Nineteen new genera and 82 new species of Cremnorrhinina from Australia, including analyses of host relationships and distributions (Insecta: Hemiptera: Miridae: Phylininae: Cremnorrhinini) Author Randall T. Schuh Author Michael D. Schwartz text Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2016 401 1 279 journal article 39161 10.5281/zenodo.269465 4e88a985-9cb4-4912-9b10-71db96ba36f5 269465 Proteophylus grevilleae , new species Figures 70, 72, map 19, table 1, plates 24, 25, 52A, C, E, G, H DIAGNOSIS: Recognized by the often entirely black coloration, although some specimens with body and hemelytron with substantial pale areas, and appressed lepidote setae on most of body surface; antennal segment 2 rang ‐ ing from robust to weakly terete (pl. 24); endosoma short and truncate beyond secondary gonopore, with row of small ventral spinules distad of secondary gonopore and strong subapical spine (fig. 72, pl. 25). Most similar in coloration to P. acaciae , but antennal segment 2 in that species not swollen, setae on dorsum simple rather than simple and lepidote, and endosoma with smaller secondary gonopore, region distad of secondary gonopore longer and narrower; body form and antennal structure most similar to P. occidentalis . DESCRIPTION: MALE : Mean total length 3.04, mean pronotum width 0.96. COLORATION (pl. 24): Ranging from black with fumose membrane and pale membrane veins to much lighter with basal half of clavus and most of exocorium pale and cuneus weakly orange; antennae always black, although legs lighter in lighter-colored specimens. SURFACE AND VESTITURE (fig. 70A– C, pl. 24): Dorsum smooth, dull; vestiture of recumbent, simple, dark setae and shining lepidote setae, on most of body surface. STRUCTURE (pl. 24): Body form robust, not flattened. Head: Globular with protuberant globular eyes; frons weakly swollen, clypeus partially visible in dorsal view; eye occupying four-fifths height of head in lateral view; antenna inserted at ventral margin of eye, eye emarginate at insertion; labium reaching to posterior margin of mesothorax. Antenna : Segment 1 enlarged, segment 2 short (0.73), ranging from linear and robust to weakly terete, 1.07 times width of head. Thorax: Pronotum with calli weakly elevated, posterior lobe conspicuously elevated, lateral margins weakly concave, posterior margin straight; mesoscutum moderately exposed. Thoracic pleuron as in figure 70C. Pretarsus as in figure 70E, F. Hemelytron : Corial margin weakly convex; cuneus short and broad. GENITALIA (figs. 70D, 72, pl. 25): Pygophore: As in generic description. Endosoma: Distal region with relatively large, ovoid, subapical secondary gonopore and short apical spine; ventral strap terminating in weakly sclerotized band at midpoint of secondary gonopore; dorsal strap with abrupt truncate plate and subapical spine distad of secondary gonopore; ventral surface distad of secondary gonopore with several small spicules; secondary gonopore large with short distal extension. Phallotheca: Dorsal crest weakly produced. Parameres: As in generic description, except left paramere with anterodorsal margin elevated above anterior process; anterior process slightly upturned. FEMALE (pl. 24): Coloration and structure as in male; mean total length 2.99, mean pronotum width 1.00. GENITALIA: As in