A checklist of bats (Mammalia: Chiroptera) from Lao PDR Author Thomas, Nikky M. Harrison Institute, St Botolphs Road, Sevenaoks, Kent TN 13 3 AQ, U. K. & Corresponding author: E-mail: nikkythomas @ hotmail. com nikkythomas@hotmail.com Author Duckworth, J. W. 6 Stratton Road, Saltford, Bristol BS 31 3 BS, U. K. Author Douangboubpha, Bounsavane Faculty of Environmental Sciences, National University of Laos, Dong Dok Campus, Xaythany District, Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR Author Williams, Meredith University of Greenwich School of Sciences, Room 215, Grenville Building, Medway Campus, U. K. Central Avenue, Chatham Maritime, Kent ME 4 4 TB, U. K. Author Francis, Charles M. Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada text Acta Chiropterologica 2013 2013-06-01 15 1 193 260 journal article 21484 10.3161/150811013X667993 193fbb43-e457-4cb6-9683-30868f50f7c3 1733-5329 3943341 Eudiscopus denticulus Osgood, 1932 Disc-footed Bat Discopus denticulus Osgood, 1932: 236 ; Phong Saly, Laos . FIG. 51. Distribution of Myotis laniger Distribution Thailand , Lao PDR, Vietnam , C Myanmar . The status of this species is poorly known, and it is thought to be relatively rare compared with other bamboo specialist bats ( Francis, 2008 ). Distribution in Lao PDR ( Fig. 52 ): Phongsali Province : Phong Saly ( Phongsali ) (FMNH collection) (specimen likely to be from Ban Makomen (Ban Khomen) see Bangs and Van Tyne 1931 ). An additional specimen from Lao PDR is held in the collections of the BMNH with no locality details.