Revision of Bondariella Hustache & Bondar (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), with descriptions of the first species from the Amazon and notes on natural history Author Valente, Roberta De Melo Author Júnior, Mariano Brandão Cordeiro text Zootaxa 2015 4018 2 201 227 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4018.2.3 25ff35c4-bb29-44b8-a9cf-e19da81b8422 1175-5326 243295 065A82FD-3F0A-43DF-AEF4-168BDFBF866F Bondariella crenata sp. nov. ( Figs. 2 C, 3A–F, 9–10) Male . ( Figs. 2 C, 3A, C–F, 9). Length of pronotum + elytra : 1.9–2.3mm (N=10). Integument ( Fig. 2 C) evenly light reddish brown throughout; covered by large yellowish spatulate scales. Rostrum ( Fig. 2 C) 0.7–0.8 times as long as pronotum; almost straight in lateral view, slightly curved on base. Antennae : antennal insertion median (0.5); scape 2.2 times as long as article I of funicle. Pronotum 1.2–1.3 times wider than long; disc with large and closely spaced punctures (distant by 0.4 times their own diameter); scales subequal in length throughout; median line not evident; collar not evident to slightly evident and marked by darker strip of punctures. Interprocoxal distance slightly shorter (0.9 times) than procoxal diameter. Femora with discrete ventral comb of long golden setae on basal 1/3, less evident on profemora. Tibiae lacking comb of setae. Elytra 1.3–1.5 times longer than wide; 2.0–2.2 times as long as pronotum; sutural interval with only one row of scales; remaining intervals with 1–2 rows of scales on base, becoming variously a single row toward apex. Abdominal tergites ( Figs. 3 F, 9A): laterotergites subdivided into four smaller sclerites; median fissure incomplete, not reaching distal margin of tergite IV; tergite IV with only median spiculate patches on median sclerites; tergite VII with one pair of basal plectra. Ventrites ( Fig. 9 B) I–II combined 1.7–1.9 times as long as III–IV combined; ventrite I 1.1–1.2 times as long as ventrite II; ventrite V trapezoidal, 2.5–2.6 times wider than long, concave on mesodistal region, with distal tuft of slightly longer scales on lateral margin of the concavity, distal margin rounded. Sternum VIII ( Fig. 9 C): each sclerite subquadrate, acute in the anterolateral margins and reflexed dorsally, glabrous. Spiculum gastrale ( Fig. 9 D): 2.6 times as long as median lobe; stylus curved and moderately wide; furcal arms weakly sclerotized, short, widened, symmetrical. Tegmen ( Fig. 9 E) weakly sclerotized, 2.1 times as long as median lobe; dorsal parameroid lobes connected medially on base, each parameroid lobe 0.6 times as long as median lobe, clothed with long setae on distal 3/4; ventral tegminal apodeme as long as median lobe, narrowed, elongate and reflexed dorsally. Aedeagus ( Fig. 9 F): median lobe short and wide, 1.7 times longer than wide; apex acutely rounded; lateral margins large; sides strongly sinuous and dorsally widened; endophallus strongly sclerotized, covered by spinules except medially, lacking membranous bags, ostium and orificial plates. Apodemes of aedeagus 1.9 times as long as median lobe, not sclerotized between basal 2/7and 5/7. Female ( Figs. 2 C, 3B, 