Taxonomic revision of the southern African Colletes fasciatus species group (Hymenoptera: Colletidae) Author Zabel, Tina Author Kuhlmann, Michael B99AE0ED-FA89-4DFE-A658-1C8DF37F9FAB text European Journal of Taxonomy 2023 2023-10-06 899 1 96 journal article 271659 10.5852/ejt.2023.899.2297 c9512c94-1b73-4570-89ae-d8ca4d19ebe7 2118-9773 8413282 7A3E12B8-12D7-4520-B3AF-D4FF26BBBCA2 Colletes peerbomi sp. nov. ED34B6BF-6C65-416B-9B08-314714BC4F9C Figs 49 , 53 Diagnosis Among the species with a normal scopa the following combination of characters is unique for the female: apical hair band of T2 about ¼ width of disc ( Fig. 49D–E ), malar area narrow (⅓ width of mandibular base), facial fovea narrow (about ⅔ width of antennal flagellum), scutellum with black hairs ( Fig. 49C ), T6 narrowly rounded and disc of T1 medio-anteriorly without numerous short hairs interspersed ( Fig. 49D–E ). Fig. 48. Colletes obscurus Friese, 1925 , ♀. A . Habitus, lateral view. B . Head. C . Scutum, dorsal view. D . Metasomal terga 1 and 2, dorsal view. E . Metasoma, dorsal view. F . Hind tibia, lateral view. Etymology Named after the Peerboomskloof Pass, where this species was discovered. Fig. 49. Colletes peerboomi sp. nov. , ♀, holotype (CMK). A . Habitus, lateral view. B . Head. C . Scutum, dorsal view. D . Metasomal terga 1 and 2, dorsal view. E . Metasoma, dorsal view. F . Hind tibia, lateral view. Material examined Holotype SOUTH AFRICA Western Cape Province ; 86 km E Ceres , Peerboomskloof Pass ; 32°52′ S , 19°42′ E ; 24 Sep. 2001 ; C.D. Eardley ; CMK . Description Female BODY LENGTH . 12 mm . HEAD . Integument black, antenna dark brown ventrally. Face grayish white intermixed with dark brown hairs on vertex and along inner eye margin ( Fig. 49B ). Clypeus with dense, medium-sized punctures (0.2 pd), punctures slightly elongate ( Fig. 49B ). Malar area narrow, length about ⅓ width of mandibular base. Facial fovea narrow, maximum width about ⅔ antennal diameter. MESOSOMA . Integument black, tarsi often brownish ( Fig. 49A ). Scutum with grayish white hairs, intermixed with dark brown hairs ( Fig. 49C ). Mesosomal sides grayish white to yellowish white, intermixed with dark brown hairs on mesepisternum and legs with yellowish white hairs, intermixed with brown hairs. Disc of scutum relatively dense (0.5–1 pd) punctured, integument glabrous, surrounded by dense (<0.5 pd) punctation. Scutellum and metanotum with long, yellowish white hairs, on scutellum intermixed with dark brown hairs. Upper sloping part of propodeal triangle scabriculous. Vertical part superficially shagreened and shiny. Scopa dark brown dorsally, yellowish ventrally ( Fig. 49F ). Mid femora with distinct edge and stout ridge ventrally with brush of hairs. METASOMA . Integument black, terga narrowly translucent posteriorly. T1–T3 with slight bluish shine. Disc of T1 relatively dense covered with long, erect yellowish white to white hairs ( Fig. 49D ). Disc of T2 densely covered with shorter, concolorous hairs. T2 without or very weakly developed basal tomentum. Discs of T3–T5 with successively longer, short erect blackish hairs. T1–T5 with relatively broad white posterior tergal hair bands, narrower on T1 ( Fig. 49E ). Disc of T1 with fine and dense, scattered punctures (1–2 pd), punctures much finer and denser on posterior tergal depression. Disc of T2 with fine and dense punctation (0.5–1 pd); glabrous between punctures. S2–S5 with yellowish white hair fringes, larger laterally. Discs of sterna covered with white to yellowish white, erect, apically directed hairs, medially few hairs, S5 sparsely covered with hairs. Male Unknown. Distribution Only found in the vicinity of Ceres ( Fig. 53 ). Phenology The only record is from September.