An updated checklist for the pseudoscorpion fauna of Hungary (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones) Author Novák, János text Zootaxa 2024 2024-04-04 5433 1 51 95 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.5433.1.2 1175-5326 10953697 12A37ADF-99A9-4A4D-A8CC-E2C98B8B6D31 Neobisium ( Neobisium ) brevidigitatum ( Beier, 1928 ) Obisium (Obisium) doderoi brevidigitatum Beier, 1928: 292 . Neobisium brevidigitatum : Novák 2015: 154; Novák 2018: 100. Neobisium ( N. ) brevidigitatum : Červená et al . 2020a: 222 , 225, 226; WPC 2023. Occurrence: Georgia , Hungary , Poland , Romania , Slovakia , Ukraine (WPC 2023). Known localities in Hungary : Vászoly (Novák 2015). Aggtelek : Bíbic Dolina (E-side), Veres lake (E-side); Jósvafő : Farkaslyuk (E-side); Jósvafő : Valley of Kecső Brook, Tengerszem; Szinpetri : Szőlő Hill; Mikóháza : Fekete Hill; Sátoraljaújhely : Berecki-híd; Sátoraljaújhely : Magas Hill (Novák 2018). New data: Bátorliget : linden forest, 27.03.1990 , leg. MS, MPL (HNHM pseud-1794: 1♀ ); oak forest with wild garlic, 27.03.1990 , leg. SM , PLM (HNHM pseud-1799: 2 adults ) ; Valley of Kemence Brook ( Börzsöny ): 26.04.1940 , leg. IL (HNHM Pseud-1800: 1♀ ) ; Ócsa : forest, 22.09.1978 , leg. MH (HNHM Pseud-1789: 2♂ ) ; Turjános , 01.06.1951 , leg. MM (HNHM Pseud-1788: 1♀ ) ; Pácin : Mágócsi Castle , 08.10.2006 , leg. GH , APL (KFM Pseud-0022: 1♀ ; KFM Pseud-0023: 1♂ , 1♀ ; KFM Pseud-0025: 1♀ ; KFM Pseud-0026: 1♀ ) . Habitat preference: Neobisium ( N .) brevidigitatum has been previously recorded from plant debris ( Beier 1963a ), and Jászayová & Jászay (2022) have recently reported it from the following habitats: oak-hornbeam forest, fir forest, beech and fir flowery forest, beech and fir flowery forest with the presence of maple, beech and fir flowery forest and birch, maple-beech mountain forest, floodplain alder forest with beech and grey alder. It has been previously found in Hungary in oak forest, in beech-hornbeam forest, and in beech forest (Novák 2018). It was found during the present study from linden and oak forest. Remarks: this species was firstly reported from Hungary by Novák (2015). Neobisium ( Neobisium ) carcinoides ( Hermann, 1804 ) Chelifer carcinoides Hermann, 1804: 118 Obisium carcinoides : Tömösváry 1882a: 232–233 ; Daday 1889a: 131 ; Pillich 1914: 153 ; Daday 1918: 2 . Neobisium ( Neobisium ) muscorum muscorum : Szent-Ivány 1941: 87 . Neobisium ( Neobisium ) germanicum Beier : Szent-Ivány 1941: 87 . Neobisium ( Neobisium ) carcinoides : Beier 1963a: 114 ; Mahnert 1983: 361–362 ; Harvey 1991: 349–352 ; Kárpáthegyi 2007: 84 ; Christophoryová et al . 2011b: 36 ; Novák 2012: 61 ; Červená et al . 