The genus Ochrotrichia Mosely (Trichoptera: Hydroptilidae) in Costa Rica, with the description of four new species Author Bueno-Soria, Joaquin Author Holzenthal, Ralph W. text Zootaxa 2008 1763 41 54 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.181971 0fa7c8c1-980b-4b65-9805-a9782e447369 1175-5326 181971 Ochrotrichia conformalis , new species Figs. 4 a, b, c The presence of 2 dark spine-like processes on segment X and similarly shaped inferior appendages in lateral view, make to Ochrotrichia conformalis new species a member of the arranca group ( Flint 1972 ) closely related to O. arranca (Mosely) ( Fig. 3 ), and O. quasi , new species . However, the wide, stout, basal lobe of the inferior appendages in ventral view clearly separates O. conformalis new species from O. arranca (Mosely) and O. quasi , new species . Male: Length of forewing 2.0 mm. Color in alcohol stramineous. Segment IX depressed, produced anteriad. Segment X in dorsal view with long, slightly curved, dorsal process bearing 2 large black setae; left side with apical hook-like process; in lateral view, ventrally with 2 curved processes, 1 long with acute, ventrally directed apex, the other shorter, wider basally. Inferior appendage in lateral view, with elongate, finger-like dorsal lobe; left inferior appendage with elongate, bifurcate ventral lobe, between lobes 2 short black spineslike; right inferior appendage with large, apically darkened hook-like process, ventral lobe bearing 2 preapical, black spines-like; in ventral view, left and right ventral lobes of inferior appendages appearing short, stout, wide basally, with 2 dark, preapical spines-like; apex acute, ending in long dark spine-like. Phallus long, thread-like. Female: Unknown Type material: Holotype , male. COSTA RICA : Alajuela: Reserva Forestal San Ramón, Río San Lorencito and tribs., 10.216º N , 84.607º W , el. 980 m , 1–4.v.1990 , Holzenthal & Blahnik ( UMSP ). Paratypes : same data as holotype , 2 males ( UMSP , NMNH ). Etymology: From the Latin word conformalis ; in reference to the similarity of this species with O. arranca (Mosely) .