A revision of New Caledonian Gossia N. Snow & Guymer (Myrtaceae)
Snow, Neil
journal article
N. Snow & Guymer
is widespread across Grande Terre in
New Caledonia
and occasional on adjoining islands, but so far is unreported for the
Loyalty Islands
; mostly in maquis or more mesic forests and species rarely occurring in dense or extensive populations; near sea level to
1500 m
Shrubs to large trees, (0.2-)
18 m
Terete, compressed, or rarely 4-angled.
Absent to obscure, reddish and hair-like if present.
2(-3-4) per node, pedicellate or sometimes sessile, venation brochidodromous, thinly to thickly coriaceous, blades flat or bullate.
Axillary, terminal or ramiflorus, of monads, racemes, or panicles, solitary, paired, or fascicled; extrafloral bracts absent, scale-like or sometimes leafy.
2, sometimes early caducous.
Campanulate, cupulate, obconic, or urceolate, not prolonged beyond ovary apex, smooth or sometimes ribbed or rugose; ovary apex glabrous to hairy.
(1-)2(-3), placentation axile (or basal in
G. angustifolia
sp. nov.
). Stamens numerous; filaments dorsifixed or subdorsifixed. Stigma apex terete, narrow to slightly globular.
Baccate, green (immature) to yellow-orange or red but usually purplish-black at maturity.
1-4(-12), testa hard, irregularly rounded and typically somewhat compressed with some angular edges; embryo coiled or less commonly C-shaped. Chromosome numbers unknown.
1. Branchlets 4-angled (check youngest material) ...............................
G. diversifolia
(Brongn. & Gris) N. Snow
— Branchlets rounded or compressed .............................................................................................................. 2
2. Leaf blades blades broadly linear to very narrowly elliptic, apex retuse ......................................................... 3
— Leaf blades broader than narrowly elliptic, apex obtuse to acute (rarely retuse) ............................................ 5
3. Leaves 4 per node, blades broadly linear to very narrowly obovate ...............
G. virotii
(Guillaumin) N. Snow
— Leaves 2(-3) per node, blades narrowly elliptic to broader ........................................................................... 4
4. Leaves thickly coriaceous, margins strongly revolute; internodes at branch tips mostly less than
5 mm
long ... ..............................................................................
G. conspicua
(Vieill. ex Guillaumin) N. Snow
comb. nov.
— Leaves coriaceous, margins flat to only slightly revolute; internodes at branch tips mostly greater than
5 mm
long .............................................................................................
G. alaternoides
(Brongn. & Gris) N. Snow
5. Flowers all or mostly 4-merous .................................................................................................................... 6
— Flowers all or mostly 5-merous .................................................................................................................. 10
6. Leaf blades (8.5-)
12 cm
or longer .........................
G. aphthosa
(Vieill. ex Brongn. & Gris) N. Snow
(in part)
— Leaf blades less than
9.5 cm
........................................................................................................................ 7
7. Leaf blades mostly
6-9.5 cm
G. angustifolia
N. Snow
sp. nov.
— Leaf blades mostly <
6 cm
........................................................................................................................... 8
8. Leaf base narrowly cuneate; petiole sometimes drying nearly black ............
G. nigripes
(Guillaumin) N. Snow
— Leaf base rounded to cordate and conduplicate; petiole drying brownish .................................................... 9
9. Leaf blade conduplicate only at base, surface flat to slightly undulate; apex of inflorescence rigid, not nodding .....................................................................................................................
G. bourailensis
N. Snow
sp. nov.
— Leaf blade conduplicate up to half or more of its length, surface moderately to strongly undulate; apex of inflo- rescence sometimes nodding ......................................................................
G. conduplicata
N. Snow
sp. nov.
10. Petals>
9 mm
........................................................................................................................................... 11
— Petals <
9 mm
(petals unknown in
G. conduplicata
N. Snow
sp. nov.
, which probably keys here) ............. 13
11. Base of leaf cordate to rounded; petiole
1.5-2 mm
G. aphthosa
N. Snow & Munzinger
subsp. nov.
— Base of leaf round to cuneate, petiole
2-30 mm
......................................................................................... 12
12 Calyx lobes sparsely sericeous above; petals sericeous-tomentose below (sometimes densely so); hypanthium surface smooth; leafy bracts along inflorescence axis prominent (but typically soon caducous) ........................................ .........................................................................................................
G. clusioides
(Brongn. & Gris) N. Snow
— Calyx lobes sparsely ciliate only on margins; petals minutely ciliate apically but otherwise glabrous below; hypanthium surface sometimes slightly ribbed; leafy bracts along inflorescence mostly absent ........................... .............................................................................................................
G. colnettiana
(Guillaumin) N. Snow
13. Base of leaf blade moderately to strongly conduplicate, blade surface undulate ............................................... ....................................................................................................................
G. conduplicata
N. Snow
sp. nov.
— Base of leaf blade more or less flat (slightly conduplicate in
G. katepahiensis
N. Snow
sp. nov.
), surface mostly flat ............................................................................................................................................................ 14
14. Leaf blades mostly
10 cm
or longer .......................................................................................................... 15
— Leaf blades mostly
10 cm
or shorter ......................................................................................................... 16
15. Base of petiole sometimes encircled by a corky ring; base of leaf blade cordate to rounded, sometimes clasping; lowermost inflorescences often ramiflorous below leaves; bracteoles very narrowly elliptic to very narrowly obovate ......................................................
