Nineteen new genera and 82 new species of Cremnorrhinina from Australia, including analyses of host relationships and distributions (Insecta: Hemiptera: Miridae: Phylininae: Cremnorrhinini) Author Randall T. Schuh Author Michael D. Schwartz text Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2016 401 1 279 journal article 39161 10.5281/zenodo.269465 4e88a985-9cb4-4912-9b10-71db96ba36f5 269465 Bifidostylus omnivorus , new species Figure 17, map 5, table 1, plates 4, 5 DIAGNOSIS: Recognized by the moderate size, elongate, parallel-sided body form, and bulg ‐ ing eyes in the male; greenish coloration (pl. 4); endosoma with one straight, sharply pointed apical spine with a barb near its apex (fig. 17, pl. 5); left paramere with sinuous dorsal margin of posterior process; right paramere with conspicuously bifid apex (fig. 17). Vestiture of dorsum pale to weakly darkened. Structure of apical endosomal spine distinctive among Bifidostylus spp., but structure of parameres and endosoma concordant; uniform green coloration as in many Bifidostylus species. Female weakly ovoid and with smaller eyes than male. Similar to B. silveirae in size, large eyes in male, and occupation of multiple hosts, but separated by the pair of broad apical endosomal spines and more elongate parallel-sided body form in that species. DESCRIPTION: MALE : Moderate size, elongate ovoid, mean total length 3.33, mean pronotum width 0.94. COLORATION (pl. 4): Pale green; membrane pale. SURFACE AND VESTITURE (pl. 4): Dorsum smooth, polished, moderately shining; dorsal vestiture of recumbent, pale to dark, simple setae. STRUCTURE: Head (pl. 4): Eyes large, protuberant, vertex relatively narrow; frons not swollen, clypeus visible from above; eye occupying slightly more than two-thirds height of head; antenna inserted somewhat above ventral margin of eye, eye emarginate at insertion; antennal segment 2 relatively short (0.84), 1.12 times width of head; labium reaching to posterior margin of mesosternum. Thorax (pl. 4): Pronotum with posterior lobe weakly elevated, lateral margin nearly straight, posterior margin distinctly excavate; calli moderately elevated and demarcated along posterior margin; mesoscutum moderately exposed. Hemelytron : Corial margin weakly convex; cuneus broadly triangular. GENITALIA (fig. 17, pl. 5): Pygophore: Triangular with pair of long bristles on either side. Endosoma: Sigmoid, straps contiguous to level of secondary gonopore; ventral strap terminating at base of gonopore, dorsal strap extending beyond gonopore, bifid distally, terminating in apical spine and subapical barb; secondary gonopore well sclerotized, situated within interstrap membrane conforming to contour of endo ‐ soma. Phallotheca: Apical portion elongate conical, somewhat broadened subapically, elongate ovoid aperture situated on anterodorsal surface; basal portion reaching to middle of ventral surface of pygophore in situ. Parameres: Left paramere with undulating dorsoposterior margin slightly elevated above anterior and posterior processes; posterior process moderately long, slightly undulating in lateral view and straight in dorsal view; anterior process minute, barely produced beyond body of paramere, long seta present ventrad of anterior process. Right