Twelve new species and fifty-three new provincial distribution records of Aleocharinae rove beetles of Saskatchewan, Canada (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) Author Klimaszewski, Jan Author Larson, David J. Author Labrecque, Myriam Author Bourdon, Caroline text ZooKeys 2016 610 45 112 journal article 1313-2970-610-45 910C964F910C47D99FAEB73A5557C7E2 910C964F910C47D99FAEB73A5557C7E2 Taxon classification Animalia Coleoptera Staphylinidae Dochmonota websteri Klimaszewski & Larson sp. n. Figs 65-72 Holotype (male). Canada, Saskatchewan, Bigstick Lake, 16 km E Golden Prairie, 1-IX-2011, D. Larson (LFC). Paratypes. Canada, Saskatchewan, Bigstick Lake, 16 km E Golden Prairie, 1-IX-2011, D. Larson (LFC) 1 female; Bear Creek at Crane Lake, NE Piapot, 18-VIII-2011, D. Larson (DLC) 1 female. NON-TYPE: Canada, Saskatchewan, Bigstick Lake, N Maple Creek, 4-IX-2012, organic mud/sedges, rushes, etc. near water, D. Larson (DLC) 1 male. Etymology. The species is named for Dr. Reginald R. Webster, close friend of JK, and extraordinary entomologist who "understands aleocharine beetles" and who changed the beetle map of New Brunswick by endless discovery of new species. In memory of our "grappa discussions" and fruitful collaboration. Diagnosis. Body moderately narrow, subparallel (Fig. 65), length 3.0-3.4 mm, uniformly black with tarsi reddish-brown; antenna with articles I-IV elongate, and V-X slightly transverse (Fig. 65); head, pronotum and elytra finely and densely punctate, punctures small; pubescence dense; integument moderately glossy, more so on abdomen, with meshed microsculpture; head distinctly narrower than pronotum (Fig. 65); pronotum strongly transverse, distinctly narrower than elytra at base, with pubescence directed obliquely laterad from median line of disc and pubescence in basal part of median line directed posteriad and laterad, base of disc without impression (Fig. 65); elytra at suture as long as or slightly longer than pronotum (Fig. 65); abdomen subparallel. MALE. Tergite VIII truncate apically and without apical teeth (Fig. 68); sternite VIII elongate, tapering posteriorly and rounded at apex (Fig. 69). Median lobe of aedeagus with large suboval bulbus and small broad triangular tubus in dorsal view, lateral sides of bulbus gradually narrowed apically (Fig. 67), in lateral view tubus arcuate basally and straight apically and crista apicalis of bulbus small (Fig. 66); internal sac structures as illustrated (Figs 66, 67). FEMALE. Tergite VIII truncate apically (Fig. 70); sternite VIII gradually narrowed apically and truncate, apical margin slightly emarginate (Fig. 71); spermatheca with spherical capsule bearing scarcely seen apical invagination, stem broad, and coiled (Fig. 72). Distribution. Adults are known only from SK. Natural history. Most adults of this species were collected from shorelines of eutrophic lakes in June, August and September, and one male was captured in organic mud/sedges, and rushes near water. Comments. A male from Bigstick Lake had slightly distorted median lobe of aedeagus and was excluded from the type series.