G. aphthosa
(Vieill. ex Brongn. & Gris) N. Snow
(in part)
— Base of petiole lacking corky outgrowths; base of leaf rounded or cuneate, never clasping; lowermost inflorescences axillary; bracteoles narrowly ovate to ovate...............................
G. clusioides
(Brongn. & Gris) N. Snow
16. Leaf surface bullate (sometimes strongly) or margins strongly and irregularly undulate; bark of second and third year growth often dark and breaking in irregular rectangle patches ............................................................ 17
— Leaf surface smooth or margins to flat or somewhat undulate; bark of second and third year growth mostly somewhat smooth, grayish-brown (or dark and flaking in
G. kuakuensis
G. pancheri
(Brongn. & Gris) N. Snow
) .......... 18
17. Leaf margins more or less flat; lowermost inflorescences axillary, extrafloral bracts of inflorescence leafy; hypanthium sparsely sericeous in flower; petals sericeous to tomentose below .......................................................... ...........................................................................................
G. clusioides
(Brongn. & Gris) N. Snow
(in part)
— Leaf margins irregularly undulate; lowermost inflorescences on naked branches below leaves, extrafloral bracts absent or scale-like; hypanthium sparsely to moderately sericeous in flower; petals ciliate ............................... .........................................................................................................................
G. ramiflora
N. Snow
sp. nov.
18. Leaf apex mostly retuse (rarely obtuse) ...................................................................................................... 19
— Leaf apex obtuse to acute ........................................................................................................................... 20
19. Hypanthium
3 mm
; bracteoles and calyx lobes sparsely to densely sericeous; leaves 2 per node ................... ..........................................................................................................
G. pancheri
(Brongn. & Gris) N. Snow
— Hypanthium 2.0-
2.5 mm
; bracteoles and calyx lobes hairy; leaves 2 or 3 per node ......................................... ......................................................................................................
G. alaternoides
(Brongn. & Gris) N. Snow
20. Calyx lobes drying mostly whitish or cream-colored (“petaloid” of some authors) ..................................... 21
— Calyx lobes drying mostly greenish ............................................................................................................ 22
21. Leaves mostly over
8 cm
long, apex acute; adaxial leaf surface somewhat glossy, secondary veins prominently raised; margin somewhat undulate .................................................................
G. kaalaensis
N. Snow
sp. nov.
— Leaves mostly shorter than
7 cm
long, apex obtuse; adaxial leaf surface matte, secondary veins flush; margin slightly revolute ......................................................................................
G. ouazangouensis
N. Snow
sp. nov.
22. Leaf base cordate or round ........................................................................................................................ 23
— Leaf base cuneate to narrowly cuneate ....................................................................................................... 27
23. Hypanthium sparsely to moderately sericeous ........................................................................................... 24
— Hypanthium glabrous or very sparsely sericeous near apex ........................................................................ 25
24. Extrafloral bracts of inflorescence leafy; bracteoles
3.5 mm
long; petals
8-13 mm
....................................... ..............................................................................................................
G. colnettiana
(Guillaumin) N. Snow
— Extrafloral bracts of inflorescence leafy; bracteoles scale-like,
0.5-1.4 mm
long; petals (4-)
5-7 mm
............. ........................................................................................................
G. vieillardii
(Brongn. & Gris) N. Snow
25. Older branchlets with dark, rectangular flakes; extrafloral bracts of inflorescence leaf-like ..............................
G. kuakuensis
(Baker f.) N. Snow
— Older branchlets smooth; extrafloral bracts of inflorescence lacking or small and scale-like ........................ 26
26. Petioles
1-3 mm
, rounded above; leaf apex broadly acute to obtuse; ovary apex hairy ..................................... .....................................................................................................................
G. bourailensis
N. Snow
sp. nov.
— Petioles
2.5-4 mm
, sometimes slightly sulcate; leaf apex broadly rounded or slightly retuse; ovary apex gla- brous...........................................................................................................
G. katepahiensis
N. Snow
sp. nov.
27. Secondary veins on adaxial leaf (in sicco) surface prominently raised ......................................................... 28
— Secondary veins on adaxial leaf surface (in sicco) flush or only slightly raised ............................................ 29
28. Leaves elliptic, apex rounded (occasionally retuse); hypanthium sericeous, oil glands of uniform size; ovary apex densely tomentose .............................................................................
G. pancheri
(Brongn. & Gris) N. Snow
— Leaves narrowly elliptic to narrowly ovate or somewhat elliptic, apex acute; hypanthium mostly glabrous, oil glands large and small; ovary apex glabrous ....................................................
G. kaalaensis
N. Snow
sp. nov.
29. Oil glands on abaxial leaf surface absent to sparse; style villous lower ½-¾, sometimes densely so; base of fruit
rounded or often prominently tapered ............................................
G. vieillardii
(Brongn. & Gris) N. Snow
— Oil glands on abaxial leaf surface dense; style sericeous to tomentose; base of fruit rounded ...................... 30
30. Hypanthium sericeous .............................................................................
G. mandjeliaensis
N. Snow
sp. nov.
— Hypanthium glabrous ............................................................................................................................... 31
31. Petioles reddish (drying dark brown); mature leaves mostly 5.0 cm or longer, surface flat, margin slightly recurved; Île des Pins ............................................................................................
G. ngaensis
N. Snow
sp. nov.
— Petioles dark red (drying nearly black); mature leaves mostly
4.5 cm
or shorter, blades undulate, margin flat; Massif du Panié .........................................................................................
G. nigripes
(Guillaumin) N. Snow