paramere somewhat swollen with well-defined bifid apex. Fig. 17. Male genitalic structures of Bifidostylus omnivorus . FEMALE (pl. 4): Elongate ovoid, similar in shape to male; mean total length 3.19, mean pronotum width 0.96. Coloration and vestiture as in male. Eyes smaller and vertex somewhat wider than in male, frons moderately swollen and exceeding anterior margin of eye. ETYMOLOGY: From the Latin, omnis , “all,” and vorare , “to devour,” in reference to the broader range of known hosts for this taxon than is the case for most species of Bifidostylus . HOSTS: Recorded from Eremophila duttonii (pl. 38A, B), E. freelingii , E. macdonnellii , E. willsii , and Eremophila sp. ( Scrophulariaceae ). Also recorded from Parthenium hysterophorus (Asteraceae) and Amyema lucasii (Loranth ‐ aceae). DISTRIBUTION (map 5): Most records from western New South Wales and the Alice Springs region of Central Australia. We examined a single specimen from the Kalbarri National Park in Western Australia that we have identified as this species. DISCUSSION: Of the species we place in Bifidostylus , this one has been most commonly collected. Most specimens were collected on Eremophila , representing at least three species, although some specimens are documented as occurring on other hosts. HOLOTYPE: AUSTRALIA: South Australia: 8 km S of Martins Well, 31.40001°S 139.0753°E, 187 m, 0 8 Nov 2001, Cassis, Schuh, and Schwartz, Eremophila sp. ( Scrophulariaceae ), det. Field ID NSW666362, 1♂ (AMNH_PBI 00412106) (SAMA). PARATYPES: AUSTRALIA: New South Wales: 92 km SW Bourke toward Louth (4 km E of Louth), 30.53334°S 145.1667°E, 100 m, 27 Oct 1995, Schuh and Cassis, Eremophila duttonii F. Muell. (Scrophulariaceae) , det. J. Everett 1996 NSW 398422, 6♀ (00412747, 0 0 412748, 0 0 389957–00389960), 2♂ (00389955, 00389956), Amyema lucasii (Blakely) Danser (Loranthaceae) , det. B.M. Wiecek 1996 NSW 395950, 6♂ (00389371–0 0 389375, 00087209), 16♀ (0038 9385–0 0 389399, 00087210) (AM), Eremophila duttonii F. Muell. (Scrophulariaceae) , det. J. Everett 1996 NSW 398422, 1♂ (00412746), Amyema lucasii (Blakely) Danser (Loranthaceae) , det. B.M. Wiecek 1996 NSW395950, 3♂ (00392825, 0 0 0 87501, 00087466), 2♀ (00392826, 00392827) (AMNH). Northern Territory: 1 km S of Henbury Craters Nature Reserve, 24.56668°S 133.1234°E, 457 m, 29 Oct 2001, Cassis, Schuh, Schwartz, Silveira, Wall, Eremophila duttonii F. Muell. (Scrophulariaceae) , det. NSW staff NSW658411, 3♂ (00098277– 00098279), 4♀ (00098281–00098284) (AM), 2♂ (00391087, 00098280) (AMNH). 45.3 km NW of Bond Springs on Tanami Rd, 23.51668°S 133.4626°E, 695 m, 21 Oct 2001, Cassis, Schuh, Schwartz, Silveira, Wall, Eremophila duttonii F. Muell. (Scrophulariaceae) , det. NSW staff NSW658298, 3♂ (00098034, 0 0 0 98035, 00391086), 7♀ (00098036–00098042) (AMNH). 67 km E of Stuart Hiway on Arltunga Stn Rd, 23.28027°S 134.37°E, 714 m, 27 Oct 2001, Cassis, Schuh, Schwartz, Silveira, Wall, Eremophila duttonii F. Muell. (Scrophulariaceae) , det. NSW staff NSW658367, 46♂ (00097480– 0 0 0 97523, 0 0 0 97132, 00389939), 96♀ (00097524– 0 0 0 97618, 00097133) Parthenium hysterophorus L. (Asteraceae) , det. NSW staff NSW658367, 2♀ (00098078, 00098079) (AMNH). 