Manual of North American Agromyzidae (Diptera, Schizophora), with revision of the fauna of the " Delmarva " states Author Lonsdale, Owen Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada, 960 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, ON, K 1 A 0 C 6, Canada text ZooKeys 2021 2021-07-29 1051 1 481 journal article 1313-2970-1051-1 639E252D43924ABB910BCEA5D8AD2487 BE8CC6847F645F61BB2F7A6BCF96FD64 Ophiomyia nasuta (Melander) Figs 64-66 , 377-382 Agromyza curvipalpis Zetterstedt. Misidentification, in part. Melader 1913: 251. Agromyza maura var. nasuta Melander, 1913: 260. Agromyza youngi Malloch, 1914: 312. Frick 1952a : 384 [as synonym of Madiza pinguis Fallen ]. Frick (1959) [as synonym of nasuta Melander]. Ophiomyia madizina Hendel, 1920: 130. Spencer 1964 a [synonymy]. Tylomyza madizina . Hendel 1931: 185. Frick 1952a : 385, 1959 : 372 Siridomyza madizina . Enderlein 1936a : 179. Tylomyza nasuta . Frick, 1952a: 384 [as synonym of Madiza pinguis Fallen ], 1957: 201 [lectotype designation], 1959: 372. Ophiomyia nasuta . Spencer, 1964: 789, 1969: 91, 1976: 71, 1990: 261; Spencer and Steyskal 1986b : 42; Scheffer et al. 2007 : 770; Cerny 2018 : 122; Eiseman and Lonsdale 2018 : 23. Description (Figs 64-66 , 377 ). Wing length 2.0-2.2 mm (♂), 2.1-2.5 mm (♀). Length of ultimate section of vein M4 divided by penultimate section: 0.8-1.0. Eye height divided by gena height: 5.4-7.4. Face short, with carina broad and diverging above large, semispherical bulb. Gena stout and produced anteriorly; highest subapically. Clypeus slightly narrowed anteriorly (more pronounced in female). Anterior margin of buccal cavity broad. Anterior angle of ocellar triangle long and tapered, nearly reaching anterior margin of frons. Frons minutely pitted with ocellar triangle and fronto-orbital plate shiny. Fronto-orbital plate and parafacial slightly projecting and continuing under eye as distinct cheek. Body shiny. Distance between crossveins approximately as long as dm-m. Chaetotaxy : Orbital setulae proclinate and relatively long and dense. Male vibrissal fasciculus absent. Two ori; one or two ors present in female, absent in male. Three dorsocentral setae, slightly decreasing in length anteriorly. Mid tibia with one small posteromedial seta. Colouration : Body, including halter dark brown to black. Calypter margin and hairs dark brown. Wing veins light brown to brown, sometimes whitish. Genitalia : (Figs 378-382 ) Surstylus 1/2-length of epandrium at base, narrowing apically with apex broadly rounded; height approximately equal to length at base; with irregular clusters of tubercle-like setae apically and anteriorly on inner surface. Metepiphallus small with three pairs of medial and basal spines. Phallophorus slightly elongate with constricted base. Halves of basiphallus broadly fused at base with short, ill-defined left lateral sclerite and slightly longer right lateral sclerite. Distiphallus with base extending past base of mesophallus; minutely tuberculate dorsally and apically, inner surface minutely spinulose laterally near base, with small dorsomedial hook and distal section divided into two hemispheres. Ejaculatory apodeme with well-developed stalk, blade with striations and base with thin membranous tubule. Host. Asteraceae - Taraxacum officinale . Distribution. Across northern North America from YT to QC, south to northern CA, CO, NM and NC ( Eiseman and Lonsdale 2018 ). Europe, Japan, Turkey, Kazakhstan ( Cerny 2018 ). Type material. Lectotype [ nasuta ]: USA. WA : Kamiac Butte, (1♂, USNM). Paralectotypes [ nasuta ]: USA. ID : Troy, (1♂, USNM), WA : Pullman (4♂, USNM). Austria. "Styria" (1♂, USNM). Holotype [ Agromyza youngi ]: USA. NY : Albany, 28.iv.1913, D.B. Young (1♂, NYSM). [Not examined]. Syntypes [ madizina ]: "Austr., Germ." (23♂♀, NMW, USNM). [USNM ♂ and ♀ examined]. Additional material examined. Canada . BC : nr. Golden Rest Area , rt. 1, , C.R. Bartlett ( 1♀ , UDCC), ON : Ottawa, 45°19'1.20"N , 75°43'12"W , 90 m , , J.E. O'Hara , Malaise trap , CNC629668, CNC629688 ( 2♀ , CNC), SK : Duck Lake , 15.iv.1924 , K.M. King , CNC358553 ( 1♀ , CNC) . USA . CT : Redding, 10.v.1930 , A.L. Melander ( 2♀ , USNM), DE : Pike Creek , , D. Buntin ( 1♀ , UDCC), Bridgeville, 8.viii.195, H.E. Milliron , on peppers ( 1♀ , UDCC), New Castle Co. , Newark , Thorn Lane beside RR tracks, 18.vii.1993 , field sweep, D.S. Chang ( 1♀ , UDCC), UD Newark Farm , 39°40'14.81"N , 75°44'54.89"W , 18.ix.2007 , sweep net , M. Frye ( 1♀ , UDCC), Newark , UD Farm , 5.x.1997 , W.P. Brown , sweep net ( 1♀ , UDCC), Newark , UofD Gardens , 3.viii.2007 , T. Cooper ( 1♀ , UDCC), Sussex Co. , Millville , Route 26, 5.x.1997 , M.J. Harrison ( 1♀ , UDCC), ID : Lafayette , 30.iv.1915 , swept from grass, J.M. Aldrich ( 1♀ , USNM), IL : Chicago, A.L . Melander ( 1♀ , USNM), MA : Franklin Co. , Northfield , 276 Old Wendell Rd. , 5.v.2016 , C.S. Eiseman , Taraxacum officinale , 20-21.v.2016 , #CSE2476, CNC654194 ( 1♂ , CNC), MD : Temple Hills , 17.vii.1978 , G.F. Hevel ( 1♀ , USNM), Lavale , 9.v.1970 , G. Steyskal ( 1♂ , USNM), Montgomery Co. , 4mi SW of Ashton , G.F. and J.F. Hevel , 18.iv.1987 ( 1♀ , USNM), 25.iv.1987 ( 1♀ , USNM), 15.viii.1982 ( 1♂ 2♀ , USNM), 17.vii.1978 ( 1♂ , USNM), 18.iv.1987 ( 1♂ , USNM), Colesville , 31.vii.1975 , W.W. Wirth ( 2♂ , USNM), Colesville , 31.viii.1973 , Malaise trap , W.W. Wirth ( 1♂ 2♀ , USNM), P.G. Co. , Temple Hills , 17.vii.1978 , G.F. Hevel ( 2♂ , USNM), Camp Springs , 8.vii.1979 , G.F. Hevel ( 2♀ , USNM), Oxon Hill, G.F. and S. Hevel, 22.vii.1978 ( 1♀ , USNM), 24.vii.1978 ( 1♀ , USNM), Frederick Co. , 1mi N, 4.7mi W of Point of Rocks , 11.vii.1982 , G.F. and J.F. Hevel ( 1♀ , USNM), MI : Chippewa Co. , , R.andK. Dreisbach ( 1♀ , USNM), Ingham Co., E Lansing, 22.vii.1963 , F.E. Giles ( 1♀ , USNM), E. Lansing , C. Sabrosky , ( 1♀ , USNM), 29.v.1937 ( 1♀ , USNM), NM : Cloudcroft , 26.v.1964 , J.F. McAlpine , CNC358586 ( 1♂ , CNC), NY : Ithaca, A.L . Melander, 28.v.1937 ( 1♀ , USNM), 31.v.1913 ( 1♀ , USNM), White Plains , 1.v.1909 , Bueno, A.L . Melander ( 1♀ , USNM), Geneva , 28.v.1914 , A.L. Melander ( 1♂ 5♀ , USNM), Chazy , 8.viii.1930 , A.L. Melander ( 1♀ , USNM), OH : Oxford , Mallot's Lawn , 12.x.1978 , B.A. Steinly ( 1♀ , USNM), PA : Chester Co. , Toughkenamon , 39°51'37, 75°46'58, 14.ix.2007 , E. Lake Stroud Res. Ctr. ( 1♀ , UDCC), Bucks Co. , Pineville , 24.v.1969 , J.W. Adams ( 1♀ , USNM), TN : Gt. Smokies N.P. , Chimneys , , A.L. Melander ( 1♀ , USNM), Sevier Co. , Rte. 441, 3mi NW NC/TN border, Great Smokey Mt. N.P. , 35°38.3'N , 83°27.8'W , 4500', S.D. Gaimari , 27.v.1999 ( 1♀ , USNM), VA : Pulaski , 7.v.1979 , G. Steyskal ( 4♂ 1♀ , USNM), Montgomery Co. , Mill Cr., Rt. 785 NE Blacksburg , 30.iv.1978 , C.M. and O.S. Flint ( 1♀ , USNM), Giles Co. , 10 km NW Blacksburg , Bald Knob , 18.v.1997 , S.A. Marshall ( 1♂ , DEBU), Butt Mtn. , 8 km NW Blacksburg , 21.v.2005 , S.A. Marshall ( 1♂ , DEBU) . Comments. Ophiomyia nasuta is a widespread and relatively commonly encountered species that can be diagnosed quite readily using external characters: the facial carina is short with the bulb large and semispherical, the gena apically produced and truncated, there is no male fasciculus, there are three dorsocentral setae, the ocellar setulae are dense and proclinate, and there is sexual dimorphism in number of ors.