Synopsis of the species of Cheilolejeunea (Marchantiophyta, Lejeuneaceae) in the Pacific dominion and Páramo province of tropical America Author Gil-Novoa, Jorge Enrique Programa de Pós-graduação em Botânica, Escola Nacional de Botânica Tropical, Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro. Rua Pacheco Leão, Horto, 2040, 22460 - 080, Rio de Janeiro-RJ, Brazil. & Grupo Sistemática Biológica, Herbario UPTC, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia, Tunja, Boyacá, Colombia. Author Costa, Denise Pinheiro 0000-0001-9495-3029 Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro - IPJBRJ, Rua Pacheco Leão 915, 22460 - 030, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. denisepinheirodacosta @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 9495 - 3029 text Phytotaxa 2023 2023-03-14 587 2 73 120 journal article 10.11646/phytotaxa.587.2.1 1179-3163 7731813 22. Cheilolejeunea ovalis (Lindenberg & Gottsche) Ye et al. (2015: 326) .— Lejeunea ovalis Lindenberg & Gottsche ( in Gottsche et al. 1847: 754 ). Type:— VENEZUELA . Merida , Moritz s.n. (G, lectotype designated by Gradstein 2013 ).— Fig. 14A–I . Plants light brown to dark brown, 0.75–1.2 mm wide. Stems in cross section 110–130 µm in diameter, 12–20 epidermal cells, 12–29 × 10–16 µm; 26–48 medullary cells, 11–20 × 7–13 µm. Ventral merophytes 6–8 cells wide. Leaves subimbricate, ovate, flat to strongly recurved, 540–770 × 490–630 µm, margin entire, apex rounded to obtuse; cells hexagonal, mammillose on the dorsal side, conspicuous trigones; basal cells 20–28 × 17–25 µm, median cells 17–30 × 14–18 µm, marginal cells 8–15 × 6–10 µm. Lobules trapezoid, 1/4–1/3 of leaf length, free margin flat, keel straight. Underleaves subimbricate to imbricate, ovate to oblong, 670–870 × 460–750 µm, 3–5 × stem width, margin entire, insertion U-shaped. Dioicous. Androecia commonly on the main stem, or at the apex of the branches, 4–6 pairs of bracts. Gynoecia on long branches, with lejeuneoid innovations, bracts obovate, 700–810 × 350–400 µm, apex acute, bracteoles 340–380 × 60–110 µm. Perianth 5-keeled, keels weak to very strong, beak short. Vegetative reproduction unknown. Distribution and habitat :—Neotropical, occurring in Jamaica , Guatemala , Costa Rica , Panamá , Venezuela ( type ), Colombia , Ecuador , Peru , and Brazil ( Bastos 2017 ). This species grows in the study area as an epiphyte on trunks and branches of trees and shrubs, in savanna and deciduous forest, lowland rainforest, lower montane rainforest and upper montane rainforest, between 100–3000 m , in the Puntarenas-Chiriquí, Guajira, Venezuelan, Magdalena, Cauca, Ecuadorian, and Galápagos Islands provinces of the Pacific dominion. The record of C. ovalis occurring in the Páramo ( Fig. 15 ), actually belongs to the Magdalena province. FIGURE 15 . Distribution of Cheilolejeunea ovalis and C. paramicola in Pacific dominion and Páramo province. Notes: —The species is characterized by having the ventral merophyte 6–8 cells wide, ovate leaf lobes with an obtuse to apex acute, and underleaves ovate, distinctly longer than wide, and entire. Due to its pendulous growth form, it can be confused with C. filiformis , although the latter differs by having leaves orbicular (not ovate), with apex rounded (not obtuse), underleaves orbicular (not ovate to oblong), and perianth terete (not 5-keeled). Specimens examined :— COLOMBIA . Boyacá : Arcabuco , 5°44’28.9’’N , 73°23’56.5’’W , 2060 m , 8 December 2021 , Gil-Novoa & Costa 3688 ( UPTC ); Mongua , vereda Sirguaza , 5°44’35,5”N , 73°41’42,4”W , 3129 m , 16 March 2015 , Gil-Novoa 3063 ( UPTC ); Tibaná , vereda Ruche , 5°17’94.3”N, 73°20’49.8”W , 2850 m , 13 May 2012 , Moreno 765, 780, 798 ( UPTC ); Tunja , RFP El Malmo , 3200 m , 8 March 2003 , Álvaro 432 ( UPTC ). Casanare : La Salina , vereda Rodrigoque , 2600 m , 18 August 1982 , Aguirre 3214 ( COL ). Cundinamarca : Bogotá , Cerros Orientales , 4°41’15.6”N , 74°0’43.7”W , 3033 m , May 2018 , Malagón 1336 ( COL ); Chipaque , vereda Marilandia , 4°26’01.8”N , 74°05’28.1”W , 2988 m , 4 November 2016 , Zuluaga 46 ( UDBC ). Huila : Acevedo , Macizo colombiano, 1°36’59”N , 76°6’15”W , 2100 m , 26 November 2001 , Castillo 2031g , 2032a ( COL ). Magdalena : Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta , 1650 m , June, 1977, Griffin III 50170 ( COL ). Quindio : Salento , 2700–2890, 7 May 1990 , Uribe 969 ( COL ). Risaralda : Mistrató , road Mistrato-San Lorenzo de Chami , 1800 m , 30 July 1992 , Gradstein 8661a ( COL ); Pereira , Parque Regional Natural “Ucumarí”, 2150 m , 5 December 1989 , Aguirre 8450 ( COL ); Subandean forest belt, 2650 m , 16-19 July 1980 , Gradstein 3574 ( COL ). Tolima : Santa Isabel , vereda Purima , 2340 m , 2 August 1980 , Gradstein 3622 ( COL ). Valle del Cauca : Cali , San Antonio , 1800 m , 1 November 1986 , Cardona de Hollaender 125 ( CUVC ). COSTA RICA . San Pedro de San Ramón , 3 February 1934 , Brenes 19078 ( NY ). ECUADOR . Pichincha : Vella Vista Cloud Forest Reserve , 00°01’S , 78°41’W , 2300–2400 m , 26 July 2007 , Wilbraham E07-36 ( QCA ). Galápagos Islands : San Cristóbal , 350–400 m , Gradstein H298 ( PMA ). PANAMÁ . Los Santos : Las Tablas , 950 m , Troll 157 ( PMA ).