10). Length of pronotum + elytra : 2.0– 2.1mm (N=10). Differs from male by generic characters of the rostrum, scrobe, antennal scape, interocular distance and ventrite II (cited above). In addition, by rostrum ( Figs. 2 C, 3B) straight and short, 0.5–0.6 times as long as pronotum; scrobe 0.4–0.5 times as long as rostrum; antennal insertion basal (0.3 times); pronotal disc with scales smaller on distal ½.; collar dorsally marked by row of dark punctures, ventrally weakly marked by sulcate line; femora lacking comb of setae. Body part ratios. Length scape/length article I of funicle: 1.8 times; pronotum width/length: 1.2–1.3 times; elytron length/width: 1.3–1.5 times; length elytron/length pronotum: 2.0–2.2 times; interprocoxal distance/procoxal diameter: 0.9 times; length ventrite I/length ventrite II: 1.1–1.3 times; length ventrites I+II/length ventrites III+IV: 2.0–2.2 times; ventrite V width/length: 2.5–2.6 times. Etymology. Named in reference to the distinct shape of the aedeagus, based on the Latin word crenatus meaning “notched” ( Brown 1956 ). Remarks . Bondariella crenata sp. nov. ( Fig. 2 C) is similar to Bondariella rudicula sp. nov. ( Fig. 2 B), Bondariella torresi ( Fig. 1 B) and Bondariella ruschiana ( Fig. 1 A), but they can be distinguished from each other by the characters discussed in remarks of Bondariella rudicula sp. nov. , B. torresi and B. ruschiana . Besides, Bondariella crenata sp. nov. is distinguished from other species of the genus by ventrite V ( Fig. 9 B) in male concave in the mesodistal region and with a distal tuft of long scales on the lateral margin of the concavity, furcal arms of spiculum gastrale ( Fig. 9 D) short and widened, median lobe ( Fig. 9 F) with sides sinuous and very widened dorsally, endophallus strongly sclerotized, lacking ostium, and by the association with Euterpe longebracteata . Natural history. Bondariella crenata sp. nov. is recorded from the Amazon biome, from Querência, Mato Grosso, Brazil . Adults were collected on flowers of Euterpe longebracteata , locally known as “açaí chumbo”. Bondariella crenata sp. nov. is cited as Bondariella sp. n. 1 in Valente & Guimarães (2010) . In additional collections besides the type series, Bondariella crenata sp. nov. has only been recorded on flowers of E. longebracteata (for details, see natural history of Bondariella ). Type material. Holotype male deposited in MPEG : “ Brasil –MT [Mato Grosso]–Querência\ Fazenda Tanguro–APP5\ -12º49’47.6’’/-52º27’28.0’’\ 02/VI/2006 \ R.M. Valente Col. [label 1], Em inflorescência de\ Euterpe longebracteata \ Amostra 28 [label 2]”. Allotype female deposited in MPEG : same as holotype but, “Amostra 29”. Paratypes : “ Brasil –MT–Querência\ Fazenda Tanguro–APP2\ -12º49’55.0’’/-52º20’21.6’’\ 29/V/ 2006 \ R.M. Valente Col. [label 1], Em inflorescência de\ Euterpe longebracteata \ Amostra 0 5 [label 2]” ( MPEG : 2♀); same date but, “Amostra 06” ( MPEG : 3♂ , 1 dissected); “-12º49’57.7’’/-52º20’05.5’’\ 26/X/2007 , Amostra 49” ( MPEG : 1♀); “-12º49’57.7’’/-52º20’05.5’’/ 26/X/2007 , Amostra 52” ( MPEG : 1♀); “ Brasil –MT–Querência\ Fazenda Tanguro–APP5\ -12º49’47.6’’/-52º27’28.0’’\ 29/V/2006 \ R.M. Valente