2020a: 222 ; WPC 2023. Neobisium muscorum : Szalay 1968: 39–40 . Neobisium germanicum : Szalay 1968: 41 . Neobisium carcinoides : Murányi & Kontschán 2002: 191 ; Kárpáthegyi, 2005: 66; Christophoryová 2009: 129–130; Novák 2011: 68 ; Novák 2013a: 123 ; Novák 2014a: 29; Novák 2015: 154–55; Novák 2016: 5 ; Novák 2017a: 39, Novák 2018: 100. Occurrence: Algeria , Austria , Belgium , Bosnia , Bulgaria , Croatia , Czechia , Denmark , Estonia , Finland , France , Georgia, Germany , Greece , Hungary , Iceland , India , Ireland , Italy , Kazakhstan , Kenya , Latvia , Lithuania , Luxembourg , Montenegro , Morocco , Netherlands , North North Macedonia, Norway , Poland , Portugal , Romania , Russia , Serbia , Slovakia , Slovenia , Spain , Sweden , Switzerland , Tunisia , United Kingdom , Ukraine (WPC 2023). Known localities in Hungary : Sátoraljaújhely ( Tömösváry 1882a ; Daday 1889a ). Sóly ( Tömösváry 1882a ). Simontornya ( Daday 1889a ; Pillich 1914 ; Novák 2014). Kékestető , Lillafüred , Királyhida , Csóványos , Letkés ( Szent-Ivány 1941 ). Balmazújváros : Drassa; Egyek : Ohati Forest, Újszentmargita : Margitai Forest ( Mahnert 1983 ). Újrónafő, Lébény, Fertőboz, Sopron , Lébénymiklós, Hédervár, Tárnokéti, Györsövényház, Csorna ( Murányi and Kontschán 2002 ). Kishuta : Komlóska Valley; Rostalló : Valley of Kemence Brook; Kőkapu , Arka : Boldogkőváraljai-púp; Baskó : Tekeres Brook; Szögliget : near the spring (Kárpáthgyi 2005). Várgesztes ( Kárpáthegyi 2007 ). Bakonyszentkirály : Hajmáspuszta; Bakonyszentkirály : Kőris-lapos; Bakonyszücs : Szakács-éri Lake; Eplény : Malom Valley; Olaszfalu : Békás Lake; Súr : near fishing lake II; Veszprém : Ördögrágta-kő; Zirc : Pintér Hill ( Novák 2011 ). Bükkszentkereszt : Rókafarm; Bükkszentkereszt : Nagy-som Valley; Bükkszentkereszt : Hollóstető; Cserépváralja : Karud Hillside; Eger : Sík Hill; Miskolc : Savós Valley; Miskolc : Jávor Hill, Jávorkút, Forrás Valley, Lyukas Ridge, Kurta Crag, Nagy-hárs Hill; Nagyvisnyó : Youth Camp; Parasznya : mouth of Udvarkő Cave; Szarvaskő ; Szilvásvárad : Őserdő ( Novák 2012 ). Esztergom : Strázsa-hegy; Hanság : Lébényi grazing; Ipolytarnóc: Kilencfenyő Forest; Isaszeg : Siklós Valley; Lébény ; Mosonszolnok : Bordacs-Császár-réti canal; Nagyrécse ; Osli : Király Lake; Pilisszentkereszt : Kétbükkfa-nyereg; Szigetbecse ( Novák 2013a ). Balatonederics ( Novák & Kutasi 2014 ). Bakonybél ; Balatonhenye ; Réde ; Tés ; Zirc : Bocskor Hill; Zirc : Pintér Hill (Novák 2015). Budapest : Farkasrét; Budapest : Hármashatár Hill; Budapest : Kakukk Hill; Nagykovácsi : Nagyszénás ( Novák 2016 ). Aggtelek : Bíbic Dolina (E-side). Aggtelek : Ménes Valley; Aggtelek : Veres Lake (E-side); Jósvafő : Valley of Tohonya Brook; Martonyi : Nagy-Rednek Valley; Szalonna : Köszvényeskút; Szin : Háló Valley; Szinpetri : Szőlő Hill; Szögliget : Ménes Valley; Szögliget : Szádvár; Monok : Csörgő Hill; Sátoraljaújhely : Sátor Hill (Novák 2018). New data: Abaliget : oak-hornbeam forest, 14.09.1991 , leg. ZKO & HR (HNHM Pseud-1515: 1♀ ) ; Alsópetény : 07.1944, leg. GE & IL (HNHM Pseud-1753: 3♂ , 1♀ ) ; Balajt : Konc Valley , 23.05.2006 , leg. GH (KFM Pseud-007: 1♂ ) ; Bátorliget : Fényi Forest , 13.03.1990 , leg. OM (HNHM Pseud-1703: 6 adults ) ; Cserkút : oak forest, sifted from litter, 18.05.2013 , leg. JN (HNHM Pseud-1365: 1♀ ; HNHM Pseud-1366: 1♀ ) ; Diósjenő : Kemence Brook , 01.05.1951 , leg. SE (HNHM Pseud-1803: 2♂ ) ; Farkasgyepű : ”Fagetum-őserdő”, oak forest, 12.09.1975 19.04.1976 , leg. LT (HNHM Pseud-1371: 1♂ ) ; Fertőrákos : 1983, leg, IL (HNHM Pseud-1606: 1♂ , 1♀ ; HNHM Pseud-1617: 3 adults ; HNHM Pseud-1618: 2♂ , 3♀ ; HNHM Pseud-1619: 2♂ ) ; Gánt : Pap Valley , 20.03.2010 , leg. TN (HNHM Pseud-1702: 5 adults ) ; Gödöllő : maple forest, 28.02.2010 , leg. TN (HNHM Pseud-1700: 3♂ , 2♀ ) ; Hanság : Lébényi grazing, 09.1995, leg. APd (HNHM Pseud-928: 1 adult ) ; along the road to the birch forest, 19.04.1996 . leg. EH (HNHM Pseud-1278: 1 adult ) ; Ipolytarnóc : Kilencfenyő Forest , under tree bark, 29.07.2001 , leg. OM (HNHM Pseud-937: 1 adult ) ; Isaszeg : Siklós Valley , maple-oak forest, 24.10.2009 , leg. RCJ , AK , TN , VKS (HNHM Pseud-959: 1 adult ), (HNHM Pseud-960: 1 adult ), (HNHM Pseud-961: 1 adult ), (HNHM Pseud-962: 1 adult ), (HNHM Pseud-963: adult), (HNHM Pseud-964: 1 adult ), (HNHM Pseud-965: 1 adult ), (HNHM Pseud-966: 1 adult ), (HNHM Pseud-967: 1 adult ) ; Kaposvár : 26.09.1940 , leg. IL (HNHM Pseud-1675: 1♀ ; HNHM 1805: 3 adults ) ; Valley of Kemence Brook ( Börzsöny Mts ): 26.04.1940 , leg. IL (HNHM Pseud-1766: 3♂ ) ; 13.05.2016 , leg. GS (HNHM Pseud-1910: 2♂ , 1♀ ) ; Kerecsend : Fácános-berek , maple-oak forest, 23.04.1983 , leg. LA (HNHM Pseud:1541: 2♀ ; HNHM Pseud-1555: 5♂ , 5♀ ) ; Kistómalom : 1982, leg. IL (HNHM Pseud-1620: 1♀ ) ; 1983, leg. IL (HNHM Pseud-1603: 1♂ , 1♀ ; HNHM Pseud-1607: 1♂ ) ; Kőszeg : 10.1938, leg. AV (HNHM Pseud-1673: 17 adults ) ; 08.1928, leg. ZS (HNHM Pseud-1724: 1♂ , 2♀ ) ; Vogelsang Valley , leaf litter, 12.11.1938 , leg. ??? (HNHM Pseud-1801: 19 adults ) ; Lábatlan : Piszince , oak-hornbeam forest, 14.06.1990 , leg. OM (HNHM Pseud-1692: 1♂ , 1♀ ) ; Martonyi : Nagy-Rednek Valley , 07.06.2007 , leg. GH (KFM Pseud-0011: 1♀ ) ; Mánfa : Dóczy mill, hornbeam forest, 14.08.1999 , leg. ZKO (HNHM Pseud-1573: 1♀ ) ; Mátraháza : beech forest, sifted from litter, 18.08.2014 , leg. JN (HNHM Pseud-1777: 1♂ , 1♀ ) ; Mohácsi Island : Kölkedi Forest , 23.04.1923 , leg. EB (HNHM Pseud-1729: 3♂ ) ; Nagyvisnyó : Taró-fő , oak forest, 12.07.1985 , leg. LA & MH (HNHM Pseud-1690: 1♂ ) ; Nógrádverőc : Török Brook , 20.05.1951 , leg. SE (HNHM Pseud-1672: 1♂ , 2♀ ) ; Ócsa : Madárvárta , marshland forest, sifted from litter, 17.08.2013 , leg. JN (HNHM Pseud-1595: 1♀ ) ; 15.05.2013 , leg. JN (HNHM Pseud-1601: 3♂ , 1♀ ) ; marshland, sifted from reed debris, 15.05.2013 , leg. JN (HNHM Pseud-1598: 1♂ ) ; Páprád : Bükkhát Forest Reserve , boars wallow, 13.11.2013 , leg. KF (HNHMPseud-1785: 4♂ , 6♀ ) ; Pécs : Mély Valley , 05.09.1946 , leg. LMO (HNHM Pseud-1659: 1♀ ) ; Zsidó-hegy , oak-hornbeam forest, 25.03.2003 , leg. LD (HNHM Pseud-1804: 1♂ ) ; Pilisszántó : MTA research area, oak hornbeam forest, sifted from litter, 02.06.2015 , leg. JN (HNHM pseud-1847: 1♀ ; HNHM Pseud-1849: 1♂ ; HNHM Pseud-1853: 1♀ ; HNHM Pseud-1856: 8 adults ) ; 25.10.2016 , leg. JN (HNHM Pseud-1972: 32 adults ) ; Pilisszentlélek : oak forest, sifted from leaf litter, 11.07.2013 , leg. JN (HNHM Pseud-1778: 1♂ ) ; Sopron : Nagy és Kistómalom , 01.12.1944 , leg. ED (HNHM Pseud-1664: 3♂ ) ; forest around Princpihenő , under stones, 23.06.1944 , leg. ED (HNHM Pseud-1767: 1♂ , 1♀ ) ; Tolvajárok , 08.1944, leg. ED (HNHM Pseud-1652: 3 adults ) ; Szakonyfalu : moss, 11.1958, leg. IL (HNHM Pseud , 1631: 2♂ , 1♀ ; HNHM Pseud-1790: 1♀ ); elegyes-bükkös, 1999.03.26 , leg. ZKO (HNHM Pseud-1798: 1♀ ) ; Szalonna : Köszvényeskút , 07.06.2007 , leg. GH (KFM Pseud-0004: 1♂ , 2♀ ) ; Szigetbecse : aspen forest, 25.10.1990 , leg. OM (HNHM Pseu-1710: 1 adult ) ; 14.02.2001 . leg. OM (HNHM Pseud-1247: 1 adult ; HNHM Pseud-1248: 1 adult ; HNHM Pseud-1249: 1 adult ; HNHM Pseud-1250: 1 adult ) ; Szilvásvárad : Szalajka Spring , 29.06.1951 , leg. ??? (HNHM Pseud-1682: 1♂ , 1♀ ) ; Tahitótfalu : Ábrahám-bükk , beech forest, 18.01.1990 , leg. OM (HNHM Pseud-1503: 1♂ , 1♀ ) ; Tarpa : forest, 06.04.1983 , leg. SM & LMP (HNHM Pseud-1757: 2♂ , 1♀ ) ; Tata : 18.03.1960 , leg. IL (HNHM Pseud-1630: 1 adult ) ; Tés : 04.04.2012 , leg. CsK, TN (NHMB Pseud-0025: 1♂ ) ; Tubes : 08.12.1960 , leg. IL (HNHM Pseud-1643: 1♀ ) ; Újrónafő : Dombosházi Forest , forest, 29.03.1999 , leg. OM (HNHM Pseud-1575: 1♀ ) ; Vajdácska : Diófás-dűlő , 28.05.2007 , leg. GH (KFM Pseud-0036: 1♀ ; KFM Pseud-0037: 1♂ ) ; Valkó : Gödöllői Nature Resterve , 24. forest part, 26.05.1991 , leg. OM (HNHM Pseud-1524: 3♂ , 2♀ ) ; Várgesztes : oak forest, 26.11.2014 , leg. JN & HA (HNHM Pseud : 1779: 4♂ , 6♀ ) ; Zebegény : Malom Valley , 03.01.1990 , leg. AB & OM (HNHM Pseud-1792: 15 adults ) . Habitat preference: This widely distributed species has been recorded from various types of dry and humid habitats, but mostly from the leaf litter of deciduous and mixed evergreen-deciduous forests, from moss, under stones, and in plant debris ( Beier 1963a ; Legg & Jones 1988 ). It has been reported from moss and needle litter in coniferous forests in Lithuania ( Krajčovičová et al. 2018 ), and has been reported from bird nest ( Christophoryová et al. 2011d ). In Slovakia , Krajčovičová et al. (2012) found it in moss, dead wood, organic material, rotten hay, garden waste and compost, and collected it in pitfall traps in wetland areas. It has also been reported from oak-hornbeam forests ( Christophoryová 2013 ), heaps of decomposing material ( Kaňuchová et al . 2015 ; Christophoryová et al . 2017a ), dead wood and tree hollows ( Christophoryová et al . 