A revision of the Neotropical ant-like genus Cardiacephala Macquart, including Plocoscelus Enderlein syn. nov. (Diptera: Micropezidae, Taeniapterinae) Author Ferro, Gustavo Borges Author Marshall, Stephen A. text Zootaxa 2018 2018-06-07 4429 3 401 458 journal article 29933 10.11646/zootaxa.4429.3.1 249faa66-1f6a-44a0-b7f2-f12acaf62e5b 1175-5326 1285294 004C0DCB-9B63-4A44-A1BB-2D98ADFB1CEE Cardiacephala setosa ( Hennig, 1935 ) new combination ( Figs. 86–89 ) Plocoscelus setosus Hennig, 1935 : 49 . Description: Body length 6 mm , wing 4 mm . Palpus mostly dark brown, white on outer face. Clypeus brown, with sparse pale microsetulae. First flagellomere dark brown covered with pale microsetulae. Fronto-orbital plates and frontal vitta brown. Epicephalon, vertex and paracephalon black. Postpronotal lobe black and shiny. Row of katepisternal setae brownish. Hind femora narrowly white basally. Fore tarsus one dark brown, 2–5 white. Oviscape dark brown and shiny, apex yellow. Epandrium yellow. Head: Palpus broadened basally and gradually tapering to apex. Clypeus short, length less than half of width. Three frontal setae. Frontal vitta slightly prominent, shiny. Epicephalon with golden pruinosity. Vertex flattened and somewhat pronounced posteriorly. Inner vertical seta insertion flat, without tubercle. Paracephalon smooth, without swelling (not extending beyond the vertex). Line of black supracervical setae strong. Thorax: Mesonotum with golden pruinosity. Scutellum upturned, triangular. Femora with sparse black setulae. Mid and hind tibia flattened, but sulcus on outer face weak. Wing with stigmatal and discal bands, apex entirely dark. Crossvein r-m clear. R4+5 and M1+2 ending separately in wing margin. A1+CuA2 as long as CuA2. Female cervical sclerite smooth, without swelling. Abdomen: Tergites with brownish setulae. Female abdomen: Single spermathecal duct uniformly thick, ending in a small spherical spermatheca. Paired spermathecal duct striate and uniformly thick. Paired spermathecal duct stems thin in basal third, apical two thirds bumpy and strongly convoluted ( Fig. 87 ). Paired spermathecae cylindrical and convoluted, broader than paired spermathecal stems. Male abdomen: Ejaculatory apodeme thick, bigger than epandrium and with a broad blade, wider than sperm pump. Phallapodeme extending to anterior limit of hypandrium (somewhat displaced on Fig. 89 ). Distiphallus long, longer than epandrium. Distiphallus with a phallic bulb subequal in length and width. Distiphallus ending in a short and curved distal distiphallus. Type material: Holotype ( 1 ♀ , SMTD , only images examined): PERU . Urubamba, Umuhuankilia. Coll. W. Schnuse, 1911 (white label). Material examined: BOLIVIA . Heath River, Wildlife Centre , ~ 21km , SSW Puerto Heath, 12º40’S 68º42’W , 28.IV–12.V.2007 , S. A. Marshall ( 3 ♀ , DEBU 00282081, DEBU 00282148, DEBU 00282203); Heath River, Wildlife Centre , ~ 21km , SSW Puerto Heath, 12º40’S 68º42’W , 28.IV–11.V.2007 , S. A. Marshall ( 1 ♀ , DEBU 00289644); Heath River, Wildlife Centre , Yellow pans, 5.V.2000 , Paiero & Kits ( 18 ♀ , 5 ♂ , DEBU ); BRAZIL . Amazonas . Coari. Rio Urucu, Petrobrás, RUC-30. 