Nineteen new genera and 82 new species of Cremnorrhinina from Australia, including analyses of host relationships and distributions (Insecta: Hemiptera: Miridae: Phylininae: Cremnorrhinini) Author Randall T. Schuh Author Michael D. Schwartz text Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2016 401 1 279 journal article 39161 10.5281/zenodo.269465 4e88a985-9cb4-4912-9b10-71db96ba36f5 269465 Grandivesica cassisi , new species Figures 31, 34, map 8, table 1, plates 10, 11, 45E DIAGNOSIS: Recognized by light green to yellow coloration, stout antennal segment 2 in male, weak dark spot on corium at inner angle of cuneus, weak dark marking on membrane at apex of cells (pl. 10), J-shaped endosoma with medial secondary gonopore situated on dorsal surface and with three roughly parallel ribbonlike sclerites supporting extensive membranous bags devoid of microtrichia apically, and small membranous sac with an apical sclerite opposite secondary gonopore proximad of terminal structures (fig. 34, pl. 11). Similar to G . kadji and G . pilbara on the basis of J-shaped endosoma, but secondary gonopore in those species nearer to apex when compared to medial placement in G . cassisi , and both those species lacking the additional membranous sac opposite the secondary gonopore as seen in G . cassisi . DESCRIPTION: Male: Mean total length 3.14, mean pronotum width 0.93. COLORATION (pl. 10): Light green to yellow, hemelytron translucent, corium with a weak dark spot at inner angle of cuneus; membrane at most weakly fumose, with a weak dark spot at apex of cells. SURFACE AND VESTITURE (fig. 31B, pl. 10): Vestiture of reclining, dark, common setae. STRUCTURE: Head (fig. 31A, pl. 10): Eye occupying about three-fifths height of head; antenna inserted just above ventral margin of eye, eye weakly emarginate; antennal segment 2 relatively short (0.72), very weakly enlarged, of uniform diameter, 1.09 times width of head; labium just surpassing posterior margin of mesosternum. Thorax (fig. 31C, pl. 10): Mesoscutum narrowly exposed. Thoracic pleuron as in figure 31C. Pretarsus as in figure 31E, F. Hemelytron : Weakly elongate, costal margin weakly convex, cuneus relatively short. GENITALIA (figs. 31D, 34, pl. 11): Pygophore: Dorsal surface with pair of blunt tubercles, left tubercle larger than right. Endosoma: J-shaped, stout; ventral strap reduced to narrow subtending sclerite of secondary gonopore and a strong sclerite cradling right margin of gonopore; dorsal strap wide, tilted on dorsoventral axis proximal of secondary gonopore, distad of gonopore strongly divided into three mostly parallel ribbonlike sclerites supporting billowy membrane, middle sclerite with short apical prominence; small sclerite supporting small membranous bag at level of gonopore; secondary gonopore medial. Phallotheca: Apical portion without crest on dorsal surface, but right margin of aperture raised; aperture on anterior dorsoapical aspect, very large with undulating