Phylogeny and revision of a colorful Neotropical genus of rove beetles: Xenopygus Bernhauer (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) Author Caron, Edilson Author De Castro, Jessica C. Author Da Silva, Maycon R. Author Ribeiro-Costa, Cibele S. text Zootaxa 2016 4138 1 59 82 journal article 38563 10.11646/zootaxa.4138.1.2 a0ed8df2-3bf6-49e8-8f3a-5f6e83ef631f 1175-5326 265266 C302BB64-26B4-4959-9914-DB1AB4BB4B1A Xenopygus petilicolis, Caron & Castro sp. nov. ( Figs 10 , 13, 38, 50, 53, 56, 59) Type material. Holotype from FMNH , male, labeled as, ‘ Trinidad . St. George Co./ Simla Research Station, 800 ft ./ Arima Valley, N.Range,/ 10º41’34’’N / 61º17’22’’W / May 29 – June 3, 2000 / col. Alistair S. Ramdale’ [white label, printed], ‘Flight intercept trap,/ Premontane Tropical/ Rainforest’ [white label, printed], ‘ Xenopygus /? sp./ det. Newton 2000’ [white label, handwritten]. Three paratypes from FMNH , females, labeled as, 1) ‘ Panama : Panama Pr.,/ Lago Bayano, Isla de/ Majé, 17-20.XII.1988 ,/ flight intercept trap,/ R. G. Hancock leg./Field Mus. Nat. Hist.’ [white label, printed], ‘ Xenopygus / det. Newton 1995’ [white label, handwritten], ‘ CNC has this sp.’ [white label, handwritten]. 2) ‘ Trinidad : Tunapuna,/ Mt. St. Benedict, Mt./ Tabor, 500m , 21.VI- / 8.VII.1993 , FMHD 93-’ [white label, printed], ‘425, rainforest FIT/ (flight intercept trap),/ S. & J. Peck #93-38/ Field Mus. Nat. Hist.’ [white label, printed]. 3) ‘ Peru : Dept. Madre de/ Dios, Manu Prov./ Parque Nac. Manu, Zona/ Rest, Rio Manu, Cocha/ Juarez, trail nr. Manu’ [white label, printed], ‘Lodge, 18-24.IX.1991 / flight intercept trap,/ A. Hartman/ Field Musuem’ [white label, printed], ‘ Xenopygus / check peruvianus / Solsky/ Det.A.Davies’ [white label, handwritten], ‘? Dysanellus / (Leptodiastemus)/ det. Newton 1992’ [white label, handwritten]. Diagnosis. Xenopygus petilicolis , sp. nov. can be differentiated from X. sancticamillus , sp. nov . by the number and shape of apical teeth of the median lobe and by the shape of the paramere apex and the peg setae, in which X. petilicolis , sp. nov. has various small teeth ( Fig. 50 ) and has the apex thin and with the peg setae forming two parallel columns (Fig. 56). Description. BL: 9 mm , BW: 2 mm . Body entirely metallic dark green to dark blue, except for the apex of abdominal segments VII and VIII–X yellowish ( Fig 10 ). Pronotum with setal punctuations evenly distributed except for the longitudinal median region (Fig. 13). Eyes occupy almost all lateral sides of the head. Antenna scape shorter than antennomeres II and III combined; antennomere IV evidently longer than wide; antennomeres IV–XI with microsetae; antennomere XI asymmetric. Pronotum shorter than elytra length. Mesoventrite process with apex slightly rounded; metatarsomeres II–IV nonbilobate. Tergite V without arched carina; sternite VII without porous structure; and sternite VIII of male with apical margin medially emarginate (Fig. 38). Median lobe with non-bulbous base ( Fig. 50 ); apex rounded, smooth carina in ‘V’ shape in the apical third, various small apical teeth (Fig. 53); parameres fused in a single plate and apex with peg setae forming two parallel columns (Fig. 56). Geographical record. Panama : Panama . Trinidad and Tobago : Saint George. Peru : Madre de Diós ( Fig. 59 ) FIGURES 57–59. Geographical distribution of Xenopygus species. 57, X. analis ; 58, X. bicolor (dots) + X. confusus (triangles); 59, X. cordovensis (dots) + X. sancticamillus , sp. nov. (triangles) + X. petilicolis , sp. nov. (squares). Etymology. The specific name refers to the slender feature of the aedeagus and the specific name is a Latin compound name: adjective stem petil- (slender) + connective vowel i + substantive colis (penis).