27–30.X.1994 , L.E. F. Rocha & Silva ( 1 ♀ , INPA ); Amazonas , Parnajaú, Rio Paragajo, Mata Terra Firme, 20003S 624354W, VI.2001 ( 1 ♀ , INPA ); Rondônia , Vilhena, 27.VII.1983 , Binda Leonete ( 1 ♀ , INPA ); COLOMBIA . Amazonas , PNN Amacayacu Lorena , 3º2’86”S 69º59’70”W, 210 m , 27.VIII.2001 , M. Sharkley & D. Campos ( 1 ♀ , USNM ); Amazonas , PNN Amacayacu Matamata, 3º23’S 70º06’W , 150 m , 17.XII.2001 , M. 2265, D. Chota ( 1 ♀ , IAVH ); Amazonas , PNN Amacayacu Matamata, 3º23’S 70º06’W , 150 m , 17.IX–1.X.2001 , M. 2243, D. Chota ( 1 ♀ , IAVH ); Amazonas , PNN Amacayacu Matamata, 3º23’S 70º06’W , 150 m , 25.VI.2001 , M. 1888, A. Parente ( 1 ♀ , IAVH ); Amazonas , Amacayacu Natl. Pk. Sector Matamata, 150 m , Malaise trap, 20–23.III.2000 , A. Felix ( 1 ♀ , DEBU 00138441, IAVH ); Caquetá , PNN Chiribiquete Rio Cuñare, 0º30’ N 72º37’50” W , 300 m , 1–5.XI.2000 , M. 960, E. Gonzalez & M. Ospina ( 1 ♀ , IAVH ); PNN La Paya Cabaña La Paya, 0º2’S 75º12’W , 330m , 5–25.XII.2001 , M. 2797/2798, malaise, E. Lozano ( 3 ♀ , IAVH ); Valle de Caora, PNN Farallones de Cali Anchicaya, 650 m , 3º26’ N 76º48’ W , M. 1528, 30.I–13.II.2001 , S. Sarria ( 1 ♀ , IAVH ); Vichada , PNN Tuparro, Centro Adiministrativo, 5º21’ N 67º51’ W , 100 m , 22.V–31.VI.2001 , M. 1786, W. Villalba ( 1 ♀ , IAVH ); ECUADOR . Napo , Jatun Sacha Biol. Res. 6 km E Misahualli, 1º4’ S 77º37’ W , 450 m , 1.V.2002 , M. Buck ( 1 ♀ , 1 ♂ , DEBU 00177920, DEBU 00177921); Napo , Jatun Sacha Biol, Res. 6 km E Misahualli, 1º4’ S 77º37’ W , 450 m , 30.IV–8.V.2002 , S. A. Marshall ( 3 ♀ , DEBU 00178832, DEBU 00178952, DEBU 00179047); Napo , Tiputini, Biodiversity Station, 216 m , 00º37’55” S 076º08’39” W , 6.II.1999 , T. L. Erwin et al. ( 4 ♀ , USNM ); Napo , Yasuní National Park, PUCE Yasuní Research station, Malaise trap in rain forest, 76º36’ W 00º38’ S , 3–20.XI.1998 , T. Pape & B. Viklund ( 1 ♀ , ZMUC ); Prov. Orellano, Yasuni Natl. Pk, Yasuni research Stn., 0º40’50” S 76º24’2” W , 250 m , 28.IV–8.V.2009 , S. A. Marshall ( 1 ♀ , DEBU 01015591, sequence MYCRO 251–16); Prov. Orellano, Yasuni Natl. Pk, Yasuni research Stn., 0º40’50” S 76º24’2” W , 250 m , 28.IV–8.V.2009 , S. A. Marshall ( 1 ♂ , DEBU 01015597, sequence MYCRO 252–16); PERU . Madre De Dios , Los Amigos Biol. Stn. Treefall pans, 6–10.VI.2006 , Paiero & Klymko ( 1 ♂ , DEBU 00279663); Tambopata, 15km NE Plo. Maldonado, 22.VI.1989 , J. S. Ashe & R. A. Leschen #302 ( 1 ♂ , SEMC ); Tambopata, 15km NE Plo. Maldonado, 22.VI.1989 , J. S. Ashe & R. A. Leschen #200 ( 1 ♀ , 1 ♂ , SEMC ). Distribution: Bolivia , Brazil , Colombia , Ecuador , Peru .