Revision of the genus Eulichas Jacobson, 1913 (Coleoptera: Eulichadidae) I. Introduction, morphology of adults, key to subgenera and species groups, and taxonomy of E. funebris species group Author Hájek, Ji Ř Í text Zootaxa 2007 1620 1 35 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.179178 17f410e9-6eb7-4463-88a2-918e50395966 1175-5326 179178 Eulichas jaechi Hájek , sp. nov. ( Figs. 28 , 44 , 66) Type locality. Malaysia , Perak Distr., Cameron Highlands, 40 km SE Ipoh, Ringlet. Type material. 16 specimensHolotype ɗ ( NMPC ), labelled: “ MALAYSIA - W PERAK , ~ 900m ; / 40 km SE IPOH ; 4°25’N 101°23’E / Cameron Highlands; RINGLET / M. Ř íha leg.; 25.iv.–5.v.2001 [printed]”. Paratypes : 1ɗ (no. 1), “ MALAYSIA [Pahang]; Benom Mts.; / 15 km E Kampong Dong; 700 m / 3,53N 102,1E ; 1.iv.1998 ; / Dembický & Pacholátko leg. [printed]” ( NHMB ); 4ɗɗ 1Ψ (nos. 2–6), “ MALAYSIA , Pahang distr., Cam.Highlands, / KAMPUNG KUALA BOH vill. env., / N 04°27,9’,E 101°34,8’ / 26.III.– 3.IV.2001 , 850– 1050 m , / P. Šomody leg. [printed]” ( NHMW , NMPC ); 3ɗɗ (nos. 7–9), same label data, but “R. Hergovits leg.” ( NMPC ); 1ɗ (no. 10), same label data, but “K. Bucsek leg.” ( NMPC ); 1ɗ (no. 11), “ MALAYSIA 10.–16.iv.1999 / Kelantan prov. / Kampong Raja env. [ca. 5°49’N 102°23‘E ] / lgt. Vít Kabourek [printed]” ( NMPC ); 2ɗɗ (nos. 12–13), “ MALAYSIA W., PERAK / 40 km SE of IPOH , 900 m / Banjaran Titi Wangsa / RINGLET, 29.iii.–15.iv. / 2004 Č echovský Petr lgt. [printed]” ( VKCZ ); 1ɗ (no. 14), “MALAYSIA-Perak / Bukit Larut [ca. 4°48’N 100°44‘E ] / 23.– 25.2.2000 / K. Deneš jun. lgt. [printed]” ( NMPC ); 1ɗ (no. 15), “Malay Penin / Ex Coll: Agr. Dept. / Kuala Lumpur [handwritten] / [on reverse:] Labelled at / Sel: Mus: K.L. [printed] // Ex F.M S. / Museum. / B.M.1955–354 [printed]” ( BMNH ). Description. Habitus elongate, fusiform. Body colouring brownish-red to brown-blackish. Pale part of setation consists of recumbent grey-yellowish setae forming typical ocellations on pronotum, elytra and abdominal sternites, where setae are darker and sparser (Fig. 66). Measurements. Males: 17–22 mm ( holotype 18.5 mm ); female: 21.5 mm . Head punctation consists of coarse setigerous punctures, larger and sparser on the frons, and smaller and denser on the vertex. Antenna relatively slender, last antennomere drop shaped, ca. 2.47–3.00 times as long as wide ( Fig. 44 ), its ventral side with setigerous punctures. Several small tubercles only occur on the central part of the antennomere. Pronotum largely transverse, ca. 2.04–2.16 times as wide as long. Sides almost regularly rounded. Disc convex. Punctation consists of fine setigerous punctures, distributed sparsely on the disc, and somewhat densely laterally. Elytra with numerous longitudinal rows of large setigerous punctures, and very fine interstitial punctures. Ventral part with fine punctures, which are sparse medially and become larger and denser laterally. Last abdominal ventrite laterally regularly rounded to apex. Male. Aedeagus with phallobase longer than parameres. Parameres short, simple, their subapical hook well developed. The subbasal parameral hook is reduced to an indistinct denticle. Median lobe broadly lanceolate, the large lateral processes projecting subbasally. Its subbasal spines are turned dorso-laterally ( Fig. 28 ). Female. In habitus similar to male, but on average larger. Antenna shorter and more slender. Differential diagnosis. Eulichas jaechi sp. nov. is characterised by a relatively small body length, and last antennomere slender, drop shaped. It is extremely similar to E. birmanica sp. nov. from Tenasserim, from which E. jaechi sp. nov. can only be reliably distinguished by the male genitalia. In E. jaechi sp. nov the median lobe is broadly lanceolate with large subbasal lateral processes. Collection circumstances. Collected at light. Distribution. Known from several localities on the Malay Peninsula. Etymology. The new species is dedicated to Manfred A. Jäch (NHMW), my colleague and specialist on Hydraenidae and Dryopoidea.