74.8 km E of Yuendumu on Mt Denison-Coniston Rd, 22.1°S 132.4231°E, 646 m, 24 Oct 2001, Cassis, Schuh, Schwartz, Silveira, Wall, Parthenium hysterophorus L. (Asteraceae) , det. NSW staff NSW658323, 6♂ (00097447–00097452), 5♀ (00097453–00097457) (AMNH). Henbury Station, 14 km NE from Henbury Homestead, North of Chandler Range approx 2.3 km from Stuart Highway, 24.46556°S 133.35194°E, 549 m, 17 May 2013, M. Cheng & C. Duykers, 1♂ (00413299), 7♀ (00413300–00413306) (UNSW). Henbury Station, Claypan, 20.7 km SE from Henbury Homestead, 24.63456°S 133.43717°E, 413 m, 23 May 2013, M. Cheng, Eremophila willsii F. Muell. (Scrophulariaceae) , 1♀ (00413307) (UNSW). Henbury Station, Gloaming Dam, 25.5 km E of Henbury Homestead, 24.59806°S 133.50306°E, 434 m, 23 May 2013, M. Cheng, host undetermined, 1♂ (00387480), 3♀ (003 87481–00387483) (UNSW). Henbury Station: 10 km W of Henbury Homestead, 24.605°S 133.16528°E, 435 m, 15 May 2013, M Cheng, Eremophila duttonii F. Muell. (Scrophulariaceae) , det. NT Herbarium Staff – Alice Springs, 2♂ (00413213, 00413214), 2♀ (00413273, 00413274) (ANIC), 2♂ (00413211, 00413212), 2♀ (00413271, 00413272) (CNC), 57♂ (00387354–0 0 387359, 0 0 413176–0 0 413185, 0 0 413189–0 0 413208, 0 0 413217– 0 0 413236, 00413297), 55♀ (00387360–0 0 387363, 0 0 413239–0 0 413268, 0 0 413277–0 0 413296, 00413298) (UNSW), 2♂ (00413215, 00413216), 2♀ (00413275, 00413276) (USNM), 2♂ (00413209, 00413210), 2♀ (00413269, 00413270) (ZISP). South Australia: 8 km S of Martins Well, 31.40001°S 139.0 753°E, 187 m, 0 8 Nov 2001, Cassis, Schuh, and Schwartz, Eremophila sp. ( Scrophulariaceae ), det. Field ID NSW666362, 85♂ (00412061–0 0 412105, 0 0 412107– 0 0 412145, 00412180), 43♀ (00412186–00412228) (AMNH), 39♂ (00412146–0 0 412179, 0 0 412181– 00412185), 30♀ (00412229–00412258) (SAMA). Witchelina Nature Reserv, ap. 40 km NW of Lyndhurst, 30.05639°S 137.47028°E, 205 m, 13 Oct 2010, A. Namyatova, host undetermined – Cassis Lab, UNSW – Bush Blitz, 6♂ (00387443–0 0 387446, 0 0 413308, 00413309), 7♀ (00387449, 0 0 387450, 0 0 413310–00413314) (UNSW). Witchelina Na ‐ ture Reserve, ap. 40 km NW of Lyndhurst, 30.0565°S 137.97082°E, 205 m, 20 Oct 2010, M. Elias, Eremophila freelingii F. Muell. (Scrophulariaceae) , det. botanist – Dept. of Env. & Natural Resources, South Australia, 23♂ (00387447, 0 0 387448, 0 0 413354–0 0 413371, 0 0 413378– 00413380), 5♀ (00413372–00413376) (UNSW). Witchelina Nature Reserve, ap. 40 km NW of Lyndhurst, 30.0542°S 137.95916°E, 156 m, 13 Oct 2010, A. Namyatova, host undetermined, Cassis Lab, UNSW – Bush Blitz, 9♂ (00413315– 00413323), 30♀ (00413324–00413353) (UNSW). Western Australia: Kalbarri National Park, Z- Bend Road, 27.61971°S 114.3864°E, 500 m, 28 Oct 1996, Schuh and Cassis, 4♂ (00414256– 00414259) (AM), 3♂ (00414253–00414255) (AMNH). OTHER SPECIMENS EXAMINED: AUSTRALIA: New South Wales: 92 km SW Bourke toward Louth (4 km E of Louth), 30.53334°S 145.1667°E, 100 m, 27 Oct 1995, Schuh and Cassis, Amyema lucasii (Blakely) Danser (Loranthaceae) , det. B.M. Wiecek 1996 NSW 395950, 9 nymphs (00389376–00389384) (AM). Northern Territory: Henbury Station: 10 km W of Henbury Homestead, 24.605°S 133.16528°E, 435 m, 15 May 2013, M Cheng, Eremophila duttonii F. Muell. (Scrophulariaceae) , det. NT Herbarium Staff – Alice Springs, 2 nymphs (00413237, 00413238) (UNSW).