Nineteen new genera and 82 new species of Cremnorrhinina from Australia, including analyses of host relationships and distributions (Insecta: Hemiptera: Miridae: Phylininae: Cremnorrhinini) Author Randall T. Schuh Author Michael D. Schwartz text Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2016 401 1 279 journal article 39161 10.5281/zenodo.269465 4e88a985-9cb4-4912-9b10-71db96ba36f5 269465 Spinivesica pardalota , new species Figure 88, map 22, table 1, plates 28, 29 DIAGNOSIS: Recognized by the large size, strong black marking on corium at inner angle of cuneus (pl. 28), sigmoid endosoma with weakly sclerotized, marginally microtrichiate, distal plate flanking secondary gonopore on right side, a pair of stout diverging spines proximal to secondary gonopore, and absence of a lateral spine at midpoint of endosoma (fig. 88, pl. 29). Distally projecting flattened sclerite of endosoma reminiscent of Grandivesica agnew , but side by side comparison indicating placement of these two species in different genera on basis of several features. DESCRIPTION: MALE : Mean total length 3.64, mean pronotum width 1.05. COLORATION (pl. 28): Yellow, including all appendages (in preserved specimens); corium with an intense infuscate mark adjacent to inner angle of cuneus; membrane with at most a faint dark marking at apex of cells. SURFACE AND VESTITURE (pl. 28): Dorsum clothed with reclining, dark, simple setae. STRUCTURE: Head (pl. 28): Eyes occupying three-quarters height of head; antenna inserted just above ventral margin of eye; antennal segment 2 relatively short (0.73), 1.04 times width of head; labium reaching to about posterior margin of mesosternum. Thorax (pl. 28): Pronotum with lateral margins nearly straight, posterior margin very weakly concave; meso ‐ scutum moderately exposed. Hemelytron : Short, corial margin weakly convex, overall form ovoid; cuneus short. GENITALIA (fig. 88, pl. 29): Pygophore: As in generic description. Endosoma: Sigmoid, very strongly curv ‐ ing in midsection; ventral strap attenuate, forming narrow curving spine, merging with spinose membrane encapsulating left side of secondary gonopore; dorsal strap apically forming bifid, diverging, broad clawlike spines and flanked on right by flattened plate extending beyond gonopore and with microtrichiate border, ventral edge of plate rolled to left. Phallotheca: Dorsal surface with strong crest curved to left; aperture anteroventral. Parameres: Left paramere with dorsoposterior margin slightly elevated dorsad; posterior and anterior processes long. Right paramere with irregular apex and short, medi ‐ al, apical spine. Fig. 88. Male genitalic structures of Spinivesica pardalota . Female : Unknown. ETYMOLOGY: From the Greek, pardalotus , “spotted like a leopard,” in reference to the strong spots on the corium at the inner angle of the cuneus. HOST: Recorded from Eremophila platycalyx subsp. pardalota (Scrophulariaceae) . DISTRIBUTION (map 22): Known only from the type locality west of Tom Price, Pilbara District, Western Australia. HOLOTYPE: AUSTRALIA: Western Australia: Pilbara Co.: 83 km W of Tom Price on Nanutarra Rd, 22.97922°S 117.23177°E, 360 m, 28 Aug 2005, G. Cassis, S. Lassau, S. and G. Carter, Eremophila platycalyx F. Muell. pardalota (Scrophulariaceae) , det. Perth staff PERTH 7273339, 1d (AMNH_PBI 00389809) (WAMP). PARATYPES: AUSTRALIA: Western Australia: Pilbara Co.: 83 km W of Tom Price on Nanutarra Rd, 22.97922°S 117.23177°E, 360 m, 28 Aug 2005, G. Cassis, S. Lassau, S. and G. Carter, Eremophila platycalyx F. Muell. pardalota (Scrophulariaceae) , det. Perth staff PERTH 7273339, 1d (00389813) (AM).