Classification, Natural History, and Evolution of the Checkered Beetle GenusPujoliclerusPic (Coleoptera: Cleridae: Peloniinae) Author Opitz, Weston text The Coleopterists Bulletin 2014 2014-12-31 68 4 727 756 journal article 10.1649/0010-065X-68.4.727 10110416 CD987054-035A-4A5B-B488-EEA35F632F23 Pujoliclerus helvinus Opitz , new species ( Figs. 21 , 48 , 76 , 92 , 123 ) Holotype . . Arg.- Chaco , San Bernardo, 26 al 31-VII-90, DiIorio leg. Second red label: Emergido seco Cereus corine , S.& D. ( MLPA ). Paratypes . Two specimens. ARGENTINA : Chaco : San Bernardo, 26-31-VII-1990 , emerged from Cereus coryne Salm-Dyck (Cactaceae) , colector DiIorio ( MLPA , 1; WOPC , 1). Diagnosis. Within the maracayensis speciesgroup, only in specimens of this species is the pronotal disc red and the pronotal arch infuscated. Description. Size : Length 5.5 mm ; width 1.5 mm . Form : As in Fig. 92 . Integument : Cranium light brown, antenna mostly black, capitular antennomeres with small yellow patches; pronotum light brown, infuscated on arch and base; elytra black; femora and tibiae yellow; pterothorax and abdomen black. Head : Eyes not as wide as frons (13:16); funicular antennomeres moderately expanded, 7 th antennomere long ( Fig. 21 ). Thorax : Pronotum transverse (42:38), lateral tubercle very prominent ( Fig. 48 ); epipleural fold gradually narrowed to elytral apex, asetiferous punctures prominent to elytral apex. Abdomen : Tegminal lobes and phallic apex as in Fig. 76 . Variation. The infuscation on the pronotal arch is more prominent in the paratypes . Natural History. The type series emerged from the cactus C. corine during July. Distribution. Known only from Argentina ( Fig. 123 ). Etymology. The trivial name helvinus (= yellowish) is a Latin adjective that refers to the yellow coloration of the legs.