Amphibians of the Duars area of Northern West Bengal Author Deuti, Kaushik Author Ray, Sukumar Author Bag, Probhat Author Dey, Swapan Kumar text Records of the Zoological Survey of India 2017 2017-12-01 117 3 221 241 journal article 10.26515/rzsi/v117/i3/2017/120966 2581-8686 13184215 14. Fejervarya chilapata ( Ohler, Deuti, Grosjean, Paul, Ayyaswamy, Ahmed and Dutta, 2009 ) 2009. Minervarya chilapata Ohler, Deuti, Grosjean, Paul, Ayyaswamy, Ahmed and Dutta, Zootaxa, 2209 : 43 - 56. Common Name: Chilapata rain-pool Frog (English). Size: Snout to vent length: 18.6-20.9 mm (males) and 23.8-25.1 mm (females). Distinguishing features: Asmall-sizedfrogwithmoderately slender body. Head slightly longer than broad. Snout pointed and protruding beyond mouth. Nostril rounded, closer to eye than to tip of snout. Ear-drum round, less than half of eye diameter. Arm strong but shorter than hand. Fingers thin and short. Tips of fingers bluntly rounded but not enlarged. Fingers are without webbing. Hind limbs are elongated, shank longer than thigh. Toes long and thin. Tips of toes are rounded but not enlarged. Rudimentary webbing on all toes. Snout, sides of head, anterior part of back and flanks smooth. Posterior part of back with indistinct glandular warts. Latero-dorsal folds are absent but light latero-dorsal bands are present in that position. Fejervaryan line present on side of belly. A skin-fold above ear-drum present from eye to above shoulder. Forelimbs and thigh smooth, shank with glandular warts. Rictal glands present as two small glands posterior to mouth. Colour: Head and body greyish beige with a light yellow vertebral line. Upper flank grayish beige, lower part grayish-brown. Ear-drum dark grayish-brown. Upper lip with a horizontal golden-white line. Forearm, thigh, shank and foot light orange with indistinct grey brown bands. Chest and belly whitish. Vocal sacs denser grey. Habitat: Forest floor of evergreen and moist deciduous forest with good canopy cover in the duars area of northern West Bengal . Remarks: This species was very recently described in 2009 from Chilapata forest. So far known only from the forests of Chilapata and Kodalbasti Ranges of Jaldapara National Park in Alipurduar and Jalpaiguri districts of northern West Bengal .