Nineteen new genera and 82 new species of Cremnorrhinina from Australia, including analyses of host relationships and distributions (Insecta: Hemiptera: Miridae: Phylininae: Cremnorrhinini) Author Randall T. Schuh Author Michael D. Schwartz text Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2016 401 1 279 journal article 39161 10.5281/zenodo.269465 4e88a985-9cb4-4912-9b10-71db96ba36f5 269465 Myrtophylus micromyrti , new species Figure 63, map 17, table 1, plates 20, 21 DIAGNOSIS: Recognized by relatively small body size, apical endosomal spines curved and of unequal length, and ventrally directed, conspicuously bifid lateral endosomal spine (fig. 63, pl. 21). Endosomal structure unique among Myrtophylus spp. with curved apical spines and bifid lateral spine; relatively small, most similar in size to M. melaleuci . DESCRIPTION: MALE : Mean total length 3.64, mean pronotum width 0.91. COLORATION (pl. 20): Bright yellow, including all appendages (in preserved specimens); membrane weakly fumose, veins pale with a diffuse dark spot at apex of cells. SURFACE AND VESTITURE: As in generic description. STRUCTURE (pl. 20): Weakly elongate, nearly parallel sided. Head: As in generic description; frons and clypeus projecting beyond anterior margin of eye in dorsal view; eyes occupying two-thirds of height of head in lateral view; antenna inserted just above ventral margin of eye, eye weakly emarginate above fossa; antennal segment 2 relatively long (1.05), 1.62 times width of head; labium reaching to about middle of abdomen. Thorax: Pronotum as in generic description; mesoscutum broadly exposed. Hemelytron : As in generic description. GENI- TALIA (fig. 63, pl. 21): As in generic description but with the following details. Endosoma: Ventral strap bifid at level of secondary gonopore with one long, narrow apical spine and lateral spine perpendicular to endosoma body, apically bifid with U-shaped spines; dorsal strap divided at level equal to secondary gonopore with long curved, narrow pointed apical spine and weakly sclerotized surface laterad of secondary gonopore. Phallotheca: Crest moderately large. Fig. 63. Male genitalic structures of Myrtophylus micromyrti . FEMALE (pl. 20): Coloration as in male; differing from male as in generic description; mean total length 3.55, mean pronotum width 1.05. ETYMOLOGY: Named after the myrtaceous genus Micromyrtus , host of some known specimens. HOSTS: Recorded from Micromyrtus acuta , M. flaviflora , and Thryptomene urceolaris (Myrtaceae) . DISTRIBUTION (map 17): Known from the Alice Springs area of Central Australia and the Goldfields-Kalbarri areas of Western Australia. HOLOTYPE: AUSTRALIA: Western Australia: NW Coastal Hiway 36 km N of Kalbarri Road, 27.62473°S 114.6902°E, 500 m, 29 Oct 1996, Schuh and Cassis, 1d (AMNH_PBI 00414243) (WAMP). PARATYPES: AUSTRALIA: Northern Territory: ~75 km W of Stuart Hiway on Ernest Giles Road, 24.56668°S 132.5324°E, 511 m, 30 Oct 2001, Cassis, Schuh, Schwartz, Silveira, Wall, Micromyrtus flaviflora (F. Muell.) F. Muell. ex J.M. Black (Myrtaceae) , det. NSW staff NSW666258, 2♂ (00098611, 00098612) (AM), 2♂ (00098609, 00097167), 1d (00391088) (AMNH), 1♂ (00098610) (WAMP). Western Australia: 28 km S of Menzies (3.5 km E of Hiway), 29.91917°S 121.1514°E, 500 m, 25 Oct 1996, Schuh and Cassis, Thryptomene urceolaris F. Muell. (Myrtaceae) , det. PERTH staff PERTH 0 5095107, 1d (00129866) (AMNH). Charles Darwin Reserve, granite SW of homestead on track to White Dam, 29.59338°S 116.94697°E, 309 m, 24 Sep 2009, C. Symonds, Micromyrtus acuta Rye (Myrtaceae) , det. WA Herbarium, 1d (00387491) (UNSW).