Type Specimens Of Birds In The American Museum Of Natural History Part 8. Passeriformes: Author Pachycephalidae Author Aegithalidae Author Remizidae Author Paridae Author Sittidae Author Neosittidae Author Certhiidae Author Rhabdornithidae Author Climacteridae Author Dicaeidae Author Pardalotidae Author Nectariniidae, And Author Lecroy, Mary Division of Vertebrate Zoology (Ornithology) American Museum of Natural History (lecroy @ amnh. org) text Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2010 2010-06-03 2010 333 1 178 journal article 0003-0090 Dicaeum hirundinaceum tormenti Mathews Dicaeum hirundinaceum tormenti Mathews, 1912a: 387 (Point Torment, North-West Australia ). Now Dicaeum hirundinaceum hirundinaceum (Shaw, 1792) . See Salomonsen, 1961a: 10–13 , Schodde and Mason, 1999: 722 , and Cheke and Mann, 2008b: 388 . HOLOTYPE : AMNH 697670 , adult male, collected at Point Torment , 17.01S , 123.35E ( Johnstone and Storr, 2004: 512 ), King Sound , Western Australia , Australia , on 3 April 1911 , by J.P. Rogers (no. 1514). From the Mathews Collection (no. 8666) via the Rothschild Collection. COMMENTS: Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description. The specimen bears, in addition to Rogers’ original label, Mathews and Rothschild type labels and a ‘‘Figured’’ label, indicating that the specimen was illustrated in Mathews (1923b : pl. 507, upper left, opp. p. 173, text p. 174), where it is confirmed as the type of tormenti . (It is identified on the plate as Austrodicaeum hirundinaceum and in the text as Microchelidon hirundinacea .) The following Mathews specimens from northwestern Australia and Northern Territory (the range given for the subspecies) were cataloged before the 31 January 1912 publication date of the name ; I consider them paratypes : AMNH 697668 ( Mathews no. 6347), female, Derby , 24 November 1910 ; AMNH 697671 (8469), female, Point Torment , 9 February 1911 ; AMNH 697672 (8470), female, Point Torment , 14 February 1911 (figured in the same plate, upper right, as the male, above) ; AMNH 697673 (5737), male, Napier Broome Bay , 24 May 1910 ; AMNH 697674 (5738), female, Napier Broome Bay , 13 March 1910 ; AMNH 697675 (2850), male, Parrys Creek , East Kimberley , 15 December 1908 ; AMNH 697690 (2855), male, Alexandria , 8 May 1906 ; AMNH 697691 (2857), male, Alexandria , 21 October 1905 ; AMNH 697692 (2858), unsexed, Alexandria , October 1905 . The following specimens were cataloged in February 1912 and, judging by date of collection, are possible paratypes ; but they were probably received by Mathews after his manuscript had been completed: AMNH 697676 ( Mathews no.10399), male, Forrest River , 30 August 1911 ; AMNH 697677 (10402), female, Forrest River , 28 August 1911 ; AMNH 697678 (10400), female, Forrest River , 26 August 1911 ; AMNH 697679 (10401), male, Pentecost River , 17 September 1911 ; AMNH 697693 (11073), male, Hermit Hill , 8 August 1894 .