Catalogue of Texas spiders Author Dean, David Allen Department of Entomology, Texas A & M University, College Station, Texas, United States of America text ZooKeys 2016 2016-03-02 570 1 703 journal article 1313-2970-570-1 CE0DA439F6F64DCF82255700A3C50098 E376FF8EFFF1F22C326D1E0DFF8BFFDF 579094 Neoscona arabesca (Walckenaer, 1841) Neoscona arabesca Agnew et al. 1985 : 4; Armstrong and Richman 2007 : 395; Berman and Levi 1971 : 474 [S, T], mf, desc. (figs 1-3, 5-6, 8, 10, 14-42, 125-126); Bonnet 1958 : 3055; Breene et al. 1993a : 169; Breene et al. 1993b : 647; Breene et al. 1993c : 12, 47, 106, mf (figs 164A-C); Breene et al. 1994 : 8; Brown 1974 : 232; Bumroongsook et al. 1992 : 17; Calixto et al. 2013 : 181; Dean and Eger 1986 : 141; Dean and Sterling 1987 : 6; Dean and Sterling 1990 : 405; Dean et al. 1982 : 254; Dean et al. 1987 : 268; Dean et al. 1988 : 285-286; Dondale et al. 2003 : 171, mf, desc. (figs 363-371); Hoffmaster 1985 : 627; Jackman 1997 : 82, desc., 161 (photo 21t); Li 1990 : 137, 142, 144; Liao et al. 1984 : 410; Nyffeler and Sterling 1994 : 1295, 1298; Nyffeler et al. 1987a : 357; Nyffeler et al. 1989 : 374, 377; Nyffeler et al. 1992a : 1181; Nyffeler et al. 1992c : 2; Rapp 1984 : 5; Rice 1986 : 124; Vogel 1970b : 4; Woods and Harrel 1976 : 43; Young and Edwards 1990 : 15 Epeira arabesca Walckenaer, 1841; McCook 1893 : 148; Marx 1890 : 542 Epeira trivittata Keyserling, 1864; Jones 1936 : 70 Araneus trivittatus (Keyserling, 1864); Jones 1936 : 70 Neoscona minima F. O. P.-Cambridge, 1904; Bonnet 1958 : 3058; Brown 1974 : 233; Gertsch and Mulaik 1936b : 20, m (fig. 30); Kagan 1942 : 27; Kagan 1943 : 258; Vogel 1970b : 4; Woods and Harrel 1976 : 43 Aranea minima (F. O. P.-Cambridge, 1904); Roewer 1942 : 847 Distribution. Widespread; Atascosa, Bee, Brazoria, Brazos, Burleson, Cameron, Collin, Colorado, Comanche, Dallas, Erath, Falls, Fannin, Fayette, Galveston, Gillespie, Hays, Henderson, Hidalgo, Houston, Hunt, Jefferson, Jim Wells, Matagorda, McLennan, Montague, Nacogdoches, Polk, Rains, Robertson, San Patricio, Travis, Victoria, Walker, Webb, Wichita, Willacy, Williamson Locality. Adriance Pecan Orchard, Attwater Prairie Chicken National Wildlife Refuge, Bentsen-Rio Grande Valley State Park, Ellis Prison Unit, Galveston Island State Park, Holmes Pecan Orchard, Lake Corpus Christi State Park, Lake Tawakoni State Park, Lick Creek Park, Proctor Lake, Ramsey Prison Farm, Resaca de la Palma State Park, Russell Farm, Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge, Texas A&M University Rangeland Area, Welder Wildlife Refuge Time of activity. Male (January - December); female (January - December) Habitat. (crops: corn, cotton, peanuts, rice, sugarcane, watermelon); (grass: grass, grassland, grassy and shrub area, pasture); (littoral: salt marsh area); (nest/prey: mud dauber nest [mf], nest of Chalybion californicum ); (orchard: citrus, orange, pecan, tangerine, Valley lemon); (plants: bluebonnets, croton, garden, Indian paintbrush, miscellaneous vegetation, pepper, roadside vegetation, Hibiscus sp., Monarda citriodora ); (soil/woodland: brushy area, hibiscus, mesquite, oak, post oak savanna); (structures: fence next to cotton field) Method. Beating [mf]; boll weevil pheromone trap [mf]; cardboard band [mf]; D-Vac suction [mf]; fogging [mf]; pitfall trap [f]; suction trap [mf]; sweeping [mf] Type. Georgia Etymology. Spanish, Arabic-like pattern Collection. DMNS, MSU, NMSU, TAMU