Review of the genus <i> Thrips </ i> and related genera (Thysanoptera, Thripidae) from Japan Author Masumoto, Masami Author Okajima, Shûji text Zootaxa 2013 2013-06-17 3678 1 1 65 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3678.1.1 1175-5326 10098369 DC9F35D6-C4E4-4266-86DD-75C3801703E6 Thrips pini (Uzel) ( Figs. 185–193 ) Physopus pini Uzel, 1895: 125 . Female macroptera . Body uniformly dark brown; antennal segment I to II pale brown, III brown often with basal third yellowish, IV brown or dark brown with extreme base slightly pale, V dark brown with extreme base slightly pale, VI to VII dark brown; fore wings almost uniformly shaded often with base paler; all femora dark brown, all tibiae dark brown with base and apex yellowish, all tarsi yellowish brown; prominent body setae dark brown. Head ( Figs. 185, 186 ) rounded at cheeks, often with a few small tubercles arranged in a longitudinal line in front of eyes, weakly sculptured within ocellar triangle. Ocellar setae III behind fore ocellus or on margin of ocellar triangle. Postocular setae I the longest and slightly longer than III, II and IV minute, II often situated behind setal row. Antennae ( Fig. 187 ) 8-segmented, segments III and IV without apical neck. Pronotum ( Fig. 185 ) strongly sculptured with transverse striae, with 24–35 discal setae; posteroangular setae 2 pairs; posteromarginal setae 3 pairs, setae I longest. Mesonotum with CPS anteromedially. Metascutum ( Fig. 188 ) sculptured with irregular reticulations or transverse anastomosing striae at middle; median pair of setae far from anterior margin; CPS present. Fore wing first vein with seven basal and three distal setae. Abdominal tergites II to IV or V with some lines of sculpture between S1 setae, V or VI to VIII ( Figs. 189 190 ) with a few lines of sculpture across tergites anterior to S1 setae; tergite II with 4 lateral marginal setae; tergites II to VII with S2 setae not reaching posterior margin of each tergite, S2 setae of tergite VIII about twice as long as S1 setae and often reaching posterior margin of tergite; tergite VIII with S2 setae about twice as long as S1 setae and often reaching posterior margin of tergite, with posteromarginal comb variable, microtrichia complete but often irregular in length medially or absent medially; tergite IX with 2 pairs of CPS; sternite I without microsetae; sternite II with one to two, sternites III to VII ( Fig. 191 ) eight to ten discal setae arranged in irregular rows; sternite VII with S1 setae far from posterior margin; pleurotergites without discal setae and ciliate microtrichia. Male macroptera . Body generally pale to pale brown, much paler than female, head dark with posterior third at middle pale, mesonotum darker at each side and anterior margin, metascutum darker; all legs pale with outer margin of femora and tibiae brown. Antennal segment VI with almost same number of setae as female. Abdominal tergite VIII ( Fig. 192 ) with a few small posteromarginal comb; tergite IX with S1 setae at level of S2 setae and subequal in length to or slightly shorter than S2 setae, their bases equidistant; sternites III to VII each with four or five discal setae; sternites III to V or VI ( Fig. 193 ) each with a small rounded or oblong pore plate. Specimens examined . Japan , Honshu : Fukushima Pref. , Minamiaizu-gun, Hinoemata, alt. about 1000m : 6 females on leaves of Pinus sp. [ Pinaceae ], 17-viii-1999 , M. Masumoto (TUA); 1 female on leaves of Quercus mongolica [ Fagaceae ], 17-viii-1999 , M. Masumoto (TUA); 1 female on leaves of Elaeagnus sp. [ Elaeagnaceae ], 20-ix-2000 , M. Masumoto (TUA). Gunma Pref. , Kusatsu-cho, 1 female on leaves of Alnus hirsta [ Betulaceae ], 12- v-2002 , M. Masumoto (TUA). Yamanashi Pref. , Kanayama: 33 females & 1 male on Larix leptolepis [ Pinaceae ], 30-vi-1990 , T. Nonaka & S. Okajima; 1 female & 1 male on Quercus crispula [ Fagaceae ], 30-vi-1990 , T. Nonaka & S. Okajima. Yamanashi Pref. , Sutama-cho, Tokusa-toge (alt. about 1400m ): 62 females & 8 males on leaves of Abies firma [ Pinaceae ], 14-vii-2006 , M. Masumoto (TUA); 1 female on leaves of Polygonum japonica [ Polygonaceae ], 14-vii-2006 , M. Masumoto (TUA); 3 females & 1 male on leaves of Alnus hirsta , 14-vii-2006 , M. Masumoto (TUA); 32 females on leaves of Larix leptolepis , 24-v-2007 , M. Masumoto (TUA). Yamanashi Pref. , Fujiyoshida City, Fuji-rindou (alt. about 1200m ), nr. Mt. Fuji: 1 female on leaves of Pinus densiflora , 24-vii-2001 , M. Masumoto (TUA); 1 female on deciduous tree leaves, 30-v-2003 , M. Masumoto (TUA); 1 female on leaves of Alnus hirsta , 30-v-2003 , M. Masumoto (TUA); 1 female on leaves of Abies firma , 30-v-2003 , M. Masumoto (TUA). Nagano Pref. , Mt. Neko-dake, 6 females on Larix leptolepis [ Pinaceae ], 30-vii-1973 , K. Haga (TUA). FIGURES 179–193. Thrips species. T. palmi , female 179–183; (179) Head & pronotum; (180) Antenna, right; (181) Metascutum; (182) Tergites VIII–X. T. palmi , male 183–184: (183) Tergites VIII–IX; (184) Sternite VI, sculpture omitted. T. pini , female 185–193: (185) Head & pronotum; (186) Anteromedian area of head; (187) Antenna, right; (188) Metascutum; (189) Tergite VI & pleurotergite, right side; (190) Tergites VIII–X; (191) Sternite VI. T. pini , male 192–193: (192) Tergites VIII–IX; (193) Sternite V, sculpture omitted. Distribution . Japan (Honshu), Europe, North America. Biology . In Japan , this species commonly occurs on leaves of Pinaceae in mountain areas. Comments . This species is here newly recorded from Japan . It has some unique characteristic states in this genus as follows: antennae always 8-segmented but metascutum with median pair of setae behind anterior margin, head usually with small tubercles arranged longitudinally in front of eyes, postocular setal row uniserial, male with small pore plates only on sternites III to V or IV.