Three new species of Oxypoda from Spain, Armenia, and Ukraine with notes on the fauna of Armenia (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae) Author Assing, Volker text Linzer biologische Beiträge 2018 2018-07-27 50 1 111 127 journal article 21215 10.5281/zenodo.3985332 8596c55f-62c4-4204-8cb6-3a44b0983a4c 0253-116X 3985332 Oxypoda ( Bessopora ) ferruginea ERICHSON , 1839 M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d: Armenia : 1♀ , N Yerevan , NW Hrazdan , 40°34'N , 44°24'E , 2000 m , pasture, nests of Formica exsecta (det. Seifert ) and Lasius flavus sifted, 28. VI .2016 , leg. Assing (cAss) ; 3♂♂ , 2♀♀ , 3 exs. , 25 km SW Kapan , 39°04'N , 46°16'E , 2150 m , near stream, litter of Salix and debris sifted, 10.VII.2016 , leg. Assing & Schülke (cAss, MNB ) ; 1♂ , 1 ex. , Vardenis mountain range SE Vardenis , 40°03'N , 45°46'E , 2730 m , slope below snowfields, stream bank, debris sifted, 27. VI .2017 , leg. Assing & Schülke (cAss, MNB ) ; 1♂ , 2♀♀ , WSW Dilijan , Kalavan , 40°39'N , 45°06'E , 1700 m , calcareous S-slope with stream valley and oak forest, litter and roots sifted, 29. VI .2017 , leg. Assing (cAss) ; 1♂ , 1 ex. , NE Sevan Lake , Karmir pass, 40°34'N , 45°18'E , 2150 m , debris, grass, and roots beneath scattered Sorbus sifted, 30. VI .20176, leg. Assing & Schülke (cAss, MNB ) ; 1♀ , SW Gavar , 40°15'N , 45°10'E , 2170 m , N-slope with scattered bushes, litter and roots roots sifted, 2.VII.2017 , leg. Schülke ( MNB ) ; 1♂ , 1♀ , 40 km NW Sisian , Vorotan Pass , 39°42'N, 45°41'E, 2090 m , grassy slope with scatteres bushes, litter, debris, and moss sifted, 8.VII.2017 , leg. Assing 40 km NW Sisian , Vorotan Pass , 39°42'N, 45°41'E, 2090 m , grassy slope with scatteres bushes, litter, debris, and moss sifted, 8.VII.2017 , leg. Schülke ( MNB ) . C o m m e n t: This species is widespread, but rather rare, in the West Palaearctic region. It was previously unknown from Armenia .