Three new species of Galumnidae (Acari: Oribatida) from Cat Tien National Park, southern Vietnam Author Ermilov, Sergey G. Author Anichkin, Alexander E. text Zootaxa 2010 2681 20 34 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.199351 e3aeabdc-bb25-4f6d-a856-597e791e031f 1175-5326 199351 Neogalumna seniczaki sp. nov. ( Figs. 42–61 ) Diagnosis. With character states of Neogalumna as proposed by Hammer (1973) , and summarized by Balogh and Balogh (1992) . Distinguished from other species by combination of the following character states: small size of body, 381–398 × 265–282; surface of body smooth; lamellar line short, straight; rostral and lamellar setae (24–28) setiform, slightly barbed; interlamellar setae (69–77) setiform, with several barbs; sensilli (98– 110) nearly setiform, slightly fusiform with sensillar head indistinct, median and distal parts with several barbs; dorsosejugal suture complete; four pairs of rounded or slightly oval notogastral areae porosae developed; median pore absent; oval postanal area porosa present. Description. Measurements . Body length 381 ( holotype ), 381–398 ( paratypes ); body width 265 ( holotype ), 265–282 ( paratypes ). Integument . Body color brown. Surface of body smooth. Prodorsum ( Figs. 42, 44, 45 , 48–50 ). Rostrum rounded in dorsal view. Lamellar line short, straight. Sublamellar line well developed. Rostral and lamellar setae (24–28) setiform, slightly barbed. Interlamellar setae (69–77) setiform, with several barbs. Sensilli (98–110) nearly setiform, slightly fusiform with sensillar head indistinct, median and distal parts with several barbs. Exobothridial setae not observed. Pair of oval areae porosae Ad present posterior to interlamellar setae. Notogaster ( Figs. 42, 46, 47 , 51, 52 ). Dorsosejugal suture complete. Notogastral setae absent (represented by 10 pairs of alveoli). Four pairs of rounded or slightly oval areae porosae developed dorsally: Aa 16–20, A1 , A2 , A 3 8–10. Median pore absent. Anogenital region ( Figs. 43 , 53–56 ). Two pairs of anal, three pairs of adanal, one pair of aggenital, six pairs of genital setae very small (2–4). Anterior part of genital plates with two setae ( g 1, g 2). Ovipositor elongate, narrow (163 × 32). Length of lobes 69, length of cylindrical distal part 94. Setae smooth, ψ1 ≈ τ1 (32) longer than ψ2 ≈ τ a ≈ τ b ≈ τ c (20–24). Setae k short (4). Oval postanal area porosa (16–20 × 8–12) present. Epimeral region ( Fig. 43 ). Only four pairs of very small (4) epimeral setae observed. Epimeral setal formula: 1–0–2–1. Gnathosoma ( Figs. 57–59 ). Subcapitulum longer than wide: 102 × 94. Hypostomal setae setiform: h short (4) smooth; m (12) and a (20) barbed. Two pairs of setiform, curved, barbed adoral setae (8–10). Palp (length 73) with setation 0–2–1–3–9(+1ω). All setae (except on tarsus) barbed. Chelicera (length 114) with few blunt teeth on fixed and movable digits. Cheliceral setae long, setiform, barbed: cha (36) longer, than chb (28). Legs ( Figs. 60–61 ). Formulas of leg setation and solenidia: I ( 1–4–3–4–20 ) [1–2–2], II ( 1–4–3–4–15 ) [1– 1–2], III ( 1–2–1–3–15 ) [1–1–0], IV ( 1–2–2–3–12 ) [0–1–0]; homology of setae and solenidia indicated in Table 1 . Almost all setae well barbed; some ventral setae of tarsi and tibiae with long cilia. Solenidia ω1 and ω2 on tarsi II, σ on genua III straight or weakly curved, rod-like. Other solenidia rather long, setiform, with thinner tips. FIGURES 42–47. Neogalumna seniczaki sp. nov. : 42—dorsal view, 43—ventral view, legs removed, 44—dorsoanteriorly view of prodorsum, 45—dorso-lateral view of prodorsum, 46—pteromorpha, 47—caudal view. Scale bar (42– 43) 100 μm, scale bar (44–47) 50 μm. FIGURES 48–56. Neogalumna seniczaki sp. nov. : 48—lamellar seta, 49—interlamellar seta, 50—sensillus, 51—area porosa Aa , 52—area porosa A3 , 53—postanal area porosa, 54—genital plate, right, 55—anal plate, right, 56—ovipositor. Scale bar (37) 50 μm, scale bar (29–31, 35–36) 20 μm, scale bar (32–34) 10 μm. Material examined. Holotype , paratypes (seven specimens). Specimens were obtained from: Asian region, southern Vietnam , 11º26'N , 107º26'E , Cat Tien National Park, 137 m above sea level, in sandy soil of dipterocarp forest, February – March 2009 , collected by A.E. Anichkin. Type deposition. The holotype is deposited in the collection of the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia ; five paratypes are deposited in the collection of Siberian Zoological Museum, Novosibirsk, Russia ; two paratypes are in the personal collection of the first author. Etymology. The species is named in honor of the Polish oribatologist, Prof. Dr. Stanisław Seniczak, University of Technology and Life Sciences, for his extensive contributions to our knowledge of the ontogeny of oribatid mites. Distribution. At present, this species is only known from Cat Tien National Park of southern Vietnam . Remarks. On the basis of the position of lyrifissures iad , this species is clearly a member of the genus Neogalumna . Currently, Neogalumna comprises three species: N. aethiopica Mahunka & Mahunka-Papp, 2009 from Kenya ; N. antenniger Hammer, 1973 from Samoa Islands; N. curviporosa Balakrishnan, 1986 from India . The new species differs from all known Neogalumna by having a short lamellar line and setiform sensilli (long lamellar line and clavate sensilli in other Neogalumna ).