Revision of the genus Ambracius Stål, 1860 (Heteroptera: Miridae: Deraeocorinae: Clivinematini), with descriptions of three new species Author Ferreira, Paulo Sérgio F. Author Henry, Thomas J. text Zootaxa 2010 2485 1 15 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.195528 9d3e26fe-ef87-4cad-99f1-b81aa02d6417 1175-5326 195528 Ambracius liviae , n. sp. (Fig. 4) Diagnosis : Pronotum (except two round, black spots on calli) and scutellum uniformly colored. Clavus uniformly pale. Membrane of hemelytra fuscous to black, with apex whitish. Description : Holotype female (Fig. 4a): (two specimens measured; holotype first, paratype second): Body length 4.64, 4.40; width 2.64, 2.52. Head length 0.68, 0.70; width 1.00, 1.00; distance between eyes 0.56, 0.54; length of antennal segment I 0.36, 0.32; II, 1.30, 1.22; III, 0.72, 0.70; IV, 0.46, 0.40; labium length 1.30, 1.30. Pronotum length 1.48, 1.44; width 2.00, 1.90; length from anterior margin to transverse suture 0.44, 0.42. Hind leg lengths: Femur 1.76, 1.60; tibia 2.36, 2.16; tarsus 0.32, 0.32. Scutellum length 0.80, 0.82; width 0.92, 0.86. Hemelytron length 5.68, 4.28; width 1.32, 1.26; length from base to cuneal fracture 2.68, 2.56; length from cuneal fracture to apex of membrane 1.80, 1.72; cuneal length 0.90, 0.84; cuneal width 0.70, 0.60. General coloration reddish, with fuscous to black areas. Head reddish brown, with apical 2/3 of clypeus and apex of buccula fuscous; labium dark brown, becoming darker apically; antennal segment I brown, other segments uniformly black. Pronotum reddish, with two fuscous spots behind lateral angles of transverse sulcus extending behind calli. Scutellum uniformly reddish. Legs brown, with coxae, trochanters, basal and apical areas of femora, fore and middle tibiae (except extreme base and apical 2/3), posterior tibia (except basal and apical areas) and tarsus fuscous. Hemelytron reddish, with two fuscous spots on anterior margin of exocorium near embolium; membrane fuscous, with inner margin near apex of cuneus whitish. Ventral side of body brown, ostiolar peritreme fuscous; prosternum with two dark spots near inner angle of propleura; abdominal sternites fuscous, becoming brownish laterally. Body covered with semiadpressed and adpressed setae. Labium reaching middle coxae. Pronotum punctate. Scutellum smooth and shiny. Genitalia (Figs. 4b–c): Posterior wall (Fig. 4b) divided into two rectangular plates, with posterior angle acuminate; sclerotized rings (Fig. 4c) simple, not twisted, with lateral margin thickened and anterior and posterior margins slender. Male: Unknown. PLATE 2. Figure 4: Ambracius liviae n. sp. 4a, female holotype ; 4b, posterior wall; 4c, sclerotized rings. Figure 5: Ambracius mexicanus Carvalho , female holotype (redrawn from Carvalho, 1984 ). Figure 6: Ambracius pallescens (Distant) . 6a, female habitus (redrawn from Carvalho, 1984 ); 6b, posterior wall; 6c, sclerotized rings. Figure 7: Ambracius rudybuenoi n. sp. 7a, female holotype ; 7b, posterior wall; 7c, sclerotized rings; 7d, endosoma; 7e, left paramere; 7f, right paramere. Etymology : This species is named after Livia Aguiar Coelho, doctoral student at the Federal University of Viçosa, MG, Brazil , who has been conducting research on Neotropical Miridae since her Master´s degree. Distribution : United States (Texas). Host plant : Unknown. Type material : Holotype Ƥ: United States : Texas. Hidalgo Co., Santa Ana Nat. Wdlf. Refuge, 4 April1987 , E. G. Riley & D. A. Rider ( TAMU ). Paratypes : 2 Ƥ, with same data as for holotype (1 TAMU , 1 USNM ).