plate 52A, C, E, G, H. Fig. 72. Male genitalic structures of Proteophylus grevilleae . ETYMOLOGY: Named for the proteaceous genus Grevillea , host of all known specimens of this taxon. HOSTS: Collected on Grevillea eriostachya (pl. 35A–C), G . hookeriana (pl. 35D), G . juncifolia (pl. 35E), and G . sp. ( Proteaceae ); also recorded from Brachyscome ciliaris ( Asteraceae ), which records we attribute to commingling of specimens in the field or during the labeling process. DISTRIBUTION (map 19): Known from the Alice Springs area of Central Australia and from the central coast of Western Australia. DISCUSSION: One of the most frequent hosts of Proteophylus grevilleae is Grevillea eriostchya , a taxon which produces a tremendous amount of nectar and which leaves your collecting equipment encrusted in sugar. Nonetheless, P. grevilleae and a large undescribed orthotyline never became embedded in the nectar. HOLOTYPE: AUSTRALIA: Northern Territory: jct of Namatjira Drive and Gosse Bluff track, 23.79361°S 132.35888°E, 711 m, 0 4 Nov 2001, Cassis, Schuh, Schwartz, Silveira, Wall, Grevillea juncifolia Hook. subsp. temulenta P. Olde & N. Marriott ( Proteaceae ), det. NSW staff NSW658375, 1d (AMNH_ PBI 00098743) (MNT). PARATYPES: AUSTRALIA: Northern Territory: 17.5 km E of Stuart Hiway on Horseshoe Bend Rd, 25.16667°S 133.3223°E, 412 m, 29 Oct 2001, Cassis, Schuh, Schwartz, Silveira, Wall, Grevillea juncifolia Hook. subsp. juncifolia (Proteaceae) , det. NSW staff NSW658397, 25♂ (00098512–0 0 0 98514, 0 0 0 98518–00098539), 4d (00098515–0 0 0 98517, 00413030) (AMNH). 35.4 km W of Uluru at Kata Tjuta jct on Lasseter Hiway, 25.34361°S 130.68916°E, 592 m, 0 1 Nov 2001, Cassis, Schuh, Schwartz, Silveira, Wall, Grevillea eriostachya Lindl. (Proteaceae) , det. NSW staff NSW666278, 5d (00389979– 00389983), 3♂ (00389984–00389986) (AM), 5d (00097973–0 0 0 97976, 00389723), 4♂ (00097 977–00097980) (AMNH). 78 km S of Alice Springs at jct of Rainbow Valley Rd and Stuart Hiway, 24.23334°S 133.4567°E, 540 m, 27 Oct 2001, Cassis, Schuh, Schwartz, Silveira, Wall, Grevillea juncifolia Hook. subsp. juncifolia (Proteaceae) , det. NSW staff NSW658375, 4d (00097709–0 0 0 97711, 00413031), 16♂ (0009 7712–00097727) (AMNH), 4♂ (00097728– 0 0 0 97730, 00058597) (MNT). 193 km W of Stuart Hiway on Lasseter Hiway, 25.22806°S 131.4775°E, 519 m, 31 Oct 2001, Cassis, Schuh, Schwartz, Silveira, Wall, Grevillea eriostachya Lindl. (Proteaceae) , det. NSW staff NSW 666269, 3♂ (00097981–00097983) (AM). jct of Namatjira Drive and Gosse Bluff track, 23.79361°S 132.35888°E, 711 m, 0 4 Nov 2001, Cassis, Schuh, Schwartz, Silveira, Wall, Grevillea juncifolia Hook. (Proteaceae) , det. NSW staff NSW658375, 16d (00098718–0 0 0 98720, 0 0 0 98722– 0 0 0 98725, 0 0 0 98744–0 0 0 98748, 0 0 0 98752, 0 0 0 98749, 0 0 0 98721, 00413029), 42♂ (00098727– 0 0 0 98742, 0 0 0 98753–0 0 0 98774, 0 0 0 98783, 0 0 0 98726, 0 0 0 98789, 00098790) 16d (00098718– 0 0 0 98720, 0 0 0 98722–0 0 0 98725, 0 0 0 98744–0 0 0 98748, 0 0 0 98752, 0 0 0 98749, 0 0 0 98721, 0 0 4 13029), 42♂ (00098727–0 0 0 98742, 0 0 0 98753– 0 0 0 98774, 0 0 0 98783, 0 0 0 98726, 0 0 0 98789, 00098790) (AMNH), 2♂ (00098785, 00098786) (ANIC), 2♂ (00098782, 00098784) (CNC), 2d (00098750, 00098751), 5♂ (00098775–00098779) (MNT), 2♂ (00098787, 00098788) (USNM), 2♂ (00098780, 00098781) (ZISP). ~75 km W of Stuart Hiway on Ernest Giles Road, 24.56668°S 132.5324°E, 511 m, 30 Oct 2001, Cassis, Schuh, Schwartz, Silveira, Wall, Grevillea juncifolia Hook. subsp. juncifolia (Proteaceae) , det. NSW staff NSW666263, 1d (00098000), 3♂ (0009 8001–00098003) (AM). South Australia: 4 mi. SW of Maynard Bore, Everard Park, 27.35°S 132.348°E, 0 6 Nov 1970, G.F. Gross, Grevillea sp. ( Proteaceae ), 6d (00169082–00169087), 4♂ (00169088–00169091) (SAMA). near Victory Well, Everard Pk. Stn, 27.054°S 132.506°E, 0 3 Nov 1970, G. Gross, 1d (00169081) (SAMA). Western Australia: Pilbara Co.: 25 km ESE of Onslow, 21.82102°S 115.1168°E, 22 m, 29 Aug 2005, G. Cassis, S. Lassau, S. and G. Carter, Grevillea eriostachya Lindl. (Proteaceae) , det. Perth staff PERTH 7300131, 8d (00412752–0 0 412758, 00412764), 9♂ (00412776–0 0 412778, 0 0 412785– 00412790) (AMNH), 5d (00412759–00412763), 6♂ (00412779–00412784) (WAMP). 2 km E of Nungarin on Rt 50, 31.43596°S 118.2627°E, 330 m, 16 Nov 1999, R.T. Schuh, G. Cassis, and R. Silveira, Grevillea hookeriana Meisn. subsp. apiciloba ( Proteaceae ), det. PERTH staff PERTH 0 5670195, 1d (00087316), 3♂ (00087 317, 0 0 390176, 00390177) (AM), 9d (00129815– 0 0 129818, 0 0 129820, 0 0 129303, 0 0 129304, 0 0 129821, 00413022), 1 nymph (00129822), 9♂ (00129823, 0 0 129306–0 0 129309, 0 0 129311, 0 0 129312, 0 0 129310, 00129825) (AMNH), 1d (00129819), 1♂ (00129824) (WAMP). 66.2 km E of North West Coastal Hiway on Mardathuna Rd, 24.45443°S 114.5233°E, 103 m, 0 1 Nov 2004, Cassis, Wall, Weirauch, Tatarnic, Symonds, Grevillea eriostachya Lindl. (Proteaceae) , det. PERTH staff PERTH6987117, 1♂ (00390178) (AM). 123 km W of Coolgardie on Great Eastern Hiway, 31.23414°S 120.1562°E, 17 Nov 1999, R.T. Schuh, G. Cassis, and R. Silveira, Grevillea hookeriana Meisn. subsp. apiciloba ( Proteaceae ), det. Perth staff PERTH 0 5670187, 1d (00128981), 2♂ (00128982, 00128983) (AMNH). 135 km W of Coolgardie on Great Eastern Hiway, 31.27202°S 120.0059°E, 489 m, 17 Nov 1999, R.T. Schuh, G. Cassis, and R. Silveira, Grevillea hookeriana Meisn. subsp. apiciloba ( Proteaceae ), det. PERTH staff PERTH 0 5670187, 1d (00087528) (AM). North West Coast Hiway 72 km NE of jct with Blowholes Rd, 24.18336°S 114.0381°E, 34 m, 28 Oct 2004, Cassis, Wall, Weirauch, Tatarnic, Symonds, Grevillea eriostachya Lindl. (Proteaceae) , det. PERTH staff PERTH6988970, 4d (00412792–00412795), 4♂ (00412798, 0 0 412799, 0 0 412801, 00412803) (AM), 1d (00412791), 2♂ (00412800, 00412802) (AMNH). OTHER SPECIMENS EXAMINED: AUSTRALIA: Northern Territory: 35.4 km W of Uluru at Kata Tjuta jct on Lasseter Hiway, 25.34361°S 130.68916°E, 592 m, 0 1 Nov 2001, Cassis, Schuh, Schwartz, Silveira, Wall, Grevillea eriostachya Lindl. (Proteaceae) , det. NSW staff NSW658299, 1 nymph (00411925) (AMNH). Western Australia: Pilbara Co.: 25 km ESE of Onslow, 21.82102°S 115.1168°E, 22 m, 29 Aug 2005, G. Cassis, S. Lassau, S. and G. Carter, Grevillea eriostachya Lindl. (Proteaceae) , det. Perth staff PERTH 7300131, 11 nymphs (00412765–00412775) (AMNH). North West Coast Hiway 72 km NE of jct with Blowholes Rd, 24.18336°S 114.0381°E, 34 m, 28 Oct 2004, Cassis, Wall, Weirauch, Tatarnic, Symonds, Grevillea eriostachya Lindl. (Proteaceae) , det. PERTH staff PERTH6988970, 2 nymphs (00412796, 00412797) (AM).