Forest Spiders of South East Asia With a revision of the sac and ground spiders (Araneae: Clubionidae, Corinnidae, Liocranidae, Gnaphosidae, Prodidomidae and Trochanteriidae). Author Deeleman-Reinhold, Christa text 2001 Brill Leiden; Boston; Köln Leiden, Netherlands Forest Spiders of South East Asia With a revision of the sac and ground spiders- Family Liocranidae 400 505 book chapter 10.5281/zenodo.814704 887f4c2c-1812-4aa5-b994-58388f6a45c5 814704 Sesieutes erawan sp. n. ( figs 767-770 , map 38 ) Type locality. — W Thailand , Prov. Kanchanaburi , Erawan Waterfalls National Park . Type material.Holotype ♂ from the type locality, evergreen forest along river, leaf litter, 15-16.iii. 1986 , P.R. and C.L. Deeleman . Other material .— N Thailand , Lamphun Province , Mae Tha , Doi Khun Tan , 1200-1300m , I ♂, disturbed evergreen forest, 16.ii.1992 , P.J. Schwendinger ( MHNG ); 2 ♂ Doi Inthanon , 1250m , 6.xi. 1985 , P.J. Schwendinger ( MHNG and CD ). Diagnosis .— This species resembles Sesieutes schwendingeri . It is distinguishable by the smaller size, the absence of a round thoracic pit, the presence of an interrupted white ring around the abdomen, the different pattern of the venter and the larger distal tibial apophysis. Description. — MALE. Total length 4.70 mm . Carapace length 2.30 mm , width 1.90 mm , height at coxae II 0.70 mm , head width 1.20 mm , width eye group 0.80 mm ; abdomen 2.50 mm long, 1.40 mm wide. Leg lengths: leg I 6.70 mm (2.10-2.20-1.70-0.70) leg II 6.25 mm (1.75-2.25-1.35-0.90), leg III 5.35 mm (1.50-1.75-1.30-0.80), leg IV 7.70 mm (2.10-2.60-2.15-0.85), palp 0.75-0.25-0.35- 0.85 mm . Carapace dark chestnut, with scabrous surface with darker radiating streaks, sternum orange, legs I and II dark, tibiae with yellow distal band, base and tip of metatarsi and tarsi yellow; femora III and IV dark, other leg segments yellow, patellae and tibiae with dark bands. Abdomen dorsally with scutum over half the length and width, halfway a white transverse band, interrupted in the middle, and a white area above the spinnerets; ventral surface predominantly dark, with one large post-genital white V, laterally a light oval spot at level of dorsal white band. Thoracic groove obsolete. Both eye rows faintly recurved when viewed from above, AER procurved when seen from front, AME half their d apart, connivent to laterals, PME slightly smaller, oval, separated by their d, more from laterals. Leg spination: femur I with 2-3 strong prolateral spines distally, other femora spineless, ventral surface of tibiae I and II flattened, with 8-9 pro- and 7 retroventral strong spines in leg I, 7 pro- and 6 retroventral spines in leg II, tibia III and IV with l-2v or 2-2v, 1 rl and an additional apical ventral pair in leg IV; metatarsus I with 5 pairs of ventral spines, metatarsus II with 4 pairs, metatarsus III with 2v and 1 pv, metatarsus IV with 1-1 v and 1 rl. Dorsal abdominal scutum as in fig. 767, ventral scutum (fig. 768) with short, non-grooved collar. Palp as in figs 769-770, embolus looping back on dorsal side of tegulum over 3/4 its length. FEMALE. Unknown. Distribution .— W and N Thailand. Etymology. — From the type locality.