Revision of the Oligocene bryozoan taxa described by Stoliczka (1862), with the description of a new genus of Bryocryptellidae Author Zágoršek, Kamil Author Gordon, Dennis P. text Geodiversitas 2014 2014-12-26 36 4 541 564 journal article 6391 10.5252/g2014n4a3 348e847c-f4e9-4aec-9917-b8b894a85e71 1638-9395 4538596 Filisparsa Ξ sp. ( Fig. 1C, D ) Filisparsa tenella Stoliczka,1862:80 , pl. 1, fig.5. — Zágoršek 2001: 519 ; 2003: 115 , pl. 2, fig. 6 (cum syn.). MATERIAL EXAMINED. — Holotype of Filisparsa tenella , registered as 1862/0022/0049. DIAGNOSIS. — Colony short, erect, with autozooecial apertures arranged in rows.Peristomes slightly curving laterally from colony axis. Frontal wall with pseudopores; boundaries between autozooecial tubes indistinct. Dorsal side of colony smooth, slightly ribbed.Gonozooecium not known. REMARKS TABLE 1. — Taxonomic and nomenclatural revision of the type collection of Oligocene bryozoan taxa described by Stoliczka (1862) .
Original name Ref – NHM Vienna Proposed new name Fig.
Idmonea ( Tubigera ) hoernesi 1862/0022/0050 Exidmonea hoernesi
Idmonea ( Tubigera ) giebeli 1859/0026/0144 Exidmonea giebeli 1A
Filisparsa tenella 1862/0022/0049 Filisparsa ? sp.
Pustulopora ( Clausa ) retifera 1862/0022/0047 Mecynoecia cf. pulchella
Pustulopora attenuata 2010/259/16A Mecynoecia cf. proboscidea
Alveolaria buski 1862/0022/0055 ? Bobiesipora fasiciculata
Heteropora similis 1859/0026/0138 Heteropora similis Stoliczka, 1862 1J
nomen dubium
Hornera porosa 1862/0022/0048 Hornera cf. verrucosa
Pavotubigera anhaltina 1862/0022/0052 Disporella anhaltina ( Stoliczka, 1862 ) 1K, L
nomen dubium
Lunulites latdorfensis 1867/0012/0018 Lunulites latdorfensis 1B-F
Membranipora ( Semiflustrella ) anhaltina 1862/0022/0054 Onychocella subpyriformis
Eschara reussi 1859/0026/0136 Steginoporella cf. reingruberhohensis 2A
Eschara ( Escharifora ) ornatissima 2010/0259/0010 Adeonella ornatissima 2B-D
Eschara ( Escharifora ) mortisaga 1859/0026/0137 Adeonella mortisaga n. comb. 2E-F
Eschara ( Porellia ) pulchra 1862/0022/0056 Adeonellopsis pulchra n. comb. 3A
Lepralia pedicularis 1862/0022/0053 Lepralia pedicularis Stoliczka, 1862 4B
nomen dubium
Eschara ( Flustrina ) subovata 2010/0259/0006 Stoliczkella subovata n. comb. 3B-G
Eschara crenatula 2010/0259/0007 Stoliczkella crenatula n. comb. 4A-F
Lepralia macropora 1859/0026/0140 Anarthropora macropora n. comb. 5A-D
Lepralia grotriani 1862/0022/0051 Escharella grotriani 5E-F
Cellaria beyrichi 1859/0026/0133 Myriapora ? beyrichi n. comb. 5G-H
Eschara ( Porina ) porulosa 2010/0259/0009 Tubucella mammillaris 5I-J
Retepora fasciata 1862/0022/0044 Retepora fasciata Stoliczka, 1862
nomen dubium
Orbitulipora haidingeri 1862/0022/0045 Orbitulipora haidingeri 6A-H
Stichoporina reussi 1862/0022/0046 Stichoporina reussi 7A-G
Owing to the poor preservation and lack of the gonozooecium, the exact determination remains uncertain, but the arrangement of the autozooecia mostly resembles those in Filisparsa , even though the type species is Cretaceous. Ŋere is also some similarity to Tervia serrata ( Reuss, 1869 ) in which, however, the V outline of the autozooecial tubes is observable on the dorsal side of the branch.