Kaohshiung City.
Taxonomic notes.
Fedorenko (2018)
, recently raised
S. schenklingi
to species status. After examining the types of
S. schenklingi
and comparing them with material of
S. ater
, this is indeed a valid species. After dissecting both male and female examples of recognized
species and some
that were available, it was clear that they were structurally very similar and closely related.
Specimens of this species are easily distinguished from other Taiwanese pericalines by the smooth tarsal claws and the distinctively black and granulate surface of the elytra.
OBL 9.50 - 13.33 mm. Length (ten males, ten females): head 1.00 - 1.28, pronotum 1.50 - 2.04, elytra 5.67 - 7.42, metepisternum 1.20 - 1.68 mm; width: head 1.08 - 2.80, pronotum 2.24 - 3.04, elytra 4.17 - 5.92, metepisternum 0.72 - 0.96 mm.
Body proportions. HW/HL 1.91 - 2.26; PWM/PL 1.42 - 1.57; EL/EW 1.18 - 1.37; ML/MW 1.39 - 1.86 mm.
Color. Fig. 107. Dorsum of head piceous, clypeus rufo-brunneous, darker centrally, labrum brunneo-testaceous to rufo-brunneous, antennae and palpi brunneo-testaceous to rufo-brunneous; pronotum piceous, margins brunneous to brunneo-piceous;
disc piceous, margins brunneous to brunneo-piceous; ventral surface of head rufous to rufo-piceous, gula lighter; ventral surface of pronotum, metepisternum and metasternum rufo-piceous; epipleuron of elytra and abdominal sterna lighter, brunneo-testaceous to brunneous; legs with coxa testaceous to brunneo-testaceous, femora rufo-brunneous to piceous, darker towards apex, tibia with ventral surface testaceous, dorsal surface darker, rufo-piceous to piceous.
Figure 107. Dorsal habitus and color pattern of
Serrimargo schenklingi
(Dupuis). (OBL 12.00 mm).
Microsculpture. Head with microsculpture almost isodiametric to isodiametric; pronotum with microsculpture transverse; elytra with sculpticells isodiametric, somewhat granulate;d ventral surface with sculpticells of elytra epipleuron almost isodiametric to isodiametric, all other surfaces with transverse to almost isodiameteric microsculpture.
Macrosculpture. Dorsum of head rugulose, surface with very fine, scattered, setigerous punctures, hardly visible at 50
; pronotum disc transversely rugulose, with single, shallow depression medially on each side, lateral margins shallowly rugulose, surface with very fine, scattered, setigerous punctures; elytra with lateral margins distinctly explanate, finely serrate along edge, intervals convex, in some specimens intervals slightly pointed, more so in apical half, intervals slightly pitted in appearance to more rugulose laterally, entire surface with very fine, scattered, setigerous punctures; ventral surface of head rugulose to gula suture; abdominal segments 4, 5 and 6 with a few additional deep punctures between typical fixed setae; remaining ventral surface with fine, randomly scattered setigerous punctures.
setae. Two pairs of supraorbital setae; clypeus with two long, lateral setae; labrum with six setae along apical margin; one pair of suborbital setae; pronotum with one pair of setae at base of lateral margin; 16-17 lateral (umbilical) setae in interval 9; elytra with interval 3 with two setae, placement slightly variable, one seta at approximately 1/3 from apex, next half way between first setae and apex; ventral surface with two setae on each of abdominal sterna III to VI, four setae along apical margin of sternum VII.
Luster. Dorsal surface moderately dull; ventral surface moderately glossy.
Head. Mandibles long and narrow, longer in some males; labrum rectangular, longer than wide, some specimens with very slightly emarginate apical edge; mentum with tooth; eyes large, convex; palpi cylindrical and elongate and with fine setae.
Pronotum. Lateral margins explanate, with margins curved slightly upwards; anterior transverse impression moderately shallow; posterior transverse impression deep; median longitudinal impression moderately deep; apico-lateral margins broadly and distinctly lobed, posterio-lateral margins sinuate, right-angled.
Elytra. Broadly rounded, hind angles slightly sinuate, lateral margins serrated.
Hind wings. Macropterous.
. Tarsal claws smooth, males with adhesive vestiture ventrally, two rows of squamo-setae on tarsomeres 1-3 of fore-leg.
Male genitalia. Fig. 108
. Length 1.80 - 1.96 mm. Ostium left pleuropic. Phallus cylindrical, distinctively wide, apex short, rounded at tip; endophallus long and narrowing from base to apex, curled along length, one long and curled flagellum (ef) at apex of endophallus.
Figure 108. Digital images of male genitalia of
Serrimargo schenklingi
(Dupuis). A left lateral aspect, endophallus everted B right lateral aspect C ventral aspect D left lateral aspect. Legend: ef endophallic flagellum.
Female genitalia. Fig. 110B. Width 1.16 - 1.28 mm. Gonocoxite 2 (gc2) long and narrow, narrowing from base to apex; two lateral ensiform setae spaced apart (les),
dorsal ensiform seta. Sensory furrow, furrow pegs and associated nematiform setae not observed. One spermatheca present (sp1), elongate and cylindrical, associated duct (sd) relatively long, with distinctive diverticulum (div) at approximately 1/3 from spermatheca duct base; one spermathecal accessory gland (sg), associated spermathecal gland duct (sgd), with attachment site near base of spermatheca.
Habitat, habits, and seasonal occurrence.
The known elevational range of
S. schenklingi
is from 584 to 750 meters. Adults of this species which are crepuscular are found in mixed primary and secondary forest of montane areas, and those that are crepuscular or nocturnal are typically found in moist areas on deadwood. Most collected specimens (31 individuals) came from two large dead trees that were in close proximity. The trees were lying down on a hill. One side received no light during the day and was covered, in places, by a mat of white fungus. Individuals were aggregated on these white mats. When disturbed with light, they would quickly move to find darkness. Specimens have been collected from April to December with most specimens collected October and December. The only know method of collection is by hand.
Geographical distribution.
Serrimargo schenklingi
is known from south China, Vietnam, and Taiwan. For Taiwan collecting localities see Figure 109.
Figure 109. Map showing known localities for species of the genus
Chaudoir, in Taiwan.
Figure 110. Line drawings of the female reproductive tract, ventral aspect, of A
Pericalus formosanus
Dupuis B
Serrimargo schenklingi
(Dupuis). Legend: bc bursa copulatrix; co common oviduct; des dorsal ensiform setae; div diverticulum; gc1 gonocoxite 1; gc2 gonocoxite 2; les lateral ensiform setae; lt lateral tergite; sg spermathecal gland; sgd spermathecal gland duct; sp1 spermatheca 1. Scale bars: 0.5 mm.