Revision of New World Helava Masner & Huggert (Platygastridae, Sceliotrachelinae) Author Talamas, Elijah J. Systematic Entomology Laboratory, USDA / ARS c / o USNM, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C. 20560, U. S. A. billy.jenkins@GMAIL.COM Author Masner, Lubomir Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, K. W. Neatby Building, Ottawa, Ontario K 1 A 0 C 6, Canada text Journal of Hymenoptera Research 2016 2016-12-19 53 1 24 journal article 1314-2607-53-1 13184D6320474F62A987B844E6386BCD 255935082C11B238FF99FFF1FFC4FF9E 575134 Helava aureipes Masner & Talamas sp. n. Figures 24-28 Description . Female body length: 0.95-1.36 mm (n=20). Male body length: 0.98-1.10 mm (n=20). Male antenna: apically clubbed. Number of antennomeres in male club: uncertain, 3. Number of female clavomeres: 4. Setation of frons anterior to ocellar triangle: present. Setation of vertex posterior to lateral ocellus: dense. Hyperoccipital carina: absent. Pronotum in dorsal view: present mostly as lateral shoulders. Dorsoventral band of dense setation on posterior part of lateral pronotum: absent. Setation of pronotal cervical sulcus: sparse to absent. Width of dorsal mesopleuron in lateral view: about equal ventrally and dorsally to 1.5 times as wide ventrally. Longitudinal striation on dorsal mesopleuron: present. Transepisternal line: present. Mesofurcal pit: present. Notaulus: percurrent. Rs+M in fore wing: nebulous. Wings: macropterous. Rs+M in hind wing: nebulous. Color of legs: yellow. Foamy structures of lateral propodeum: smaller than hairy metapleuron. Median tubercule on T2: present. Setation of anterior T2: interrupted medially. Lateral patch on T2: absent. Foamy structures on S1: absent. Transverse felt field on anterior S2: present. Shape of S2 in lateral view: broadly convex. Diagnosis. Helava aureipes and H. allomera are the only two South American species with notauli. They can be separated from each other by the transepisternal line, which is absent in H. allomera and present as a distinct groove in H. aureipes . Etymology. The epithet " Helava aureipes " is given to this species in reference to the golden colour of the legs. Link to distribution map. Material examined. Holotype , female: CHILE : Araucania Reg., Malleco Prov. , 1200m , 37.809°S 73.016°W , Nahuelbuta National Park , 9.I-12.I.2000 , Malaise trap , D. Webb & D. Yeates , USNMENT00989205 (deposited in CNCI) . Paratypes : CHILE : 25 females , 88 males , CNC424741, 425033-425101, 494411-494451, 494813, USNMENT00989206 (CNCI) .