Deep Water Polymastiidae (Porifera, Polymastiida) from the South West Pacific Author Ekins, Merrick Queensland Museum, PO Box 3300, South Brisbane 4101, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia & School of Biological Sciences, University of Queensland, St Lucia, Queensland, 4072 Australia & Griffith Institute for Drug Discovery, Griffith University, Brisbane 4111, Queensland, Australia Author Erpenbeck, Dirk GeoBio-Center, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität M ¸ nchen, Richard-Wagner-Strasse 10, 80333 Munich, Germany & Dept. of Earth and Environmental Sciences Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität M ¸ nchen, Richard-Wagner-Strasse 10, 80333 Munich, Germany Author Wörheide, Gert 0000-0002-6380-7421 GeoBio-Center, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität M ¸ nchen, Richard-Wagner-Strasse 10, 80333 Munich, Germany & Dept. of Earth and Environmental Sciences Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität M ¸ nchen, Richard-Wagner-Strasse 10, 80333 Munich, Germany & SNSB - Bayerische Staatssammlung f ¸ r Paläontologie und Geologie, Richard-Wagner-Str. 10, 80333 M ¸ nchen, Germany woerheide @ lmu. de; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 6380 - 7421 Author Hooper, John N. A. Queensland Museum, PO Box 3300, South Brisbane 4101, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia & Griffith Institute for Drug Discovery, Griffith University, Brisbane 4111, Queensland, Australia text Zootaxa 2023 2023-11-08 5369 1 57 88 journal article 278514 10.11646/zootaxa.5369.1.3 9611b7b9-8af8-4fa8-bced-ef8b8a8ed68d 1175-5326 10146837 F906AFDC-DA4E-4ADB-9835-BC4B7692F1FD Polymastia norfanzii sp. nov. Ekins, Erpenbeck & Hooper 6B12CAAA-B341-4860-9E45-F33DBB995B5D Figures 1 , 2 & 10 , Table 5 Material examined: Holotype QM G339367 , Lord Howe Plateau , Pacific Ocean Seamounts , Australia -34.2315 , 162.6765 , 515–700 m , Sherman Sled , Coll. NORFANZ expedition on RV Tangaroa , 85-014, MF336, 26/V/2003 . Etymology: named in honour of the NORFANZ expeditions which enabled the collection of these new species. Diagnosis: Polymastia with a single invaginated non-contractile papilla, choanosomal tracts of large tylostyles, forming bouquets below the ectosome. Smaller tylostyles also in the ectosome and scattered in the choanosome, lacking stellate bundles of tylostyles in the choanosome. Morphology: The sponge is dome shaped 11 mm in diameter and 5 mm in height. It was originally attached to a rock. It is cream in colour and has a hispid surface ( Fig. 10 A ). The upper surface bears a single non-contractile papilla 2 mm in length and approximately 0.5 mm in width, which is invaginated into the upper surface ( Fig. 10 B, C ). There is a single oscule on the summit of the papilla of 0.1 mm in diameter ( Fig. 10 A–C ). TABLE 5. Comparison of specimens of Polymastia invaginata and P. norfanzii sp. nov. .
Spicules of choanosomal tracts Spicules of choanosomal stellate bundles Spicules of choanosomal Not in stellate bundles Spicules of cortical pallisade Strongyles/ Sceptre like Specific surfaces hispidation spicules Invagination of papillae Papillae Papillae size (mm) Size (mm) consistencey Location
P. invaginata Kirkpatrick, 1907: 271 Large smooth, slightly curved 2240 × 40 Slender tyles 200 × 15 Slender tyles 70 × 6 Tylostyles with small spherical head, short neck, straight fusiform 140–350 × 12–19 Occasional? 2240 × 40 - complete 1 Height of dermal spicules ? dense and firm Antarctica
P. invaginata Kirkpatrick 1908: 15–16 , pl. XII(1b), pl. XIV (5–15a) Large smooth, slightly curved styles 2240 × 40 and long slender tylostyles Fusiform tylostyles tyles 200 × 15 Fusiform tylotyles 70 × 6 Tylostyles with small spherical head, short neck, straight fusiform 140–350 × 12–19 Occasional? 2240 × 40 - complete 2 Height of dermal spicules 80 × 45, 8x8x4 dense and firm Antarctica
P. invaginata Hentchel, 1914: 49 , Taf. V, Fig. 4. Slender fusiform subtylostyles 816–1792 × 15–20 Stout, fusiform tylostyles 120– 600 × 10–25 - stout, fusiform tylostyles 120–600 × 10–25 - - partial 1 ? 8 ? Antarctica
P. invaginata Koltun, 1964: 26 , pl. IV(10–14); Styles or subtylostyles 816–2240 × 15–40 ? fusiform tylostyles 70–600 × 6–25 - fusiform tylostyles 70–600 × 6–25 - - complete 1 Height of dermal spicules 80 × 45 ? Antarctica
P. invaginata Boury-Esnault & van Beveren 1982: 36–37 , pl. IV (13–14), Figs. 9,D–F Fusiform tylostyles with a well marked head 227–(590)–890 × 10–(22)–32 Small fusiform tylostyles, well marked head 71–(166)–312 × 5–(6.5)–9 - Small fusiform tylostyles, well marked head 71–(166)–312 × 5–(6.5)–9 - ? tylostyles sometime with a slight head 923– (1697)–2106 × 13–(24)–32 complete 1 2–8 ~25? ? Kerguelen and Heard Islands
P. invaginata Plotkin & Janussen 2008:102-109 , Figs. 4-5, Tables 2-3 Fusiform, straight styles (subtylostyles, tylostyles) 1026–(1568)–2186 x 8–(19)–32 Fusiform, straight or slightly curved tylostyles (subtylostyles, styles) 60–(383)–988 x 2–(9)–30 - Fusiform, straight or slightly curved tylostyles (subtylostyles, styles) 60–(383)–988 x 2–(9)–30 145–(482)– 1080 × 27–(59)–97 slender, straight, sharply pointed tylostyles or styles 2200–(2753)– 4771 × 5–(25)–41 partial or none 1–4 2–13 × 2–8 ≤37 × 29 ? Antarctica
