New fossil and extant species of Nemopalpus Macquart (Diptera: Psychodidae: Bruchomyiinae) Author Wagner, Rüdiger Author Stuckenberg, Brian R. text African Invertebrates 2012 2012-06-30 53 1 355 355 journal article 10.5733/afin.053.0119 2305-2562 7917198 Nemopalpus pilipes Tonnoir, 1922 Figs 17–20 Nemopalpus pilipes : Tonnoir 1922: 130–136 . Nemopalpus maculipennis %DUUHWWR & G¶$QGUHWWD, Ɨ94Ϭ: Ϭ4±ϬϬ. Nemopalpus vexans Alexander, 1940: 798 . 7RQQRLU¶V (Ɨ922) GHVFULSWLRQ LV VXI¿FLHQW WR GLVWLQJXLVK WKH VSHFLHV, EXW KH GLG QRW SURYLGH ¿JXUHV RU GHVFULSWLRQ RI WKH WHUPLQDOLD; WKLV LV SURYLGHG EHORZ, WRJHWKHU ZLWK a brief redescription. Redescription: Male . Head :As in other species. Palpus lacking Newstead scales.Antenna with scape, pedicel DQG Ɨ4 ÀDJHOORPHUHV; DVFRLGV XQUHFRJQLVDEOH. 5HODWLYH OHQJWKV RI DQWHQQRPHUHV: Ɨ4±ƗƗ± 63–43–43–43–43–42–42–42–42–37–34–30–28–23. Figs 17–20. Nemopalpus pilipes Tonnoir, 1922 , holotype: (17) palpus; (18) tergum 9 and cercus, (19) gono- FR[LWH DQG JRQRVW\OXV; (2Ɵ) DHGHDJXV ZLWK SDUDPHUH. ($OO ¿JXUHV E\ 5:). 6FDOH EDUV = Ɵ.2 PP. Thorax : Wing length ca 4.5 mm . Discal cell extremely elongate, origin of vein M be- 2 fore end of discal cell. Stem of R 2+3 ca 2× as long as R 2 and R 3 . Abdomen : Lacking lateral extensions of tergites or ornamental setulae. Terminalia: Gonocoxite robust, with inner distal prolongation ending shortly behind distal margin of gonocoxite, with ca Ϭ VWURQJ VHWDH RQ LQQHU PDUJLQ; IXVLRQ RI JRQRFR[LWHV DV D ³FRPSOH[´ not evident. Gonostylus ca length of gonocoxite, distally bipartite, dorsal tip stronger than ventral, both clothed in numerous setae. (Aedeagus and its sheath (parameres) KDYH EHHQ GLVVHFWHG, VR WKDW WKH RULJLQDO SRVLWLRQ LV GLI¿FXOW WR GHWHUPLQH.) 7HUJXP 9 ca length of gonocoxite; cercus elongate, ca 0.5× length of tergum. +RORW\SH: ƃ µ Nemopalpus [ sic ] pilipes Q. VS. GHW. $. 7RQQRLU Ɨ92Ɨ¶>W\SHG ZKLWH@, µ7\SH¶>ZKLWH ODEHO ZLWK EODFN PDUJLQ@,µ)LHEULJ,3DUDJXD\,6. %HUQDUGLQR¶>ZKLWH@,µSRVW,DQW.¶>OHJV@.'LVVHFWHG:WHUPLQDOLD,ZLQJV, KHDG and thorax, legs, palpus, antennae all in Canada balsam on individual microslides on a pin. (NHMW) $OORW\SH: ƗƂ µ7\SH¶>UHG ODEHO@, µ Nemopalpus pilipes Q. VS. ¶>KDQGZULWWHQ@, µGHW. $. 7RQQRLU Ɨ92Ɨ¶>W\SHG ZKLWH ODEHO@, µ)LHEULJ, 3DUDJXD\, 6. %HUQDUGLQR¶>ZKLWH ODEHO@. 3LQQHG, QRW GLVVHFWHG (1+0:).