2017c ), and bird nests ( Christophoryová et al . 2017b ). Jászayová & Jászay (2022) reported it from the following habitats: fir forest, beech and fir flowery forest with the presence of maple, beech and fir flowery forest and birch. In Hungary it has been reported from reed debris ( Novák 2011 ), from beech and oak forests ( Novák 2012 , 2018), under tree bark, from meadow, from oak-maple forest, from birch forest, from hardwood grove ( Novák 2013a , 2016 ), from acacia grove (Novák 2015), from leaf litter of ash ( Novák 2016 ), from alder forest, and from moss (Novák 2018). During the present study it was found in the following forest types : oak-hornbeam, alder, maple, and swampforests. Remarks: this species is widely distributed throughout Hungary . Neobisium ( Neobisium ) crassifemoratum ( Beier, 1928 ) Obisium (Obisium) crassifemoratum Beier, 1928: 290–291 . Neobisium (Neobisium) crassifemoratum : Beier 1963a: 100–101 ; Harvey 1991: 354 ; Christophoryová et al. 2011b: 36 ; Novák 2012: 62 ; Harvey 2013 ; Novák 2018: 100; Červená et al . 2020a: 222 , 225; WPC 2023. Occurrence: Eastern- and Central Europe, Caucasus, Turkey (WPC 2023). Known localities in Hungary : Bükkszentkereszt : Kerek Hill ; Miskolc : Sebes , Felsőhámor , Ómassa , Nagy-hárs Hill ; Nagyvisnyó : Bánkút ( Novák 2012 ) . Alsótelekes : Telekes Valley ; Monok : Csörgő Hill ; Tarcal : Ördögbánya ( Novák 2018) . New data: Tenkes Hill : 09.12.1960 , leg. IL (HNHM Pseud-1787: 1♀ ) . Habitat preference: According to Beier (1963a) , this species prefers the leaf litter of forests in mountaneous areas. It has also been reported from moss in coniferous forests in Lithuania ( Krajčovičová et al. 2018 ). In Slovakia , Jászayová & Jászay (2022) reported this species from the following habitats: oak-hornbeam forest, fir forest, beech and fir flowery forest, beech and fir flowery forest with the presence of maple, beech and fir flowery forest and birch, maple-beech mountain forest, floodplain alder forest with beech and grey alder. In Hungary it has been found in beech forest ( Novák 2012 ). Remarks: Neobisium ( N .) crassifemoratum was described by Beier (1928) from „Retyezát, Siebenbürgen” which refers to the the Retezat Mountains in the Southern Carpathians, Romania ( Beier 1928 ). The first literature citation of this species from Hungary was by Beier (1963a) who listed it from ”O-Ungarn” (= Eastern Hungary ). As the type material was collected in 1912 (see Beier 1928 ), when the type locality was a part of Hungary , it is likely that Beier (1963a) might have listed Hungary based on ”Siebenbürgen” unaware that the site was later placed in Romania . Harvey (1991 , 2013 ) used Beier’s citation of Hungary in his world catalogues (M. Harvey, personal communication), but the first verified record of N. ( N .) crassifemoratum from present-day Hungary was by Novák (2012) .