Col. [label 1], Em inflorescência de\ Euterpe longebracteata \ Amostra 12 [label 2]” ( UFPA : 8♂ , 12♀); same date but, “ 02/VI/2006 , Amostra 28” ( AMNH : 1♂ , 2♀); “ 02/VI/2006 , Amostra 29” ( AMNH : 1♀); “ 02/VI/2006 , Amostra 31” ( MPEG : 3♀); “ 02/VI/ 2006 , Amostra 32” ( CMNC : 4♂ , 4♀; UFPA : 2♂ , 2♀); “ 02/VI/2006 , Amostra 33” ( MZUSP : 3♂ , 2♀); “ 02/VI/ 2006 , Amostra 34” ( UFPA : 2♂ (dissected), 3♀); “ Brasil –MT–Querência\ Fazenda Tanguro–APP5\ -12º49’51.8’’/- 52º27’29.7’’\ 12/V/2008 \ J.R. Guimarães Col. [label 1], Em inflorescência de\ Euterpe longebracteata \ Amostra 54 [label 2]’’ ( MPEG : 1♀); same date but, “-12º49’51.6’’/-52º27’29.6’’, Amostra 55” ( UFPA : 1♂ , 12♀); “- 12º49’51.8’’/-52º27’30.7’’, Amostra 57” ( MPEG : 2♂ , 1♀); “-12º49’50.6’’/-52º27’36.5’’, Amostra 62” ( MPEG : 1♀); “-12º49’51.1’’/-52º27’27.4’’, Amostra 63” ( MPEG : 1♂ ); “-12º49’52.4’’/-52º27’26.0’’, Amostra 66” ( MPEG : 1♂ , 4♀); “-12º49’52.5’’/-52º27’23.8’’, Amostra 68” ( MCZ : 2♂ , 3♀); “-12º49’52.5’’/-52º27’29.4’’, 14/VII/2008 , Amostra 110” ( UFPA : 3♂ , 2♀); “-12º49’52.7’’/-52º27’24.1’’, 14/VII/2008 , Amostra 116” ( MPEG : 1♂ ); “ Brasil – MT–Querência\ Fazenda Tanguro–APP2A\ -12º52’55.3’’/-52º21’48.2’’\ 13/V/2008 \ J.R. Guimarães Col. [label 1], Em inflorescência de\ Euterpe longebracteata \ Amostra 71 [label 2]” ( MPEG : 1♂ , 2♀); same date but, “- 12º52’50.5’’/-52º21’39.2’’, Amostra 76” ( MPEG : 2♀, 1 dissected); “-12º52’52.6’’/-52º21’43.6’’, 11/VII/2008 , Amostra 103” ( UFPA : 2♂ (1 dissected), 4♀); “-12º52’51.7’’/-52º21’31.4’’, 14/VII/2008 , Euterpe longebracteata, Amostra 109” ( UFPA : 1♂ , 3♀); “-12º52’53.5’’/-52º21’43.6’’, 16/VII/2008 , Euterpe longebracteata, Amostra 134” ( MPEG : 1♂ ); “-12º52’52.2’’/-52º21’39.8’’, 16/VII/2008 , Euterpe longebracteata, Amostra 135” ( MPEG : 1♀); “- 12º52’52.2’’/-52º21’39.8’’, 16/VII/2008 , Euterpe longebracteata, Amostra 137” ( UFPA : 1♂ , 1♀); “-12º52’52.2’’/- 52º21’36.2’’, 16/VII/2008 , Euterpe longebracteata, Amostra 140” ( MPEG : 1♀); “ Brasil –MT–Querência\ Fazenda Tanguro–APP2\ -12º50’14.0’’/-52º20’16.5’’\ 14/V/2008 \ J.R. Guimarães Col. [label 1], Em inflorescência de\ Euterpe longebracteata \ Amostra 87 [label 2]” ( MPEG : 1♀); same date but, “-12º50’12.6’’/-52º20’18.8’’, Amostra 89” ( MZUSP : 2♂ , 2♀); “-12º50’08.8’’/-52º20’06.4’’, 16/VII/2008 , Amostra 124” ( UFPA : 2♂ , 3♀); “-12º50’11.6’’/ -52º20’14.6’’, 16/VII/2008 , Amostra 128” ( MPEG : 1♂ , 1♀); “-12º50’12.9’’/-52º20’19.0’’, 16/VII/2008 , Amostra 130” ( MPEG : 1♀); “ Brasil –MT–Querência\ Fazenda Tanguro–APP7\ -12º56’17.7’’/-52º26’20.0’’\ 15/V/2008 \ J.R. Guimarães Col. [label 1], Em inflorescência de\ Euterpe longebracteata \ Amostra 96 [label 2]” ( MPEG : 1♂ ); same date but, “-12º56’16.0’’/-52º26’17.3’’, Amostra 98” ( UFPA : 2♂ , 7♀); “-12º56’16.6’’/-52º26’28.5’’, 15/VII/2008 , Amostra 117” ( MPEG : 1♀); “-12º56’16.2’’/-52º26’27.8’’, 15/VII/2008 , Amostra 118” ( MPEG : 1♂ , 1♀); “- 12º56’16.9’’/-52º26’27.1’’, 15/VII/2008 , Amostra 119” ( MPEG : 1♂ , 3♀); “-12º56’16.6’’/ -52º26’18.8’’, 15/VII/ 2008 Amostra 120” ( UFPA : 3♂ (1 dissected), 4♀); “-12º56’16.2’’/-52º26’17.8’’, 15/VII/2008 , Amostra 121” ( MPEG : 1♀).