The oribatid mite superfamily Eutegaeoidea (Acari, Oribatida), with descriptions of new taxa from Australia and New Caledonia and a re-assessment of genera and families Author Colloff, Matthew J. text Zootaxa 2023 2023-11-06 5365 1 1 93 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.5365.1.1 1175-5334 10146969 1DC72714-D0E8-49D8-821D-03C6B2A7AE80 Atalotegaeus monteithi (J. & P. Balogh, 1983) comb. nov. ( Fig. 17 ) Neseutegaeus monteithi J. & P. Balogh, 1983b , p. 292 . Dimensions. Holotype female 469 μm, breadth 365 μm. Redescription of adult. Prodorsum : rostrum acute; rostral setae ( ro ) short, straight, smooth, visible in dorsal aspect. Lamellae broad, smooth, separated medially, not extending as far as apex of rostrum, lateral margins convex, translamella incomplete ( Fig. 17a ); lamellar seta ( le ) very short, fine, flagelliform, emerging from shallow excavation on apex of cusp, with sharp tooth medially. Interlamellar setae ( in ) long, smooth, recurved, on posteromedian margins of lamellae. Bothridia broad, with anterior condyle of enantiophysis H in form of V-shaped flange; bothridium projecting beyond inner margin of humeral processes, openings angled laterally, lip with long cylindrical posterior projection. Bothridial setae very long, curved, bacilliform, smooth. FIGURE 17. Atalotegaeus monteithi (J. & P. Balogh, 1983a ) comb. nov. , adult (a) dorsal aspect; (b) ventral aspect. Scale bar = 200 μm. Notogaster : ratio of length to breadth: 0.83; notogaster rounded, convex. Humeral process narrow, fine, pointed, waisted basally, lateral margin convex, extending to point level with middle of lamella ( Fig. 17a ), with prominent mound at base and laterally and smaller one posteriorly. With eight pairs of notogastral setae: l , h 2 and h 3 and p series; setae of l and h series smooth, recurved, shorter than distance between them, sub-equal in length, setae la and lm in centrodorsal position, others sub-marginal; p series shorter than l and m series. Ventral aspect : subcapitulum acute apically, mentum as long as broad; subcapitular setae short, smooth, sub-equal in length ( Fig. 17b ). Chelicerae chelate-dentate and of normal proportions. Tutorium short, rounded apically, not visible in ventral aspect. Epimeral plates discrete except IV, broadly separate in midline, sub-rectangular to sub-triangular, plates III shorter than others; large gap between plates II and III, epimeral setation 3-1-3-3; epimeral setae sub-equal in length: 3a-c clustered on medial part of plate. Pedotectum I (pd I) poorly-developed, with short curved point; pd II small, pointed; discidium acute, pointed. Ventral plate broader than long. Genital and anal plates about half length of genital plates apart; genital plates 62 µm long, with six pairs of minute setae, sub-equal in length, g 5 displaced laterally; lyrifissure iad in para-anal position, close to margin of anal plate, less than length of iad . Anal plates lozenge-shaped, 90 µm long; setae of the ad series very short, setiform, thin, on faint curved ridge posterior to anal plates. Pre-anal organ (po) T-shaped. Material examined and locality data. Holotype , ANIC accession no. 53-650, leaf litter, Nothofagus moorei rainforest, Barrington Tops National Park , via Salisbury , New South Wales , 1,524 m ., coll. G.B. Monteith , 10.ii.1965 . Diagnosis. Atalotegaeus monteithi can be distinguished from other species in the genus by the following combination of characters: (1) the gap between epimeral plates II and III; (2) the curved, transverse ridge posterior of the anal plates; (3) the short, flagelliform lamellar setae; (4) the long cylindrical projection on the lip of the bothridium; (5) the relatively short, strongly recurved setae la and lm ; (6) the mound-like structures at the base of the humeral process; (7) the partial translamella; (8) the anterior condyle of enantiophysis H. Remarks. The recombination of Neseutegaeus monteithi to Atalotegaeus is detailed above in the remarks section on Neseutegaeus . The description of N. monteithi by J. and P. Balogh (1983a) differs in certain respects from the redescription of the holotype above. I found the bothridial setae were smooth apically, not ciliate and the bothridium has a large apical projection. Also, the apex of the lamellar cusp has a medial tooth and the two mound-like structures at the base of humeral process are larger than originally illustrated.