First report of plant inhabiting predatory mites (Acari: Phytoseiidae) in Maldives Author K, Ismail Döker Institute of Environmental and Agricultural Biology (X-BIO), Tyumen State University, Tyumen, Russia. & Cukurova University, Agricultural Faculty, Department of Plant Protection, Acarology Laboratory, Author KhaustovK, Vladimir A. Institute of Environmental and Agricultural Biology (X-BIO), Tyumen State University, Tyumen, Russia. Author JoharchiK, Omid Institute of Environmental and Agricultural Biology (X-BIO), Tyumen State University, Tyumen, Russia. text Acarologia 2022 2022-09-05 62 4 865 878 journal article 2107-7207 Amblyseius largoensis (Muma) Amblyseiopsis largoensis Muma, 1955: 266 . ( Figure 2 ) Material examined — Five females collected from Maafushi Island, Maldives , 3°56′40.5″ N 73°29′35.2″ E, Terminalia catappa L. ( Combretaceae ) in 25 December 2021 . MeasurementsFemale (n = 5) – Length of dorsal shield 328 (313–345), width at level of s4 206 (190–216), width at level of S2 230 (211–247). Seven pairs of dorsal solenostomes ( gd1 , gd2 , gd4 , gd5 , gd6 , gd8 and gd9 ). Setae measurements as follows: j1 35 (34–36), j3 48 (45–49), j4 7 (6–7), j5 7 (6–7), j6 8 (7–8), J2 12 (11–12), J5 9 (8–9), z2 11 (10–11), z4 11 (10–11), z5 8 (7–8), Z1 11 (10–12), Z4 83 (80–84), Z5 252 (243–265), s4 87 (83–89), S2 12 (12–13), S4 13 (12–13), S5 13 (12–13), r3 11 (10–11), R1 11 (10–11) and JV5 55 (51–59). Distance between st1-st3 63 (59–67), st2-st2 69 (67–70), st5-st5 70 (69–70); length of ventrianal shield 100 (90–108), width at level of setae ZV2 47 (45–48), width at level of anus 64 (56–67), distance between preanal pores ( gv3-gv3 ) 25 (23–26) ( Figure 2a ). Fixed cheliceral digit with 9–11 teeth and pilus dentilis, movable digit with three teeth ( Figure 2b ). Calyx of spermatheca 29 (28–30) long ( Figure 2c ). Chaetotaxy of legs as follows: Leg I; coxa 0 0/1 0/1 0, trochanter 1 0/1 0/2 1, femur 2 3/1 2/2 2, genu 2 2/1 2/1 2, tibia 2 2/1 2/1 2. Leg II; coxa 0 0/1 0/1 0, trochanter 1 0/1 0/2 1, femur 2 3/1 2/1 1, genu 2 2/0 2/0 1, tibia 1 2/1 1/1 1. Leg III; coxa 0 0/1 0/1 0, trochanter 1 0/1 0/2 1, femur 1 2/1 1/0 1, genu 1 2/1 2/0 1, tibia 1 1/1 2/1 1. Leg IV; coxa 0 0/1 0/0 0, trochanter 1 0/1 0/2 1, femur 1 2/1 1/0 1, genu 1 2/1 2/0 1, tibia 1 1/1 2/0 1. Length of macrosetae as follows: SgeI 37 (35–38), SgeII 33 (32–34), SgeIII 41 (39–43), StiIII 34 (32–37), StIII 32 (30–34), SgeIV 105 (98–112), StiIV 79 (74–83), StIV 61 (58–63). World Distribution — This species has a cosmopolitan distribution and reported mostly in tropical and subtropical areas of the world ( Demite et al. 2022 ) and Maldives (this study). Remarks — Morphological characters and measurements of the Maldivian specimens are identical to the original description and subsequent redescriptions ( Schicha 1987 ; Denmark and Muma 1989 ; Zannou et al. 2007 ; Navia et al. 2014 ; Karmakar et al. 2017 ; Ferragut and Baumann 2019 ; Liao et al. 2020 ).