......Continued on the next page TABLE 5. (Continued)
Spicules of choanosomal tracts Spicules of choanosomal stellate bundles Spicules of choanosomal Not in stellate bundles Spicules of cortical pallisade Strongyles/ Sceptre like Specific surfaces hispidation spicules Invagination of papillae Papillae Papillae size (mm) Size (mm) consistencey Location
P. invaginata Present work QM G315026 Fusiform, straight styles 1030–(2798)–5380 × 18–(34)–61, n=27 Fusiform, straight or slightly curved tylostyles 131–(264)–429 × 5–(10)–19, n=40 - Fusiform, straight or slightly curved tylostyles 131–(264)–429 × 5–(10)–19, n=40 Rare 90 × 12, n=1 - complete 1 height at dermal layer, 19 wide 73 × 25 Firm compressible Antarctica
P. invaginata Present work QM G335958 Fusiform, straight styles 1720–(2680)–5180 × 16–(30)–43, n=28 Fusiform, straight or slightly curved tylostyles 95–(240)–654 × 3–(10)–19, n=60 - Fusiform, straight or slightly curved tylostyles 95–(240)–654 × 3–(10)–19, n=60 - - complete 1 height at dermal layer, 16 wide 83 × 35 Firm compressible Antarctica
P. invaginata Present work QM G311143 Fusiform, straight styles 1940–(2749)–3480 × 7–(37)–67, n=12 Fusiform, straight or slightly curved tylostyles 124–(381)–957 × 4–(14)–37, n=51 - Fusiform, straight or slightly curved tylostyles 124–(381)–957 × 4–(14)–37, n=51 Rare - complete 1 height 3mm above dermal layer, 13 wide 52 × 40 Firm but friable Antarctica
P. norfanzii sp. nov. Present work QM G339367 Fusiform, straight or slightly curved tylostyles 499–(1226)–2560 × 6–(17)–30, n=62 Fusiform, straight or slightly curved tylostyles 93–(140)–272 × 3–(5)–9, n=52 Fusiform, straight or slightly curved tylostyles 93–(140)–272 × 3–(5)–9, n=52 complete 1 2 × 0.5 11 × 5 Dense and firm Lord Howe Plateau
FIGURE 10. Polymastia norfanzii sp. nov . A. Plan view of the halved sponge QM G339367 showing the hispid surface, with the single papilla in the upper centre, indicated by the arrow. B. Side view of the same sponge illustrating the aquiferous canals and papilla (indicated by the arrow) as well as the obvious ectosomal palisade. C. SEM of the same sponge illustrating the longitudinal tracts of the diverging bouquets of tylostyles and the protective tylostyles on the outside of the papilla. D. Section illustrating the tracts of choanosomal tylostyles. E. SEM of the ectosome showing the small tylostyles amongst the much larger choanosomal tylostyles. F. Choanosomal tylostyles. G. Magnified ends of the tylostyles in F. H. Small tylostyles. I. Terminating ends of the aquiferous channels. Skeleton: Aquiferous canals are obvious throughout the choanosome and continue up through the papillae ( Fig 10 B, C ). The choanosomal skeleton is composed of longitudinal tracts of principal styles, with smaller tylostyles scattered between the tracts ( Fig. 10 C, D ). These tracts originate in the base of the sponge and form bouquets beneath the ectosome and then protrude through the ectosome where they form the outer hispid layer. The walls and exterior face of the single papilla are protected and supported by the tylostyles ( Fig. 10 C ). The ectosomal skeleton is composed of the tightly packed bouquets of ascending styles forming a dense palisade along with the smaller tylostyles ( Fig. 10 E ). Spicules. Principal styles 499–(1226)–2560 × 6.1–(17.4)–30.2 μm, (n=62) ( Fig. 10 F,G ), small tylostyles 92.7– (140)–272 × 2.9–(4.5)–8.7 μm, (n=52) ( Fig. 10 H ). Molecular data: 28S-C region barcode of holotype QM G339367 (ENA Accession number OY741341), This sample is genetically different from all other samples analysed in this study. It forms the sister to a supported P. invaginata clade . Remarks: This new species is different from P. invaginata firstly by the absence of the stellate bundles of the small tylostyles, that have been consistently referred to as occurring throughout the choanosome. This new species has scattered loose tylostyles in the choanosome and only at the termination of the aquiferous channels do there appear to be tylostyles formed into stellate clusters acting as filters ( Fig. 10 I ). Polymastia norfanzii sp. nov. is also differentiated from P. invaginata by the presence of strictly tylostyles in the choanosomal bundles, rather than the dominating larger styles of the central papillae, surrounded by the invagination caused by partial retraction of the papilla, lacks the contractile ability of the papillae in P. invaginata . This is corroborated by the large number of spicules both internally providing support for the papillae, and externally providing protection ( Fig. 10 C ). The contractile and retractile papilla on P. invaginata have a smooth exterior surface devoid of spicules. The differences in molecular results obtained in this study compared to previous studies along with the morphological differences mentioned above, separate this new species from P. invaginata . It also raises the possibility that several species may be currently under P. invaginata , as more specimens are recovered in the future, this will most likely elucidate more species.