New species and new records of scaphopods from New Caledonia Author Scarabino, Victor John T. Huber text Mémoires du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle 2008 196 215 268 journal article 978-2-85653-614-8 1243-4442 Cadulus deschampsi n. sp. Figs 3g , 4i TYPE MATERIAL. — Holotype (lv) MNHN 20120 and 6 paratypes (dd) MNHN 20121-20122 . TYPE LOCALITY. — Norfolk Ridge, Banc Introuvable, 24°39’S , 168°38’E , 516-569 m [ NORFOLK 1: stn DW 1697] . MATERIAL EXAMINED. — Norfolk Ridge . NORFOLK 1: stn Jumeau Ouest , 23°19’S , 168°00’E , 601-608 m , 4 dd ( paratypes DW 1697 , Banc Introuvable , 24°39’S , 168°38’E , 516-569 m , MNHN 20121 ) . — SMIB 8: stns 146-147, Banc Éponge ( Mont B ), 1 lv ( holotype MNHN 20120 ) . — BATHUS 3: stn DW 824, Banc 24°55’S , 168°22’E , 508-532 m , 2 dd ( paratypes MNHN 20122 ) . DISTRIBUTION. — Norfolk Ridge , live in 516-569 m , shells in 532-601 m . DESCRIPTION. — Shell up to 5.1 mm long, translucent white. Maximum diameter at centre of shell. In lateral view, ventral side of caudal region exhibits a regular, pronounced, long curve, dorsal side has an alternating slightly concave and convex outline. Dorsal view fusiform. Apex simple, section slightly oval, dorsoventrally compressed. Preapical callus thin, at about 1/4 shell length from aperture. Lumen oval dorsoventrally. Mouth slightly laterally compressed, oblique. Measurements of holotype : L 5.1, W 1.0-0.9, mouth 0.51-0.46, w 0.40-0.35. REMARKS. — The main distinctive characters of Cadulus deschampsi are its fusiform shape and the length of the posterior 1/3 of the shell, which is longer than in most similar species. It is somewhat similar to C. simillimus Watson, 1879 , but the new species is smaller and less swollen. Three of the specimens show naticid perforations in the side of the apex, demonstrating active naticid predation in the locality. ETYMOLOGY. — Named after Guy Deschamps, a volunteer at MNHN, who has sorted numerous bottom samples for micromolluscs over almost 20 years.