The genus Loneura Navás (Insecta: Psocodea: ‘ Psocoptera’: Ptiloneuridae) in Colombia, description of new species and key for identification Author Obando, Ranulfo González Author Gironza, Nancy Carrejo Author Panche, Jeferson Author Aldrete, Alfonso Neri García Departamento de Zoología, Instituto de Biología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Apdo. Postal 70 - 153, CdMx, MÉXICO. anga @ ib. unam. mx; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 7214 - 7966 text Zootaxa 2020 2020-06-23 4802 2 201 249 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4802.2.1 1175-5326 3904978 BA145877-12CB-4C97-A18F-9E4E6F0258CA Loneura murui sp.n. Female ( Figs 124–129 ) Diagnosis. Wings hyaline. Forewing pterostigma long, slender. M 6-branched, M6 proximally forked. Hindwing M 3-branched. Pigmented area of subgenital plate dark brown, U-shaped, the arms of the U proximally dilated. Ninth sternum of three areas, broadly trapeziform, anterior area hyaline, posterior two areas pale brown. Color . Body brown. Head pattern ( Fig. 126 ), vertex light brown; front with brown spots; an ochre diagonal band between the inner borders of each compound eye to the epistomal sulcus; two brown vertical bands on the pale brown genae; postgenae light brown. Compound eyes black, ocelli hyaline, with ochre centripetal crescents. Labrum, anteclypeus, postclypeus and mandibles pale brown, postclypeus with dark brown spot anteriorly. Antennae: scape and pedicel brown; flagella pale brown. Maxillary palps pale brown, Mx4 dark brown. Tergal lobes of meso- and metathorax dark brown, with light brown edges. Thoracic pleura light brown with ochre areas. Legs: coxae, trochanters and femora light brown; tibiae and tarsi pale brown. Wings hyaline, veins brown ( Figs 124–125 ). Forewing pterostigma hyaline. Abdomen light brown. Clunium brown. Subgenital plate ( Fig. 127 ) hyaline in the middle, with abundant setae on brown areolae. Gonapophyses and ninth sternum dark brown. Epiproct and paraprocts pale brown. Morphology. Head ( Fig. 126 ) H/MxW: 1.39; compound eyes large, H/d: 3.91; IO/MxW: 0.74. Vertex at the same level of the upper border of the compound eyes; outer cusp of lacinial tips broad, with 5–6 denticles. Mx4/ Mx2: 1.15. Forewings ( Fig. 124 ) L/W: 2.73; pterostigma: lp/wp: 5.18, elongate, wider in the middle; M six or seven-branched, M6 or M7 forked; areola postica: la/ha: 1.20, tall, broadly triangular, apically rounded. Hindwings ( Fig. 125 ) l/w: 3.03; M three-branched. Subgenital plate ( Fig. 127 ) wide, setose, with posterior border rounded. Gonapophyses ( Fig. 129 ): v1 elongate, slender and acuminate; v2+3 with a proximal slender heel, v2 with a row of 6–7 setae; distal process long, sinuous and acuminate, bearing microspicules on surface. Ninth sternum ( Fig. 129 ). Paraprocts ( Fig. 128 ) broadly triangular, with long and short setae posteriorly; sensory fields with 27–28 trichobothria on basal rosettes. Epiproct ( Fig. 128 ) triangular, proximally wide, with long and short setae as illustrated. Measurements . FW: 4512, HW: 3107, F: 1125, T: 1925, t1: 825, t2: 90, t3: 140, ctt1: 31, f1: 800, f2: 787, f3: 725, Mx4: 288, IO: 540, D: 397, d: 260, IO/d: 2.08, PO: 0.65. Material studied. Holotype female. COLOMBIA . Putumayo . Puerto Asís. Las Delicias, 0°22’09.50” N : 76°31’01.98” W . 264 m . 28.III.2014 . Beating vegetation. J. Panche. MUSENUV slide code 29328 . Paratypes : 1 female , same data as the holotype. 30.II.2015 . 1 female , Caquetá , San Vicente del Caguán , Laureles , Reserva Indígena Altamira , 2º27’50.14”N : 74º55’2.06”W , 917 m . 26.III.2017 , beating vegetation. J. Panche. Etymology. This species is dedicated to the Murui indigenous people, that inhabit the Caquetá Department , Colombia . Remarks. L. boliviana Williner , L. colombiana García Aldrete et al. , L. deibyi Mendivil et al. , L. maracaensis García Aldrete and L. raramuri García Aldrete share with L. murui having the wings hyaline, without brown spots on vein ends at wing margin, but the latter differs from them in having the forewing pterostigma elongate, shallow and completely unpigmented, in the shape of the pigmented area of the subgenital plate, and in the shape of the ninth sternum. It probably belongs in a group of its own, which awaits confirmation when the male be known (García Aldrete, 2003, 2004; García Aldrete et al., 2011 a ; Mendivil et al., 2017 , Williner, 1949).