margin, reaching apex as wide opening. Parameres: Left paramere elongate with posterior process long and anterior process large, rounded apically. Right paramere moderately large with apical spine medially placed on asymmetrical margin. Fig. 34. Male genitalic structures of Grandivesica cassisi . Female (pl. 10): Coloration as in male; differing from male as in generic description; mean total length 3.18, mean pronotum width 0.97. GENITALIA: As in plate 45E. ETYMOLOGY: Named after Gerasimos Cassis, in recognition of his collections of this species as well as many other Australian Cremnorrhinina . HOSTS: Recorded from Eremophila cape ‐ rata (pl. 37A–C), E. decipiens , E. dempsteri (pl. 37F), E. interstans , and Eremophila sp. ( Scrophulariaceae ). DISTRIBUTION (map 8): Known from the Coolgardie region of south-central Western Australia. HOLOTYPE: AUSTRALIA: Western Australia: 49 km S of Kambalda Road Jct. on Coolgardie-Esperance Hiway, 31.7171°S 121.6906°E, 300 m, 19 Nov 1999, R.T. Schuh, G. Cassis and R. Silveira, Eremophila dempsteri F. Muell. (Scrophulariaceae) , det. Field ID, 1♂ (AMNH_ PBI 00129377) (WAMP). PARATYPES: AUSTRALIA: Western Australia: 33.3 km S of Norseman, 32.46461°S 121.6778°E, 300 m, 19 Nov 1999, R.T. Schuh, G. Cassis and R. Silveira, Eremophila dempsteri F. Muell. (Scrophulariaceae) , det. WA Herbarium PERTH 0 5672368, 7♂ (00389102–00389108), 6♀ (00389115– 0 0 389119, 00389122) (AM), 2♂ (00389109, 00389110), 2♀ (00389120, 00389121) (WAMP). 49 km S of Kambalda Road Jct. on Coolgardie-Esperance Hiway, 31.7171°S 121.6906°E, 300 m, 19 Nov 1999, R.T. Schuh, G. Cassis, and R. Silveira, Eremophila dempsteri F. Muell. (Scrophulariaceae) , det. Field ID, 15♂ (00391075, 0 0 391076, 0 0 391078, 0 0 389580–00389591), 24♀ (00389597–0 0 389619, 00389625) (AM), 23♂ (00129375, 0 0 129376, 0 0 129378–0 0 129382, 0 0 129745–0 0 129752, 0 0 129359–0 0 129363, 0 0 0 99395, 0 0 129753, 00129754), 54♀ (00129383–0 0 129393, 0 0 129755–0 0 129778, 0 0 129791–0 0 129796, 0 0 129364– 0 0 129373, 0 0 0 99396, 0 0 129779, 00129780) (AMNH), 1♂ (00389594), 1♀ (00389624) (ANIC), 1♂ (00389593), 2♀ (00389622, 00389623) (CNC), 1♂ (00389595), 2♀ (00389626, 00389627) (USNM), 5♀ (00129781–00129785), 6♂ (00129786–0 0 129790, 00389596) (WAMP), 1♂ (00389592), 2♀ (00389620, 00389621) (ZISP). 57 km S of Menzies, 30.16817°S 121.1633°E, 18 Nov 1999, R.T. Schuh, G. Cassis, and R. Silveira, Eremophila sp. ( Scrophulariaceae ), det. PERTH staff PERTH 0 5612624, 1♀ (00389572), 1♂ (00087533) (AM), 1♂ (00129549) (AMNH). 60 km W of Coolgardie on Great Eastern Hiway, 31.14334°S 120.6159°E, 350 m, 17 Nov 1999, R.T. Schuh, G. Cassis, and R. Silveira, Eremophila caperata Chinnock (Scrophulariaceae) , det. PERTH staff PERTH 0 5670446, 5♂ (00389168–0 0 389171, 00391077), 11♀ (00389174 –00389184) (AM), 12♂ (00129474–0 0 129477, 0 0 129485–00129492), 18♀ (00129478–0 0 129484, 0 0 129493–00129503) (AMNH), 1♂ (00389172) (WAMP). Credo Station, Coolgardie Nth Rd, 21 km N