A review of the sponge‑dwelling snapping shrimp from Carrie Bow Cay, Belize, with description of Zuzalpheus, new genus, and six new species (Crustacea: Decapoda: Alpheidae) Author Ríos, Rubén Author Duffy, J. Emmett text Zootaxa 2007 2007-09-28 1602 1 1 89 http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.1602.1.1 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.1602.1.1 1175­5334 5099061 24A69D4F-F24D-4042-9149-3548430509F3 Zuzalpheus bousfieldi ( Chace, 1972 ) n. comb. ( Plate 1 ) Synalpheus bousfieldi Chace, 1972 (in part):86, Figs. 29–30 ; Dardeau 1984 (in part):19–25, Figs. 7–10 (and synonymy). Material examined . (1) HΟIΟtyp℮ ( USNM ₁ ₃5₃69⁾̓ ₃• 2 mm (rΟStrum ℮ˣϲ1ud℮d⁾̓ Bahía d℮1 ESpíritu Sa ∏tὈ M℮ˣiϲΟ (2) 1 ♀ ( VIMS 03 CBC2401), 4.1 mm , 1 ♂ ( VIMS 03 CBC2402), 3.4 mm , outer ridge of Long Reef ( S of Carrie Bow Cay ), Belize , 20 April 2003 , from Hyatella intestinalis , 13 m . (3) 2 ♀ ( VIMS 04 CBC2601, 04CBC2602), 3.0 mm, 3.1 mm , 2 ♂ ( VIMS 04 CBC2403, 04CBC2603), 2.6 mm , 2.7 mm , outer ridge at Curlew Key , Belize , 14 March 2004 , in Hyatella intestinalis , 18 m . (4) 1 ♀ ( VIMS 03 CBC1901), 3.5 mm , 1 ♂ ( VIMS 03 CBC1902), 2.9 mm , outer ridge at Carrie Bow Cay , Belize , 19 April 2003 , in Hymeniacidon caerulea , 15 m . (5) 1 ♀ ( VIMS 04 CBC3001), 3.9 mm , 1 ♂ ( VIMS 04 CBC3002), 3.2 mm , The Pinnacles (Sand Bores), SW of Carrie Bow Cay , Belize , 14 March 2004 , in unidentified white encrusting sponge, 2 m . Diagnosis . Body subcylindrical; carapace smooth, with pterygostomian corner produced into bluntly acute angle, and posterior margin with cardiac notch distinct. Rostrum clearly narrower and longer than ocu- lar hoods, distally upturned; margins in dorsal view concave. Orbitorostral process absent. Ocular hoods dorsally convex; in dorsal view, bluntly triangular, margins straight or convex, separated from rostrum by deep adrostral sinus. Ocular processes present, not elongated. Ocellary beak in lateral view not rodlike. Stylocerite slender; mesial margin slightly concave; tip acute; reaching about as far as distal margin of first segment of antennular peduncle; latter without mesio-ventral tooth, and with two basal ventral processes. Basicerite without spine on dorso-lateral corner, and with longer lateral spine clearly overreaching tip of stylocerite. Scaphocerite with blade absent, acute lateral spine with lateral margin straight, not overreaching antennular peduncle; mesial projection at base of scaphocerite present. Maxilliped 3 with distal circlet of spines on distal segment, without ventro-distal spine on antepenultimate segment Major pereopod 1 massive, fingers clearly not longer than half length of palm; fixed finger about as long as dactyl; in ventral view, outer face of fixed finger without distinct protuberance. Palm of chela with distal superior margin produced into tapering acute spine. Merus, extensor margin strongly convex, ending in obtuse angle. Minor pereopod 1 with palm clearly less than two times longer than high; fingers clearly shorter than palm; dactyl with flexor margin straight, blade-like, with two distinct distal teeth, subequal in length, and parallel to dactyl axis; transverse dorsal setal combs on extensor margin of dactyl very conspicuous; fixed finger with flexor margin straight, blade-like, with two distinct teeth subequal in length. Extensor margin of merus convex, ending in obtuse angle. Pereopod 2 carpus with five segments; equal or shorter than merus. Pereopod 3 slender; dactyl biunguiculate, with subequal ungues; merus without movable spines on flexor margin; mesial lamella on coxa present. Pleura 1 of male with posteroventral corner acutely produced; pleura 2 of male rounded to obtuse. Pleopod 1 of male with many terminal setae on endopod; pleopod 2 of male with marginal setae on exopod originating near midpoint; appendix interna on male pleopods 2–5 present. Telson with space between posterior marginal spines equal or less than one third width of posterior margin; marginal convex lobe present; posterior corners adjacent to spines obtuse. Anal flaps, perianal setae, and postanal setal brush all absent. Uropods with a single fixed tooth on outer margin of exopod anerior to movable spine. Color ( Plate 1 ). A non-descript shrimp: translucent with dull gold tinge to thickened parts of cuticle; distal palm and fingers of major chela brownish; ovaries and eggs olive green to chestnut brown. Hosts and ecology . Zuzalpheus bousfieldi is a common species at Carrie Bow Cay, occurring within sponges in heterosexual pairs or groups of several adults with approximately equal sex ratio. We have collected this species regularly from the demosponge Hyattella intestinalis at depths of 12–20 m on the outer ridge of the Belize Barrier Reef, but we have also recorded occasional specimens from several other sponges in this deep environment, including Hymeniacidon caerulea , Hymeniacidon amphilecta , Lissodendoryx sp. , Pseudoceratina crassa , and a cryptic, unidentified white sponge growing among coral rubble. Distribution . Western Atlantic: Grand Bahama Island ( Dardeau 1984 ); Cuba (Martínez Iglesias and García Raso 1999); Gulf of Mexico ( Dardeau 1984 ); Yucatan peninsula, Mexico ( Chace 1972 ); Belize Barrier Reef (this study); possibly Brazil ( Christoffersen 1979 ). Remarks . Zuzalpheus bousfieldi is one of a complex of common and morphologically similar species, including the frequently reported Z. brooksi , and Z. idios n. sp. described herein, which are difficult to distinguish on the basis of preserved specimens. Indeed, a series of specimens tentatively assigned to Synalpheus bousfieldi in Chace’s (1972) original description were later separated out as S. chacei by Duffy (1998) . Dardeau (1984) provided a comprehensive synonymy for S. bousfieldi and discussed the wide geographic variation among specimens assigned to the species. We suspect that the specimens from Agelas spp. that he assigned to S. bousfieldi are in fact Z. carpenteri ( Macdonald and Duffy, 2006 ) . Given its wide variation in morphology and host associations, it seems likely that Z. bousfieldi , as currently recognized, includes additional undescribed species. Chace (1972) used the position of the anterior dorsal telson spines arising from the lateral margin of the telson to distinguish S. bousfieldi from S. brooksi in his key. We have found this character to be unreliable; instead, we find the most reliable (albeit subtle) distinction to be the shape of the distal tubercle on the palm of the major first chela, which is sharp and curved downward toward the dactyl in Z. bousfieldi , but conical, straight, and directed slightly upward away from the dactyl in Z. brooksi .