Reevaluation of Chalcophora angulicollis (LeConte) and Chalcophora virginiensis (Drury) with a Review and Key to the North American Species of Chalcophora Dejean (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) Author Maier, Crystal A. Author Ivie, Michael A. text The Coleopterists Bulletin 2013 2013-12-31 67 4 457 469 journal article 10.1649/0010-065x-67.4.457 1938-4394 10103990 Chalcophora fortis LeConte, 1860 ( Figs. 5 , 10 , 11 , 23, 24 ) Chalcophora fortis LeConte, 1860: 191 . Chalcophora laurentica Casey, 1909: 82 (synonymized by Leng 1920: 179 ). Chalcophora cupreola Casey, 1914: 360 (synonymized by Leng 1920: 179 ). For complete synonymy, see Bellamy (2008) . Diagnosis. The largest of the North American Chalcophora ( 26–33 mm ), this coppery green species is easily distinguished from all other species by the single weak, longitudinal ridge present on the posterior face of the protibia ( Fig. 13 ) as well as by the shape of the aedeagus. The parameres of the aedeagus are wide, wrapping around the median lobe ( Figs. 23–24 ). Redescription. M a le. L e n g t h 2 6–3 3 m m, width 12–16 mm at widest point. Blackish, with metallic green-copper luster dorsally; shiny bronze to metallic green ventrally. Head deeply incised medially, heavily punctate, sparsely setose. Antenna dark brown; arising just inside inner margin of eye; antennomeres with sparse setae apically. Pronotum widest in basal two-thirds; lateral borders subparallel, heavily crenulate in apical one-third; with fringe anteriorly; anterior angles acute, projecting forward around head; dorsal surface heavily sculptured, with depressed patches of dense punctation interspersed with smooth, black elevations; pronotal elevations narrow; elevation pattern variable. Protibia with broad tooth apically, lacking prominent longitudinal ridges posteriorly or with one very weak ridge, with two short apical spines. Tibia and femora sparsely, evenly punctate and lightly setose; tibiae with tuft of setae apically; line of setae extends along the length of the tibia. Prosternal process expanded posterior to procoxae, with two longitudinal grooves. Elytra subparallel, narrowing in apical one-third. Elytron heavily sculptured, with depressed patches of dense punctation interspersed with smooth black elevations; elytral elevations narrow; elytral sculpturing variable; posterolateral border weakly to strongly ser- rate. Elytral apex trunate to broadly rounded, with weak sutural spine or sutural spine absent. Ventrally setose; ventrites evenly punctate, posterior border smooth; apical ventrite with deep V-shaped notch posteriorly. Aedeagus with parameres wide, wrapping around median lobe, with tuft of setae apically; tegmen deeply incised medially; median lobe wide, apex acute (approximately 70°), with two lateral ridges dorsally. Figs. 15–24. Chalcophora species , male genitalia, dorsal view (top row), ventral view (bottom row). 15–16) C. virginiensis ; 17–18) C. angulicollis ; 19–20) C. liberta ; 21–22) C. georgiana ; 23–24) C. fortis . Fig. 25. Distribution map of Chalcophora angulicollis and Chalcophora virginiensis in North America, indicating the disjunction between the two populations. Circles approximate localities of specimens examined; squares centered in state/provinces are literature records not represented by specimens examined. The grey shaded area indicates forest cover in North America (adapted from Global Forest Watch 2013). Female. Generally larger; last ventrite rounded posteriorly, notch absent. Variation. Compared to other species in the genus, C . fortis displays very little variation. The size, color, and density of setae ventrally vary only slightly, though sculpturing patterns vary considerably from individual to individual. Type Material Examined. C h a l c o p h o r a laurentica Ont./ CASEY ; bequest; 1925/ TYPE USNM ; 35739/ laurentica; Csy./ LECTO- TYPE ; CHALCOPHORA ; laurentica ; Casey; 1989; C.L. Bellamy ” ( USNM ). “Ont./ CASEY ; bequest; 1925 / TYPE USNM ; 35739 / laurentica – 2; Csy. / PARA-LECTOTYPE; CHALCOPHORA ; laurentica; Casey; 1989; C.L. Bellamy ” ( USNM ). “Ont. / CASEY ; bequest; 1925 / TYPE USNM ; 35739 / laurentica –- 3; Csy. / PARA-LECTOTYPE; CHALCOPHORA ; laurentica; Casey; 1989; C.L. Bellamy ” ( USNM ) . HOLOTYPE : C . cupreola – “Kas. / CASEY ; bequest; 1925 / TYPE USNM ; 35740 / cupreola Csy. ” ( USNM ). Other Material Examined. 23 specimens (see Maier 2010 , Appendix C). Notes. Chalcophora fortis appears to be a very distinct species, with a range restricted to northern and eastern North America. Host Records. Pinus strobus L. ( Nelson et al. 2008 ). Distribution. CANADA : Ontario , Manitoba , New Brunswick , Quebec . USA : Connecticut , Iowa , Kansas , Maine , Massachusetts , Michigan , Minnesota , Nebraska , New Hampshire , New Jersey , New York , Pennsylvania , Vermont , Wisconsin .