of homestead, 30.30766°S 120.68908°E, 467 m, 0 5 Sep 2011, M. Cheng & C. Symonds, Eremophila interstans Diels (Scrophulariaceae) , det. WA Herbarium MC051, 11♀ (UNSW_ENT 0 0 0 24678, UNSW_ENT 0 0 0 24680–UNSW_ENT 00024689), 3♂ (UNSW_ENT 0 0 0 24721–UNS- W_ENT 00024723) (UNSW). Credo Station, Davyhurst Cemetery, 30.0625°S 120.64611°E, 0 6 Sep 2011, G.S. Taylor, Eremophila sp. ( Scrophulariaceae ), 1♂ (UNSW_ENT 00024735) (UNSW), 2♂ (UNSW_ENT 0 0 0 24736, UNSW_ENT 00024737) (WAMP). Credo Station, Davyshurst Cemetery, 30.06261°S 120.64638°E, 467 m, 0 6 Sep 2011, M. Cheng, C. Symonds, & G.S. Taylor, Eremophila interstans Diels virgata (Scrophulariaceae) , det. WA Herbarium MC053, 1♀ (UNSW_ENT 00024708), 9♂ (UNSW_ENT 0 0 0 24724–UNSW_ENT 00024732) (UNSW), 6♀ (UNSW_ENT 0 0 0 24709–UNSW_ENT 00024714) (WAMP). Credo Station, Reptile Dam, 30.53772°S 120.71036°E, 454 m, 31 Aug 2011, M. Cheng, Eremophila interstans Diels (Scrophulariaceae) , det. WA Herbarium MC007, 12♀ (UNSW_ENT 0 0 0 24690–UNSW_ ENT 00024701), 4♂ (UNSW_ENT 0 0 0 2 4717–UNSW_ENT 00024720) (UNSW). Credo Station, Ularring Rock, 29.92613°S 120.55072°E, 501 m, 0 4 Sep 2011, M. Cheng, R. Kittel & C. Levy, 2♀ (UNSW_ENT 0 0 0 24706, UNSW_ENT 00024707) (UNSW). Credo Station, just off Coolgardie Nth rd, nr track that leads to Turkey Flat Dam, 30.3873°S 120.76163°E, 443 m, 0 3 Sep 2011, M. Cheng, Eremophila interstans Diels (Scrophulariaceae) , det. WA Herbarium MC023, 4♀ (UNSW_ENT 0 0 0 24702– UNSW_ENT 00024705) (UNSW). Credo Station, rd to Ularring Soak, 29.99602°S 120.55927°E, 487 m, 0 8 Sep 2011, M. Cheng, C. Symonds & M. Jambrecina, Eremophila decipiens Ostenf. decipiens (Scrophulariaceae) , det. WA Herbarium MC093, 1♂ (UNSW_ ENT 00024734) (UNSW). ca 35 km S of Menzies, 29.96214°S 121.1323°E, 600 m, 24 Oct 1996, Schuh and Cassis, Eremophila caperata Chinnock (Scrophulariaceae) , det. PERTH staff PERTH 0 5099994, 1♂ (00392823) (AMNH). OTHER SPECIMENS EXAMINED: AUSTRALIA: Western Australia: 33.3 km S of Norseman, 32.46461°S 121.6778°E, 300 m, 19 Nov 1999, R.T. Schuh, G. Cassis, and R. Silveira, Eremophila dempsteri F. Muell. (Scrophulariaceae) , det. WA Herbarium PERTH 0 5672368, 4 nymphs (00389111–00389114) (AM). 49 km S of Kambalda Road Jct. on Coolgardie-Esperance Hiway, 31.7171°S 121.6906°E, 300 m, 19 Nov 1999, R.T. Schuh, G. Cassis and R. Silveira, Eremophila dempsteri F. Muell. (Scrophulariaceae) , det. Field ID, 2 nymphs (00389628, 00389629) (AM), 5 nymphs (00129394– 00129398) (AMNH). 60 km W of Coolgardie on Great Eastern Hiway, 31.14334°S 120.6159°E, 350 m, 17 Nov 1999, R.T. Schuh, G. Cassis and R. Silveira, Eremophila caperata Chinnock (Scrophulariaceae) , det. PERTH staff PERTH 0 5670446, 1 nymph (00389173) (AM), 1nymph (00412296) (AMNH) Credo Station, Davyshurst Cemetery, 30.062616S 120.646386E, 467 m, 0 6 Sep 2011, M. Cheng, C. Symonds, & G.S. Taylor, Eremophila interstans Diels virgata (Scrophulariaceae) , det. WA Herbarium MC053, 1 nymph (UNSW_ENT 00024733) (UNSW).